Originally posted by bondi.boy
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Then you got Iran. Trump orders the death of one of their generals ( a nice diversion to his impeachment) and what does Iran do? They strike back and fire into a US military camp in Iraq- killing 2 US marines, 1 British soldier and injuring 12. Trumps reply to that?? Nil.....of course. Irans nuclear weapons are immense and they are aimed right at Israel. What was the outcome? Hezbollah in Lebanon reaffirms that it's ready to join Iran in any strike on US interests.
Reasons for all the unrest in that part the world? Decades of the US meddling in the Middle East....and Iraq invasion was the turning point. Any country who felt threatened by the US was never going to standby and be a sitting duck for the US like Iraq was. Lucky for those countries Russia and China are very willing to supply them nuclear materials and intelligence- they too don't want the US getting stronger by waltzing in and out of countries like its their right.
Economically what does the US mean for Australia? Check for yourself the importance of Asia for Australian exporters compared to the US.
Australia is best served by taking a NZ approach to world affairs. Lets look after ourselves and let the USA do whatever they want and stop tagging along like a useless lap dog.