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The Latrell Mitchell Interview

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  • Got to ask do any players really sing the anthem? Look how the Poms belt out "God Save the Queen" or how the Polynesians,Kiwis or Fijians sing their anthems loud and with pride. The Aussies players could well be mouthing the words to Radio Ga a trance. Its an anthem that doesn't provoke nationalism....and it shows

    Personally i don't like the anthem. I don't really know what "girt" is and i also don't understand the "Fair" part in Advance Australia Fair.

    Id like Australia to become a republic so we can cut ties with the rubbish so called royals......and we can compose a new anthem that incorporates and honours the original owners of the land as well as our modern history

    Tell you one thing for sure- if Germany had won WW2 i wouldn't be too happy singing their national anthem as my national anthem-especially if they had wiped out most of my ancestors


    • Originally posted by ism22 View Post

      Refusing to sing a song that was written in 1800's Scotland because you don't think it's inclusive towards the traditional custodians of the land doesn't mean you're saying others have no right to be here.

      We changed the anthem before because God and the Queen didn't sum up our country particularly well. I can't see why you're so butt-hurt about people standing up for what they believe in...
      He said it's there country indicating it's not ours , I don't care about the anthem as I said, but it's everyone's country , even if you immigrated here , if you are an Aussie citizen then it's your country
      Last edited by Rooster1908; 12-09-2019, 07:31 PM.


      • Originally posted by Rooster1908 View Post

        He said it's there country indicating it's not ours , I don't care about the anthem as I said, but it's everyone's country , even if you immigrated here , if you ate an Aussie citizen then it's your country
        PS think you have the wrong bloke , I didn't attack them for not singing the anthem, I defended someone being told it wasn't there country ,


        • Originally posted by Rooster1908 View Post

          He said it's there country indicating it's not ours , I don't care about the anthem as I said, but it's everyone's country , even if you immigrated here , if you ate an Aussie citizen then it's your country
          If you ate an Aussie Citizen??

          Other bloody loophole we need to close.
          #We Stand with ourJewish community#


          • I think the national anthem played to the tune of the Roosters club song would sound good. Better than the Doug Parkinson Roosterman version.
            MRR or Rabid

            Some people believe supporting the Roosters
            is a matter of life and death, I am very disappointed
            with that attitude. I can assure you it is
            much, much more important than that.

            (1981 Bill Shankly quote variation)


            • Originally posted by Jacks Fur Coat View Post

              If you ate an Aussie Citizen??

              Other bloody loophole we need to close.
              What have you been drinking Jack , who ate an Aussie citizen


              • I couldn’t care less on the anthem thing.

                It’s important to him so that will do me.


                • Originally posted by Thirteen View Post
                  I think Latrell is an absolute dickhead for not singing the anthem. Why follow that uneducated imbecile Cody Walker. This country seems to be providing Latrell with plenty of opportunity. You are inviting controversy and drama by publicly admitting you won’t be singing. He could have just not sung it. I don’t care what colour your skin is. Respect our anthem or go away.

                  Latrell and Walker the grub were dumped from origin cause they were shit in game 1.

                  If Lats does leave I’ll be consoling myself by remembering he refused to sing our anthem.
                  Yeah, we should be FORCED to sing how young and FREE we are.

                  Do u see a problem with this?

                  My idea of Nationalism has free choice in it. Sounds like you support communism or something like it.

                  If someone don't want to sing it then that should be their FREE choice. It's not like burning flags, changing dates or any other hate motivated issue.

                  My biggest issue with Latrel is his greed and him using the racist card. Don't give a hoot if he sings or not.


                  • Originally posted by Nicola Tesla View Post
                    Seriously.... we live on a tiny little spec of dust in an infinite universe, and we need a song about our even tinier little patch of dirt on this spec??? Anthems are stupid, nationalism is stupid, flags are stupid.... are people’s lives so pathetic and uninteresting that they need a song about a country to make them feel significant.
                    What next, a song about our state, how about our suburb???
                    Yes, I am great full that I won the birth lottery and was born in this patch on earth... and I will contribute to my country ... I’ll even defend this space from other docile nationalists who may want to invade it.... but I don’t need a song about it!!!!
                    The only thing nationalism is good for is for sporting contests to add excitement to our insignificant lives!!!
                    How the heck do u support our insignificant suburbian (Eastern Suburbs) team then? Why do our players live pathetic and uninteresting lives because they sing our team song after we win games...why do we have stupid emblems and flags.

                    If nationalism is stupid then what's your alternative? Do u prefer communism or Globalism instead? Insignificant u needs to do something radical and think.


                    • Originally posted by Rocky Rhodes View Post

                      How the heck do u support our insignificant suburbian (Eastern Suburbs) team then? Why do our players live pathetic and uninteresting lives because they sing our team song after we win games...why do we have stupid emblems and flags.

                      If nationalism is stupid then what's your alternative? Do u prefer communism or Globalism instead? Insignificant u needs to do something radical and think.
                      Good man.

                      This may be my favourite post this year.
                      #We Stand with ourJewish community#


                      • Originally posted by Rocky Rhodes View Post

                        Yeah, we should be FORCED to sing how young and FREE we are.

                        Do u see a problem with this?

                        My idea of Nationalism has free choice in it. Sounds like you support communism or something like it.

                        If someone don't want to sing it then that should be their FREE choice. It's not like burning flags, changing dates or any other hate motivated issue.

                        My biggest issue with Latrel is his greed and him using the racist card. Don't give a hoot if he sings or not.
                        Whoa boy...13 is against the anthem theatrics. He's with us.
                        #We Stand with ourJewish community#


                        • Bringing it back to Latrell, I saw a really good analogy for the situation but can't remember where I saw it (could've been on here.) Him saying that informing Robbo he was testing himself on the open market and then feeling hard done by when he heard our offer had been withdrawn is similar to telling your girlfriend you'll be downloading tinder just to see what you can pull and then feeling ripped off when she dumps you. You're either committed (Joey, JWH, SST) or you're not (Latrell)
                          Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results


                          • Originally posted by Nicola Tesla View Post
                            Seriously.... we live on a tiny little spec of dust in an infinite universe, and we need a song about our even tinier little patch of dirt on this spec??? Anthems are stupid, nationalism is stupid, flags are stupid.... are people’s lives so pathetic and uninteresting that they need a song about a country to make them feel significant.
                            What next, a song about our state, how about our suburb???
                            Yes, I am great full that I won the birth lottery and was born in this patch on earth... and I will contribute to my country ... I’ll even defend this space from other docile nationalists who may want to invade it.... but I don’t need a song about it!!!!
                            The only thing nationalism is good for is for sporting contests to add excitement to our insignificant lives!!!
                            Aboriginals have a flag and are proud of their heritage. I’m tipping you’re not having a go at them.


                            • Latrell will ne on the madked singer...chicken suit
                              Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe


                              • Originally posted by Rocky Rhodes View Post

                                How the heck do u support our insignificant suburbian (Eastern Suburbs) team then? Why do our players live pathetic and uninteresting lives because they sing our team song after we win games...why do we have stupid emblems and flags.
                                Good set up.

                                You don’t choose which country you live in - you are there by chance and coincidence and as such to laud it’s virtues in a nationalistic sense (I.e regardless of whether it does wrong) is, quite frankly, a bit pathetic.

                                You do choose your footy team and with that comes a commitment and joy that can never be questioned.

                                So I’m sorry Rocky (and Jack’s), but the point you make is a straw man.

                                Being proud of your country when it does good - say helping the disenfranchised or creating positive economic and social initiatives - is absolutely valid, of course.

                                If nationalism is stupid then what's your alternative? Do u prefer communism or Globalism instead? Insignificant u needs to do something radical and think.
                                The alternative doesn’t need a name. The alternative is holding every powerful institution to lofty standards and to punch upwards.
                                Making Steve Naughton look like Vince Mellars...

