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Trouble in the Chook pen - Rothfield

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  • #31
    Considering Mini, Braith, & Ryles were all off contract this season it's a little hard to believe it's any of them. That leaves Pez??? lol.

    We didn't seem to have any trouble re-signing the players we wanted to this season.


    • #32
      hello morons, if you think any of it is true then your kidding yourself.
      Brain, stop making up stories, well partial ones.
      The Internet is a place for posting silly things
      Try and be serious and you will look stupid


      • #33
        Ha ha ha ha,
        the Rumour about a coach and star player's mother didn't stick (proven incorrect) so lets start on this one.


        • #34
          Why give this bullshtie air?


          • #35
            Originally posted by Cockadoodledoo View Post
            I doubt you could afford the subscription and find someone to read it to you.
            Ah Hominem attacks are the refuge of a person who has lost their argument.


            • #36
              Just wondering, why the fark were you reading what Rothfield says anyway!


              • #37
                Originally posted by Rooster85 View Post
                Just wondering, why the fark were you reading what Rothfield says anyway!
                This forum should be called the "Phil Rothfield & Phil Gould Forum" or there should be at least a discussion area called it. Its half of what all you people talk about on here.


                • #38
                  1 Called bull, the other called $hit?


                  • #39
                    I believe Rothfield might be on the money this time.
                    Born and bred in the eastern suburbs.


                    • #40
                      Bullshit Vasco!

                      Who then?


                      • #41
                        There aren't too many senior players that we'd be distraut at losing anyway, so no great loss if one or more depart. I can't see it being Ryles who is the one we really do need to keep.

                        It's the talented youngsters we need to concentrate on, and they don't seem to have an issue with Smith.

                        Supporting the RW&B, through good times and bad times.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by John View Post
                          Ah Hominem attacks are the refuge of a person who has lost their argument.
                          pot kettle black...


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Cockadoodledoo View Post
                            pot kettle black...
                            Ad Hominem


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by John View Post
                              yes which summed up your response to my post.. Maybe for once you might attempt to construct a logical well thought out response but given I have never seen you post anything of substance in your time here I doubt that is likely to change now.. Maybe you should stick to posting silly links to pictures.


                              • #45
                                I believe Rothfield's report, and if we lose another two players on account of Smith's abrasive personality, with the teams personnel, Smith has to go.All the clubs are are replenishing their teams strengths while we are busy diminishing ours. I just wonder who would want to sign up with the Roosters, there is a distinct air of impotency about the whole kit and kaboodle that is our club.

