Heard on the grapevine he is was pretty sick, lucky his missus was with him, best wishes to the great man moving forward
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Horrie Hastings
Originally posted by The Thracian View PostHeard on the grapevine he is was pretty sick, lucky his missus was with him, best wishes to the great man moving forward
Seems fit though? Has a few PT videos on YouTube and still seems to put in the hard yards at training (albeit in his own odd style).
Originally posted by Johnny Tobin View PostI had a text exchange with him and he says he is going ok. Would have been a big scare though
Oi PM me your mobile BTW bro. I lost it when you went to prison... good to hear you snuck in some contraband.
Originally posted by Mickie Lane View PostMy all time favourite player growing up, hope he recovers.
Heart attack & he was a very fit man.
Speedy recovery Horrie....a true Rooster legend
Originally posted by Random Rooster View Post
Yeah Horrie is my all time favourite Rooster too. Being super fit doesn't make you totally immune from natural wear and tear with age. Steve Folkes was just as fit the day he had a heart attack at home on his exercise bike as he was in his playing days.
Speedy recovery Horrie....a true Rooster legend
Sad to hear and hope he has a full recovery. He was super fit. But methinks Kev, who always gave his all, was an A-type personality over achiever and they are far more prone to heart attacks. Lowering stress levels is probably more important than fitness.
Originally posted by Louis N View PostSad to hear and hope he has a full recovery. He was super fit. But methinks Kev, who always gave his all, was an A-type personality over achiever and they are far more prone to heart attacks. Lowering stress levels is probably more important than fitness.