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Accommodation in Darwin for Roosters/Cowboys Game

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  • Accommodation in Darwin for Roosters/Cowboys Game

    Am thinking I'll make the trip to Darwin for the Cowboys game. Haven't been there for a few years and enjoyed the time I had there last time. Very relaxed place to take a break.

    Anyone have any recommendations/suggestions for the best place to stay? From what I can gather TIO stadium is not too far out of Darwin CBD so shouldn't be an issue getting there.

    Will probably go up on a Thurs or Friday and come back on a Tues or Wed (covering all bases as to when the game will be played), so will be there for a few days.

    Any advice greatly appreciated. I know it's a while away yet but I find the earlier I attempt to organise these trips the better.


    Supporting the RW&B, through good times and bad times.

  • #2
    Stay at the casino


    • #3
      Originally posted by Big_Morls View Post
      Stay at the casino
      Great idea.

      As a fan of statistics and analysis, may I suggest Roulette.

      Step 1 - Take either a block 1/4 or 1/3 of the wheel.

      Step 2 - Wait for the dealer/wheeler to get into a pattern

      As soon as a pattern fit into your 1/4 or 1/3

      Step 3 - Take them for all they've got with the block you have selected.

      As soon as the patterns fails.

      Take your cash & go back to step 2


      • #4
        I stayed there for Darwin Cup 2 years ago, good hotel, fun town. Top weekend

        Only thing I remember being annoying is the flight times, theres only about one a day and it connects with those midnight Bali flights


        • #5
          Originally posted by WALL-E View Post
          Great idea.

          As a fan of statistics and analysis, may I suggest Roulette.

          Step 1 - Take either a block 1/4 or 1/3 of the wheel.

          Step 2 - Wait for the dealer/wheeler to get into a pattern

          As soon as a pattern fit into your 1/4 or 1/3

          Step 3 - Take them for all they've got with the block you have selected.

          As soon as the patterns fails.

          Take your cash & go back to step 2

          So this is a proven and tested theory?


          • #6

            but if it comes off we'll all be millyunaires


            • #7
              Originally posted by section 5 View Post
              So this is a proven and tested theory?
              I swear it works.

              But it requires patience and timing

              When you're half knackered and fully tanked, those things can get over-looked.

              * Morls - I'm not sure about being a millionaire but it will put some cash in your pocket or make it a free night


              • #8
                As I have said on here before, I am a gambling addict.

                my cash will be gone in the first hour


                • #9
                  Thanks for your thoughts and link to the casino guys, I'll check it out.

                  I'd better organise this little jaunt sooner rather than later as I've figured out the match is smack bang in the middle of school holidays which means the chances of a good deal on either flights or accommodation down the track are remote. And I'll have to put my leave form in ASAP if I want cover for my position whilst I'm away.

                  Not having kids their holiday dates don't usually mean much to me, apart from trying to avoid it if I want to take holidays myself! Can't avoid it for this trip though.

                  Supporting the RW&B, through good times and bad times.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by WALL-E View Post
                    Great idea.

                    As a fan of statistics and analysis, may I suggest Roulette.

                    Step 1 - Take either a block 1/4 or 1/3 of the wheel.

                    Step 2 - Wait for the dealer/wheeler to get into a pattern

                    As soon as a pattern fit into your 1/4 or 1/3

                    Step 3 - Take them for all they've got with the block you have selected.

                    As soon as the patterns fails.

                    Take your cash & go back to step 2
                    i personally would collect alot of numbers of one wheel in order set up a graph to show each numbers frequency and their long gevity (stick spelling back in the dictionary) and bet on the popular number. or if you dont have the bank play teirr or the zoinks
                    1911 1912 1913 1923 1935 1936 1937 1940 1945 1974 1975 2002 2013 2018 2019 2020


                    • #11
                      Spend your money on a root instead. Its still a lottery as to what you will get!


                      • #12
                        If you like the water views go for this place:



                        • #13
                          do you have their number? that looks like its in my price bracket

