Nice article by Laura Aubusson:
Why being surrounded by elite athletes has been fantastic for my daughter
Laura Aubusson| June 05, 2019
My daughter is growing up idolising one NRL player in particular. Her dad.
Children around the country look up to athletes like they are Gods. Posters on walls, fancy footwork in the backyard – young people love to love sport stars.
I used to believe it was a dangerous path to follow because not all athletes demonstrate fair play and many have unflattering reputations. But being around elite sport for eleven years I have come to know many players who are brilliant role models.
I consider our daughter lucky to have an NRL player as a father and see other athletes up close in real life, and it has nothing to do with fame. It’s what these men and women show off the field, away from the cameras and crowds, that make me proud.
Skills for any industry
My daughter gets to see the real person behind the athlete and what it takes to be successful in their field.
Professional sportspeople with long careers have an admirable set of abilities, habits and qualities. They have achieved a dream they’ve focused on and worked towards for years. The traits needed to do that are the ones I’m thrilled to have my children emulate - hard work, motivation, resilience, perseverance and reliability.
Many smart athletes display a healthy dose of confidence to positively handle wins and hard failures, and can work well within a team which encourages support of others and self-improvement.
Being around people who have the skills to reach elite status in their career could teach my children the tools to achieve their own dream – whatever that may be.
More than just winning
Athletes rightly or wrongly can become instant role models and ‘stars’ because of success and athletic ability.
With my daughter’s rare look into the sporting world, I hope she sees beyond that. I hope she recognises an athlete’s positive character traits and understands that that is their real ‘star power’ worthy of idolising.
Lucky for us her dad is a rugby league player worthy of the role model status. He has been playing in the NRL for 13 seasons. He is talented and strong enough to have played more than 250 games at the top level achieving personal accolades and two premierships on the way.
But if you asked those who call him a role model why they look up to him they would talk more about character and less about footy.
It would be about his self-assurance and focused mentality, his commitment to be accountable and thorough, his ability to adapt, his loyalty and the way he sets positive examples as a leader. All traits you need in life to be successful, as well as a good person.
When my daughter says her dad is her role model it won’t be because he shows her some old DVDS or rings. It will be because he put work in and made it, in a motivating way.
The right reason to idolise
Our daughter is still only young but growing up around this industry and hearing about her dad’s career will show her what hard work, sacrifice and passion can get you.
If she decides to put an athlete on a pedestal, it will be for the same reason she might look up to an actor, author, friend, or teacher – not just because of what they have achieved, but because of how they’ve done it.
I have heard people say that athletes shouldn’t be role models, instead parents should be, but I feel very lucky that my daughter has the best of both in one.
Why being surrounded by elite athletes has been fantastic for my daughter
Laura Aubusson| June 05, 2019
My daughter is growing up idolising one NRL player in particular. Her dad.
Children around the country look up to athletes like they are Gods. Posters on walls, fancy footwork in the backyard – young people love to love sport stars.
I used to believe it was a dangerous path to follow because not all athletes demonstrate fair play and many have unflattering reputations. But being around elite sport for eleven years I have come to know many players who are brilliant role models.
I consider our daughter lucky to have an NRL player as a father and see other athletes up close in real life, and it has nothing to do with fame. It’s what these men and women show off the field, away from the cameras and crowds, that make me proud.
Skills for any industry
My daughter gets to see the real person behind the athlete and what it takes to be successful in their field.
Professional sportspeople with long careers have an admirable set of abilities, habits and qualities. They have achieved a dream they’ve focused on and worked towards for years. The traits needed to do that are the ones I’m thrilled to have my children emulate - hard work, motivation, resilience, perseverance and reliability.
Many smart athletes display a healthy dose of confidence to positively handle wins and hard failures, and can work well within a team which encourages support of others and self-improvement.
Being around people who have the skills to reach elite status in their career could teach my children the tools to achieve their own dream – whatever that may be.
More than just winning
Athletes rightly or wrongly can become instant role models and ‘stars’ because of success and athletic ability.
With my daughter’s rare look into the sporting world, I hope she sees beyond that. I hope she recognises an athlete’s positive character traits and understands that that is their real ‘star power’ worthy of idolising.
Lucky for us her dad is a rugby league player worthy of the role model status. He has been playing in the NRL for 13 seasons. He is talented and strong enough to have played more than 250 games at the top level achieving personal accolades and two premierships on the way.
But if you asked those who call him a role model why they look up to him they would talk more about character and less about footy.
It would be about his self-assurance and focused mentality, his commitment to be accountable and thorough, his ability to adapt, his loyalty and the way he sets positive examples as a leader. All traits you need in life to be successful, as well as a good person.
When my daughter says her dad is her role model it won’t be because he shows her some old DVDS or rings. It will be because he put work in and made it, in a motivating way.
The right reason to idolise
Our daughter is still only young but growing up around this industry and hearing about her dad’s career will show her what hard work, sacrifice and passion can get you.
If she decides to put an athlete on a pedestal, it will be for the same reason she might look up to an actor, author, friend, or teacher – not just because of what they have achieved, but because of how they’ve done it.
I have heard people say that athletes shouldn’t be role models, instead parents should be, but I feel very lucky that my daughter has the best of both in one.