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  • Originally posted by roosterchook View Post
    Just can’t understand the panic by govts. Way more people die from the flu each year about 500,000 worldwide and from this virus so far about 5,000. In Australia about 3;500 die from the flu but this virus so far only 3 deaths all over 70. So why is the entire world shutting down and risking a worldwide depression? Businesses will go bankrupt. Sporting clubs will cease to exist. Restaurants, coffee shops and millions of people may lose jobs paving the way for anarchy. And it’s deadly mainly to the elderly. It all just doesn’t make sense. If this continues for a long time then a worldwide depression will likely follow.

    So if a player gets the flu do they shut down the entire game? This virus is not a killer of fit young people. It’s mass hysteria but is there real cause?
    Depends what one believes in, I guess.
    "All lives matter" or something else.

    The govt so far is believing in "All lives matter".

    Will be interesting if it gets to be "Lives over 70 don't matter"/ "Lives of pregnant women don't matter"/"Lives of people with underlying conditions don't matter"/"Old people are expendable."

    Written in the paper several years ago, maybe by a GenY person..."An elderly man 60 was mugged outside a club....."

    Caller to talkback radio not so long ago...the subject was mail not reaching its destination...said "I saw a woman putting a lot of mail in a large garbage bin at the rear of a shop".
    Host asked him to describe her...An old woman, about 45."

    60% of Americans have one underlying condition.
    40% of Americans have two underlying conditions.


    • So the entire world is being shut down over what - 5,000 deaths? Sports, businesses, airlines being destroyed and the world economy being plunged into a depression over 5,000 deaths?
      “Soon will the present day order be rolled up, and a new one spread out in its stead”- (Baha’u’llah)


      • By far the worst death rate in any country in the world from coronavirus is LESS THAN ONE QUARTER OF ONEPERCENT OF ONE PERCENT, OR ONE in FORTY THOUSAND, that's ITALY.

        In China it is ONE in FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND. In Australia it is ONE in 8 MILLION right now. If Australia gets as bad as ITALY we will have 600 deaths. ONE IN FORTY THOUSAND !!!

        I think I am fairly intelligent, most of the time, but I can't understand the over reaction to this virus event.
        Our governments reaction is seriously damaging the livelihood of hundreds of thousands of innocent healthy people. The vast majority of the population's health will not be affected by this virus, but their lives will.
        The vast majority of cases are MILD, some people don't even know they have had it, but after they have had a mild dose they develop immunity.
        The virus attacks mainly the elderly and infirm, or the very young. Not schoolchildren or footy players or the average person under 60 years old.
        It just seems to me the FACTS are disregarded and the PANIC is a massive over reaction.
        Last edited by NorfolkStreetKid; 03-15-2020, 03:02 PM.


        • Originally posted by roosterchook View Post
          So the entire world is being shut down over what - 5,000 deaths? Sports, businesses, airlines being destroyed and the world economy being plunged into a depression over 5,000 deaths?
          Banning public gatherings of 500 or more people...reasonable response...medical advice.
          Alan Jones is urging landlords to give tenants in shopping centres etc rent relief.

          Sports...make their own decisions;

          How many fans do you think the Roosters have? including game day fans and tv fans?
          Last edited by bondi.boy; 03-15-2020, 02:43 PM.


          • Originally posted by NorfolkStreetKid View Post
            By far the worst death rate in any country in the world from coronavirus is LESS THAN ONE TENTH OF ONE PERCENT, OR ONE in FORTY THOUSAND, that's ITALY.

            In China it is ONE in FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND. In Australia it is ONE in 8 MILLION right now. If Australia gets as bad as ITALY we will have 600 deaths. ONE IN FORTY THOUSAND !!!

            I think I am fairly intelligent, most of the time, but I can't understand the over reaction to this virus event.
            Our governments reaction is seriously damaging the livelihood of hundreds of thousands of innocent healthy people. The vast majority of the population's health will not be affected by this virus, but their lives will.
            The vast majority of cases are MILD, some people don't even know they have had it, but after they have had a mild dose they develop immunity.
            The virus attacks mainly the elderly and infirm, or the very young. Not schoolchildren or footy players or the average person under 60 years old.
            It just seems to me the FACTS are disregarded and the PANIC is a massive over reaction.
            Have you taken into account the pressure on our health system if these drastic measure aren't taken ? Have you got children ? Parents ? What happens if they get sick with any other condition and our hospitals, clinics etc simply dont have the resources to treat them or the time to pay them the attention and care they need ? I think you are missing the point going just off the statistics of deaths


            • Originally posted by NorfolkStreetKid View Post
              By far the worst death rate in any country in the world from coronavirus is LESS THAN ONE TENTH OF ONE PERCENT, OR ONE in FORTY THOUSAND, that's ITALY.

              In China it is ONE in FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND. In Australia it is ONE in 8 MILLION right now. If Australia gets as bad as ITALY we will have 600 deaths. ONE IN FORTY THOUSAND !!!

              I think I am fairly intelligent, most of the time, but I can't understand the over reaction to this virus event.
              Our governments reaction is seriously damaging the livelihood of hundreds of thousands of innocent healthy people. The vast majority of the population's health will not be affected by this virus, but their lives will.
              The vast majority of cases are MILD, some people don't even know they have had it, but after they have had a mild dose they develop immunity.
              The virus attacks mainly the elderly and infirm, or the very young. Not schoolchildren or footy players or the average person under 60 years old.
              It just seems to me the FACTS are disregarded and the PANIC is a massive over reaction.
              Babies and toddlers are expendable? Not too sure that one was in "We will fight them on the beaches".

              I'll assume you are young.
              I was young once.
              I was 23 once...I spun around 3 times and next minute I was 73.
              What of the 600 is to be you?

              Trump is 73.
              Nick Politis is 78.
              Last edited by bondi.boy; 03-15-2020, 03:12 PM.


              • Originally posted by bondi.boy View Post

                I'll assume you are young.
                I was young once.
                I was 23 once...I spun around 3 times and next minute I was 73.
                What of the 600 is to be you?

                Trump is 73.
                Nick Politis is 78.
                I am 68 years old. Facts are facts, they are what people should use when making decisions. Not airy fairy feelings. if one of the 600 is me I will be one in 40,000, If the death rate goes to one percent of one percent 2500 will die in Australia, and I will be one in 10.000.
                Last edited by NorfolkStreetKid; 03-15-2020, 03:06 PM.


                • Originally posted by Easts75 View Post

                  Have you taken into account the pressure on our health system if these drastic measure aren't taken ? Have you got children ? Parents ? What happens if they get sick with any other condition and our hospitals, clinics etc simply dont have the resources to treat them or the time to pay them the attention and care they need ? I think you are missing the point going just off the statistics of deaths
                  More than 3000 people die in Australia every WEEK , 80 die every WEEK from influenza. If facts don't align with your panic maybe it is you who should think more.
                  Last edited by NorfolkStreetKid; 03-15-2020, 07:46 PM.


                  • What about this lady?


                    Chemotherapy and the coronavirus threat — my immunity levels mean you need to care about COVID-19

                    ? Provided by ABC NEWS Mary Lloyd was diagnosed with breast cancer last year. (ABC News)

                    It has been a strange feeling hearing my possible death openly labelled inconsequential by public figures, commentators and even by some of my friends. Some remark that coronavirus has "only a 1-4 per cent" fatality rate, while others implore that everyone relax because "most people will only get mild symptoms".
                    While these statements are broadly correct, there's a callous confidence that comes with knowing you're part of the 96 per cent who will survive an infection — instead of being among the potential "four-percenters" who might not.



                    • Originally posted by NorfolkStreetKid View Post

                      I am 68 years old. Facts are facts, they are what people should use when making decisions. Not airy fairy feelings. if one of the 600 is me I will be one in 40,000, If the death rate goes to one percent of one percent 2500 will die in Australia, and I will be one in 10.000.
                      Which is exactly what our govt is doing....using facts.


                      People in Australia are dying, and are in danger of dying, from COVID-19 virus.
                      It's the responsibility of our govts to try to limit its one wants to die, everyone wants to live.

                      Wanna blame someone for it all, blame those who started the spread of the virus to/in humans in the first place.


                      • Originally posted by Easts75 View Post

                        Have you taken into account the pressure on our health system if these drastic measure aren't taken ? Have you got children ? Parents ? What happens if they get sick with any other condition and our hospitals, clinics etc simply dont have the resources to treat them or the time to pay them the attention and care they need ? I think you are missing the point going just off the statistics of deaths
                        Agree with everything you say , but the problem still remains if we keep going along the path the Government's around the world are taking we will all be broke . Jobs are hard enough for young people to get as it is without it getting harder , which in turn will put pressure on the unemployment system , probably as much as it will on the health system if we do keep going. People won't be able to afford rents so the landlords cant pay there mortgage and the housing market collapse . Shops will go broke because there is high unemployment . The stock market has crashed so anyone looking to retire won't be able to but won;\'t have jobs anyway. .I do have adult children and elderly parent , and am 57 myself but of reasonable health but this shut down will cause far more problems than it resolves . If it continues until a vaccination is available in possible 12mths we are in huge trouble , not only the health system but employment , housing market , stock market , everything . You all talk off leaving our kids a crap world though climate change , well guarantee the one we are heading for if we continue with this over reaction is going to be worse. It will take a generation to repair. Unfortunately is about more than lives.
                        Last edited by Rooster1908; 03-15-2020, 04:16 PM.


                        • Originally posted by bondi.boy View Post

                          Which is exactly what our govt is doing....using facts.


                          People in Australia are dying, and are in danger of dying, from COVID-19 virus.
                          It's the responsibility of our govts to try to limit its one wants to die, everyone wants to live.

                          Wanna blame someone for it all, blame those who started the spread of the virus to/in humans in the first place.
                          You sound like Greta, people are DYING...… so lets close the country and send thousands broke..... Grow up.


                          • Originally posted by NorfolkStreetKid View Post

                            You sound like Greta, people are DYING...… so lets close the country and send thousands broke..... Grow up.
                            People like you are the reason Australia is about to become the new Italy. Stop denying reality.


                            • The global recession this will cause will result in more deaths in poor countries from famine though poverty then the virus ever will . Reasonably stable and wealthy countries will be broke > Food and produce shortages , product shortages .Infrastructure closers , cruise lines , car industries , tourist industries ect not employing people from developing countries , its ongoing and wealthier countries trying to recover from there own rescissions as a result won't be able to help .


                              • Originally posted by Old Man Rooster View Post
                                People like you are the reason Australia is about to become the new Italy. Stop denying reality.
                                As should you , the reality is that closure of countries will have an underlying result that kills more and cause far more damage then the virus . And yes I do understand the deaths that will occur

