Wish cruise ships didn't exist.
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Originally posted by bondi.boy View Post
Lying to the police is a very bad thing to do, one can gat into big trouble for doing it. Also dishonest.
My father always told me..."There are no degrees of honesty".
Doesn't stop people shown on 'RBT' and "Highway Patrol" doing it though.
"Have you had anything to drink today, driver"?
"Yes, two beers"...and they blow mid range and high range on the breathalyser.and fail the drug tests.
Originally posted by Thirteen View Post
Welcome back.
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Originally posted by Thirteen View Post
I think “we are on the way to buy food” would have been an acceptable excuse. A white lie I’d say.
He does understand. Some of the rules are confusing though. $1000 is a lot of money if you make an innocent mistake.
You can go fishing [for food]. But can't walk along the shoreline on a deserted beach for exercise.
You can't go shopping a for a coat for winter, yet most of the shops are open.
Top Cop: "It's not a licence to go to the shops". Then close the shops. Close Bunnings. Close Officeworks. Close every shop that is open. Close the phone shop. Close the coat shop, close the toaster shop.
What if my phone breaks? and the phone shop is open?
What if my toaster breaks? and the shop selling toasters is open?
$1000 fines for me.
Top Cop said on tv the other day "I understand that people need to get out of the house".
What about my friend, over 70, male, way too nice, bad marriage, divorced a long time ago, depression, ate too much, very large now, disabled, on crutches 24/7. house severely cluttered [clean clutter], every room full, except smallish bedroom I cleared for him so he could open the windows and sleep in comfortable bed. Retired Justice of the Peace. Retired assistant 'old school' bank manager.
He hires a large storage unit 9m x 3m as "an extra room in his house", Somewhere he can go to breathe fresh air and sit at a desk and relax. Nice view out the door. Stops mental illness.
"Essential travel" for him.
He could get fined $1000.
No stove [old and broken], wooden house old and kinda broken, no fridge [went kaput recently], no freezer, no washing machine. Laundromats are still open, he should be able to use them without being fined.
Nowhere in hid house to sit except bedroom. No table, no lounge, only lives in the bedroom.
He has to buy every meal outside his home.
I advised him to use the drive thrus and set his car up as a dining room. He has.
He has to buy groceries at 711, can't stand for long at supermarkets.
He should not be fined $1000 for being "out and about".
.Last edited by bondi.boy; 04-03-2020, 10:25 PM.
Originally posted by rented tracksuit View PostAll tourists should be kicked out of Aus immediately. What is their valid reason for needing to be here now anyway?
'Make your way home': Prime Minister Scott Morrison - who was behind Australia's famous tourism campaign 'where the bloody hell are you?' - orders tourists to get out of the country amid the coronavirus pandemic
Trouble is, many of the places they'd be going back to are worse than here.
Huge temporary morgues the size of two football fields in London now...many truckloads of coffins...500+ people dying every day in UK.
A healthy 13 yr old boy and a healthy 19 yr old man died there from Covid-19 the other day.
They said the 13 yr old boy died alone in the hospital because he was too infectious to be visited by family members.
Hope Australia never gets like that.
Last edited by bondi.boy; 04-03-2020, 10:36 PM.
Originally posted by bondi.boy View PostMaybe they went to the shops, "to get out of the house" and support local retailers.
He does understand. Some of the rules are confusing though.
I get that we've developed this 'shame the offenders' culture. However, based on people's online shaming of various actions, some people simply don't understand the rules.
For example I'm gonna walk to the local shops with my wife and 2 kids soon to grab a coffee. We're gonna go there (down a couple of empty residential streets), grab a few coffees (and babycinos), grab some essentials for other meals and then bugger off home. I will then go for a 20km bush run later on. IMO one should not be criticised unless they are breaking the law. We're allowed to do a weekend shopping run and exercise.
We're now working from home while home-schooling 2 kids. We don't leave during the day except for essentials (local shops) and independent exercise (jogging through the bush or along bike paths). IMO people shouldn't be getting shamed for doing exercise or buying a loaf of bread with their family when they're allowed to. Restrictions might get tighter (and might be tighter in other states - they change every day) but until then, I am going to follow the law of the day.
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Originally posted by ism22 View Post
For example I'm gonna walk to the local shops with my wife and 2 kids soon to grab a coffee. We're gonna go there (down a couple of empty residential streets), grab a few coffees (and babycinos), grab some essentials for other meals and then bugger off home. I will then go for a 20km bush run later on. IMO one should not be criticised unless they are breaking the law. We're allowed to do a weekend shopping run and exercise.
We're now working from home while home-schooling 2 kids. We don't leave during the day except for essentials (local shops) and independent exercise (jogging through the bush or along bike paths).
Can you play left centre?
Home schooling...now there's a challenge.
Some years ago Paris Hilton and Nicol Richie toured America in a pick up truck towing a caravan, program titled
"The Simple Life". They were trying different jobs...maids etc.
In one state, out in the middle somewhere, they were on a farm. Nicole's job was to help the adults do something, and Paris' job was to help the early teen boy with his homework.
After a while, of trying to help the boy she became quite frustrated...saying "I hate homework!!! "Last edited by bondi.boy; 04-04-2020, 09:38 AM.
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Originally posted by bondi.boy View Post
'Make your way home': Prime Minister Scott Morrison - who was behind Australia's famous tourism campaign 'where the bloody hell are you?' - orders tourists to get out of the country amid the coronavirus pandemic
Trouble is, many of the places they'd be going back to are worse than here.
Huge temporary morgues the size of two football fields in London now...many truckloads of coffins...500+ people dying every day in UK.
A healthy 13 yr old boy and a healthy 19 yr old man died there from Covid-19 the other day.
They said the 13 yr old boy died alone in the hospital because he was too infectious to be visited by family members.
Hope Australia never gets like that.
And for those tourists who are doing the right thing, I still think this is the time to leave. They should not be a potential strain on our own health system which again risks the well being and care of our own people.
Sorry bud but now is not the time to be all lovey dovey and help the world. Shyt is real and we need to be putting ourselves first right now then assisting others.FVCK CANCER
Originally posted by rented tracksuit View Post
I dont give a shyt if where you came from is worse. If you dont abide by the govt recommendations and risk the health and safety of the law abiding locals who do then you can fark right off.
And for those tourists who are doing the right thing, I still think this is the time to leave. They should not be a potential strain on our own health system which again risks the well being and care of our own people.
Sorry bud but now is not the time to be all lovey dovey and help the world. Shyt is real and we need to be putting ourselves first right now then assisting others.
What if...they're older folk from Britain who are staying with family , or staying in hotels?
Tourists from Spain, Italy, Britain, France here on a 6 month tourist visa, staying with family, obeying all the rules?
Originally posted by Chook View PostThere are some positives out of all this, watching America slowly implode will be a joy.
USA is the largest investor in our economy.
Without brave Americans there would not be an Australia, let alone Sydney Roosters.
Next time you see American sailors at our footy matches you might want to bow down and give thanks.