I hacked in to Phil Rothfields computer (wasn't difficult, just google mothafuc ka, braindead and Roosterhater) and found this for tomorrow's daily telunothing.
The Sydney Roosters have signed NZ Warriors 5/8th James Maloney on a three year deal from 2013, no doubt on the back of losing the brilliant but oft maligned Todd Carney to the fabulous Cronulla Sharks.
This initially seems like a good move as Anastabation will either be retired or playing professional golf by then, but the culture at Eastern Suburbs will ensure the ‘J Mo’ will soon be wearing thongs to night clubs, having tattoos engraved around his neck and setting fire to his team mates underwear – all obviously life threatening occurrences. Admittedly Carney did similar, but only because he was influenced by Watts, FPN, Myles etc – none of which are playing near the Shire.
But unlike Carney, will he be able to bring the likes of SKD, Mini and Pearce in to the picture? Somehow I don’t think so.
Furthermore, don’t be surprised to see the Stewart brothers end up at Bondi (no doubt they would fit in well there).
Finally check out the competition I’m running where you can catch a cab ride to Northies with Todd Carney and sit next to me for the Sharks – Titans blockbuster in round 14. Despite the Sharks finishing 13th and the Titans winning the wooden spoon this year, no doubt with Carney at the Sharks and Myles at the Titans, this will no doubt be the Grand Final preview.
The Sydney Roosters have signed NZ Warriors 5/8th James Maloney on a three year deal from 2013, no doubt on the back of losing the brilliant but oft maligned Todd Carney to the fabulous Cronulla Sharks.
This initially seems like a good move as Anastabation will either be retired or playing professional golf by then, but the culture at Eastern Suburbs will ensure the ‘J Mo’ will soon be wearing thongs to night clubs, having tattoos engraved around his neck and setting fire to his team mates underwear – all obviously life threatening occurrences. Admittedly Carney did similar, but only because he was influenced by Watts, FPN, Myles etc – none of which are playing near the Shire.
But unlike Carney, will he be able to bring the likes of SKD, Mini and Pearce in to the picture? Somehow I don’t think so.
Furthermore, don’t be surprised to see the Stewart brothers end up at Bondi (no doubt they would fit in well there).
Finally check out the competition I’m running where you can catch a cab ride to Northies with Todd Carney and sit next to me for the Sharks – Titans blockbuster in round 14. Despite the Sharks finishing 13th and the Titans winning the wooden spoon this year, no doubt with Carney at the Sharks and Myles at the Titans, this will no doubt be the Grand Final preview.