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  • Originally posted by Rooster1908 View Post

    I for one am taking it extremely seriously , its seriously fu*king ridiculous
    #We Stand with ourJewish community#


    • Whether one feels it's an over reaction or not by the general public there has to be genuine concerns that some games will be played behind closed doors as it's already happening in some sports overseas. I imagine it would make it harder for the players to motivate themselves with no atmosphere at the games.
      On the plus side it would be nice not having to listen to Souths fans screaming " get em onside " everytime they have to defend.


      • Originally posted by Johnny Brass View Post
        Whether one feels it's an over reaction or not by the general public there has to be genuine concerns that some games will be played behind closed doors as it's already happening in some sports overseas. I imagine it would be harder for the players to motivate themselves with no atmosphere at the games.
        On the plus side it would be nice not having to listen to Souths fans screaming " get em onside " everytime they have to defend.
        Agreed , that is a major concern , I personally can't get to many games because of personal reasons but think players would make it extremely hard to motivate with no one watching , I would have thought making people sit apart would be easy as only about 15k sit in a 70k stadium , then don't let players sign autographs ext
        Last edited by Rooster1908; 03-10-2020, 05:45 PM.


        • Originally posted by Johnny Brass View Post
          Whether one feels it's an over reaction or not by the general public there has to be genuine concerns that some games will be played behind closed doors as it's already happening in some sports overseas. I imagine it would make it harder for the players to motivate themselves with no atmosphere at the games.
          On the plus side it would be nice not having to listen to Souths fans screaming " get em onside " everytime they have to defend.
          You totally get it mate. Who knows how bad the virus really is? Whether the panic and subsequent reactions are stupid or not it doesn't change the fact that those reactions are going to happen anyway.


          • Originally posted by Old Man Rooster View Post
            I'm about a month ahead of this situation compared to you all and that is likely why my perspective is a bit different..
            What’s your experience? How come your a month ahead?
            Were you in China?
  ’ll be interesting to see


            • Originally posted by The Skeez View Post
              What’s your experience? How come your a month ahead?
              Were you in China?
              I'm in China as we speak


              • Originally posted by Old Man Rooster View Post

                I'm in China as we speak
                Our man on the ground.

                What’s your reason for being there at this tough time?
      ’ll be interesting to see


                • Originally posted by Old Man Rooster View Post

                  I'm in China as we speak

                  What's your situation are you stuck over there .
                  The place looked deserted on 60 minutes the other night.
                  empty shopping malls no one on the streets.


                  • Old Man Rooster and more importantly, how isn’t the Chookpen banned over there?
          ’ll be interesting to see


                    • I'm in the best part of China imo (far South and far away from the bat eating savages of Hubei). I've been working here long-term. I'm not stuck as I am safe and healthy. However, it is true that travel is very difficult at the moment. I'm headed home in 17 months for early retirement so at the moment I'm just filling up my bank account a bit more. Its very strange actually because on one hand it is mass panic and on the other most people are just going about their business. Shopping malls are very empty. At first it felt like the zombie apocalypse but it is quickly becoming the new normal.


                      • Originally posted by The Skeez View Post
                        Old Man Rooster and more importantly, how isn’t the Chookpen banned over there?
                        nah the Chookpen is a global power mate.


                        • [QUOTE=Rooster1908;n821366]

                          Again in my opinion its just a bad flu virus/QUOTE]

                          It's nothing like a bad virus. The Lombardy region in Italy has the countries best medical system and one that is better than Australia's. In just a few weeks the entire medical system has collapsed. Body bags are being stacked in Hospital hallways, doctors are working at 200% capacity and falling ill. The country has just been shut down, Serie A is off. When the virus first hit (Northern Italy has alot of Chinese migrant workers), they thought they should carry on with life as normal, just like we are here. It only took a month to collapse in a total heap.

                          Around 20% of those suffering the virus require hospital attention, for the flu it is about 0.5%. About 15% will require oxygen to breathe at some point. Australia only has around 2000 ICU beds and these are almost all used at any given time. We will need in the 10's of thousands if this takes hold and we aren't getting any new ones. It is unlikely that in a months time we will have a lot of football to talk about.
                          Last edited by Cockadoodledoo; 03-10-2020, 07:20 PM.


                          • [QUOTE=Cockadoodledoo;n821397]
                            Originally posted by Rooster1908 View Post

                            Again in my opinion its just a bad flu virus/QUOTE]

                            It's nothing like a bad virus. The Lombardy region in Italy has the countries best medical system and one that is better than Australia's. In just a few weeks the entire medical system has collapsed. Body bags are being stacked in Hospital hallways, doctors are working at 200% capacity and falling ill. The country has just been shut down, Serie A is off. When the virus first hit (Northern Italy has alot of Chinese migrant workers), they thought they should carry on with life as normal, just like we are here. It only took a month to collapse in a total heap.

                            Around 20% of those suffering the virus require hospital attention, for the flu it is about 0.5%. About 15% will require oxygen to breathe at some point. Australia only has around 2000 ICU beds and these are almost all used at any given time. We will need in the 10's of thousands if this takes hold and we aren't getting any new ones. It is unlikely that in a months time we will have a lot of football to talk about.

                            Another 1,897 cases were confirmed in the past 24 hours, Italy's Civil Protection Department announced on Monday evening, bringing the total number of people confirmed to have contracted the new virus since the outbreak began to 9,172.

                            Of these, 463 have died, 97 of them in the past 24 hours. The majority of fatalities have been in people over 70, many of them with underlying health problems.
                            Another 724 people have recovered, 102 more than Sunday.
                            That left Italy with a total of 7,985 active cases as of Monday evening, an increase of 1,598 from the day before

                            Again of course its serious but the majority of deaths are elderly with previous health problem.
                            People over 65 make up approx. 22% of Italy's population which I presume but not sure would be quite high
                            Last edited by Rooster1908; 03-10-2020, 09:45 PM.


                            • I guess this is worst case and sensationalism from the media, but the Chinese scientist on 60 minutes said it's very possible as much as 60 % of the world's population could become infected. At the current death rate per confirmed infected people , there could be 45 million people wiped from the planet. This will get alot worse before it gets better I feel. Hope 60 minutes is way off the mark


                              • [QUOTE=Rooster1908;n821401]
                                Originally posted by Cockadoodledoo View Post

                                Another 1,897 cases were confirmed in the past 24 hours, Italy's Civil Protection Department announced on Monday evening, bringing the total number of people confirmed to have contracted the new virus since the outbreak began to 9,172.

                                Of these, 463 have died, 97 of them in the past 24 hours. The majority of fatalities have been in people over 70, many of them with underlying health problems.
                                Another 724 people have recovered, 102 more than Sunday.
                                That left Italy with a total of 7,985 active cases as of Monday evening, an increase of 1,598 from the day before

                                Again of course its serious but the majority of deaths are elderly with previous health problem.
                                People over 65 make up approx. 65% of Italy's population which I presume but not sure would be quite high
                                Ahh, no they don’t.
                                At least quote where you get your stats from.
                      ’ll be interesting to see

