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Radley needs to pick up his EHS!!

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  • #46
    Originally posted by bondi.boy View Post

    Ah yes, the SS.
    What I kind of called my govt when it sent me a registration form for possible conscription into the army for forcible shipment to the Vietnam war
    as cannon-fodder.
    Basically "If you don't register we'll arrest you and toss you in prison for the duration".
    Not even Victor's age, not yet able to vote, enter a pub, etc I wanted to know where my democratic rights were.
    "What is this, Nazi Germany"?
    The only war you’ve been conscripted to, is the so-called ‘War on Covid19’

    Drop the act, you’ve been found out numerous times’ll be interesting to see


    • #47
      Originally posted by The Skeez View Post

      The only war you’ve been conscripted to, is the so-called ‘War on Covid19’

      Drop the act, you’ve been found out numerous times
      You need to read and comprehend what I write...not make stuff up.
      I did not say I was conscripted to the Vietnam war at all... I said I had to register for conscription.
      Once everyone had registered there was a ballot, not everyone was called up.
      Many a heated argument in the living room there was, with me complaining about my being forced to join the army against my will like I lived in Nazi Germany and be shipped off to the jungles of Vietnam to be used as cannon fodder.
      Sacrificed on the alter of "All the way with LBJ" the 55,000 young Americans who were slaughtered.

      Heated arguments...Kokoda Track veteran father on one on the other.
      He: "I hope you get called up, it'll make a man out of you". Right there was the moment I learnt a very valuable lesson.
      I: " NUKE EM".
      Mummy dearest was absolutely horrified at the very thought of her 'baby boy' being in harm's way. She was 23 when WW2 started.
      If you didn't register, you were indeed arrested and tossed in prison...I would've lost my career job, and ex-con wouldn't be high on an employer's wish list.
      My plan was to register, if called up go into the army thinking I might be able to talk my way into a job where I could contribute but not be sent to be slaughtered in the rice paddies.
      If that failed I intended to throw my gun down on the parade ground and say I couldn't cope "so take me away to the prison cell."
      True, that was my plan. I swear on the Holy Bible.
      "Coward"? What would you have done?
      WW2 I would've enlisted, Vietnam to me was totally different.

      Anyway, my birthday marble didn't win the ballot prize, I wasn't called up. I sure learnt from the experience.
      Last edited by bondi.boy; 04-23-2020, 08:01 PM.


      • #48
        Originally posted by Nicola Tesla View Post
        I enjoy the political banter so dont mind the post being hijacked to a degree....... never understood people who vote right wing (Especially working class non skilled people).. not talking about nut jobs ...cant stand the left or right wing extreme nut jobs .... but when I look at the happiest countries in the world or countries with the best quality of life (and hottest chicks) Its always the more left leaning social democrat countries (Denmark/Norway/Finland/Sweden/Canada). Why we don't aspire to be like them has me beat!!! We are heading towards a more USA style economy... now out of the countries I mentioned above...which would you prefer to raise a family in and what tilt would you prefer our country lean towards (Norse economies or USA style). Especially if you are not lucky in those countries you can still get a great education and looked after if sick..sure you pay more in tax, but you get the benefits of a great society to live in and a great qty of life from birth to death. We were like that and in some regards still are, but its slipping quickly! One thing we have that they don't.....Murdoch!!! This is a generalisation but that's where I draw my political compass from. Real life samples of different approaches. (Did I mention the chicks??) haaaaa
        What is it about Murdoch you don't like, or do like?
        Last edited by bondi.boy; 04-24-2020, 10:56 AM.


        • #49
          Originally posted by Nicola Tesla View Post
          I enjoy the political banter so dont mind the post being hijacked to a degree....... never understood people who vote right wing (Especially working class non skilled people).. not talking about nut jobs ...cant stand the left or right wing extreme nut jobs .... but when I look at the happiest countries in the world or countries with the best quality of life (and hottest chicks) Its always the more left leaning social democrat countries (Denmark/Norway/Finland/Sweden/Canada). Why we don't aspire to be like them has me beat!!! We are heading towards a more USA style economy... now out of the countries I mentioned above...which would you prefer to raise a family in and what tilt would you prefer our country lean towards (Norse economies or USA style). Especially if you are not lucky in those countries you can still get a great education and looked after if sick..sure you pay more in tax, but you get the benefits of a great society to live in and a great qty of life from birth to death. We were like that and in some regards still are, but its slipping quickly! One thing we have that they don't.....Murdoch!!! This is a generalisation but that's where I draw my political compass from. Real life samples of different approaches. (Did I mention the chicks??) haaaaa
          Leaving Canada aside...the others, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Sweden,...almost fit into QLD twice.
          Their combined populations are about the same as our 25million.

          Sweden; population 10.23million ……..Denmark, Norway, Finland, about 5 million each.

          Healthcare... Swedes enjoy world class healthcare - when they get it. ………...***Seems to be a lot like here...except that federal and local govts fund it.

          Unemployment is about 7%.
          [Employers] apart from salary you pay insurance, pension, and other social costs amounting to approx 32% above the salary.


          Sweden, to my first impression [never been there] seems to be in social decline.

          If someone were to Google "NO-GO Zones in Sweden" on YouTube...they would see many videos on the subject.

          1. [Liz Hayes] 60 Minutes On Sweden's 55 M..... No Go Zones.

          2. M.....Gangs take Control of 55 Zones in Sweden
          3. The Civil War in Sweden- No Go Zones and the Military.
          4. Testing Tolerance - Swedes are Saying "enough", To Immigrants.



          I prefer Australia and our systems. No open borders here.
          Of course if b.b-ilk say anything about it, we are called racist, xenophobic, intolerant, and other things.
          So now we just let the Swedes and the rest of Europe lie in the beds they've made for themselves...and only worry about downunder.
          Maybe the lovely Greta would be well-served to look to her own country instead of everyone else's.
          Last edited by bondi.boy; 04-24-2020, 11:39 AM.


          • #50
            Originally posted by bondi.boy View Post

            Leaving Canada aside...the others, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Sweden,...almost fit into QLD twice.
            Their combined populations are about the same as our 25million.

            Sweden; population 10.23million ……..Denmark, Norway, Finland, about 5 million each.

            Healthcare... Swedes enjoy world class healthcare - when they get it. ………...***Seems to be a lot like here...except that federal and local govts fund it.

            Unemployment is about 7%.
            [Employers] apart from salary you pay insurance, pension, and other social costs amounting to approx 32% above the salary.


            Sweden, to my first impression [never been there] seems to be in social decline.

            If someone were to Google "NO-GO Zones in Sweden" on YouTube...they would see many videos on the subject.

            1. [Liz Hayes] 60 Minutes On Sweden's 55 M..... No Go Zones.

            2. M.....Gangs take Control of 55 Zones in Sweden
            3. The Civil War in Sweden- No Go Zones and the Military.
            4. Testing Tolerance - Swedes are Saying "enough", To Immigrants.



            I prefer Australia and our systems. No open borders here.
            Of course if b.b-ilk say anything about it, we are called racist, xenophobic, intolerant, and other things.
            So now we just let the Swedes and the rest of Europe lie in the beds they've made for themselves...and only worry about downunder.
            Maybe the lovely Greta would be well-served to look to her own country instead of everyone else's.
            Some very good points... I never mentioned immigration policy, that's a whole new topic for me and unlike my other left leaning mates I'm all for controlled borders and controlled immigration. I'm a card carrying atheist so would preference my immigration policy towards people that don't believe nonsense no matter where they come from or what color they are. This has nothing to with race before anyone shouts racist.

            In regards to economic policy, I am happy with our balance in general although would change a few things slightly (especially would not want to see more OT cuts etc for workers) and we should be getting way more from our gas supplies than we do. I also think we should get a cut of SUPER profits when the economy or mining industry is booming..... especially if we assist in keeping industries a float by stimulus... In general just said economically I would choose to tilt more that way than the USA want to talk about a sh$thole to live if you are working class!!!!


            • #51
              Originally posted by bondi.boy View Post

              You need to read and comprehend what I write...not make stuff up.
              I did not say I was conscripted to the Vietnam war at all... I said I had to register for conscription.
              Once everyone had registered there was a ballot, not everyone was called up.
              Many a heated argument in the living room there was, with me complaining about my being forced to join the army against my will like I lived in Nazi Germany and be shipped off to the jungles of Vietnam to be used as cannon fodder.
              Sacrificed on the alter of "All the way with LBJ" the 55,000 young Americans who were slaughtered.

              Heated arguments...Kokoda Track veteran father on one on the other.
              He: "I hope you get called up, it'll make a man out of you". Right there was the moment I learnt a very valuable lesson.
              I: " NUKE EM".
              Mummy dearest was absolutely horrified at the very thought of her 'baby boy' being in harm's way. She was 23 when WW2 started.
              If you didn't register, you were indeed arrested and tossed in prison...I would've lost my career job, and ex-con wouldn't be high on an employer's wish list.
              My plan was to register, if called up go into the army thinking I might be able to talk my way into a job where I could contribute but not be sent to be slaughtered in the rice paddies.
              If that failed I intended to throw my gun down on the parade ground and say I couldn't cope "so take me away to the prison cell."
              True, that was my plan. I swear on the Holy Bible.
              "Coward"? What would you have done?
              WW2 I would've enlisted, Vietnam to me was totally different.

              Anyway, my birthday marble didn't win the ballot prize, I wasn't called up. I sure learnt from the experience.
              Well if you 'swear on the holy bible' you must be telling the truth. Honestly , how could you put your hand on a great fiction book about make believe invisible gods and not tell the truth ??? .....I choose science


              • #52
                Originally posted by Easts75 View Post

                Well if you 'swear on the holy bible' you must be telling the truth. Honestly , how could you put your hand on a great fiction book about make believe invisible gods and not tell the truth ??? .....I choose science
                Like you, I too wasn't around in the BC/AD changeover.
                So I just have to decide what to believe and what if anything not to believe.
                There sure seems to be a lot of evidence that Jesus walked upon the I believe that.
                Disciples, New Testament, enough evidence in my mind to believe that.
                The Bible, comes with the deal.
                Written long ago...with ideals, thoughts of the times.
                I believe in " Separation of Church and State".
                If Christians and people of other religions who own cake shops feel that because of their faith they can't take an order for a "gay wedding cake" they should not be tossed in prison or prosecuted.
                Last edited by bondi.boy; 04-24-2020, 04:58 PM.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Nicola Tesla View Post

                  Some very good points... I never mentioned immigration policy, that's a whole new topic for me and unlike my other left leaning mates I'm all for controlled borders and controlled immigration. I'm a card carrying atheist so would preference my immigration policy towards people that don't believe nonsense no matter where they come from or what color they are. This has nothing to with race before anyone shouts racist.

                  In regards to economic policy, I am happy with our balance in general although would change a few things slightly (especially would not want to see more OT cuts etc for workers) and we should be getting way more from our gas supplies than we do. I also think we should get a cut of SUPER profits when the economy or mining industry is booming..... especially if we assist in keeping industries a float by stimulus... In general just said economically I would choose to tilt more that way than the USA want to talk about a sh$thole to live if you are working class!!!!
                  Free country, you can be whatever you like.
                  Preference your immigration policy towards people that don't believe nonsense?
                  Trouble is, the many refugees fleeing Syria seem to believe in something...are either Muslim or Christian, mainly.

                  More money for our gas exports?
                  Would I want to live in USA as "working class"?
                  Would I much rather live in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, as "working class"?

