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Fail Mary

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  • Fail Mary

    I have been deathriding that asshole since he coached his team to take the weak option and dive for penalties. I knew than that any club with someone at the helm who took such shortcuts would have a team that folded under pressure. I am beside myself with joy about what's happening now.

    I just hope he lasts a few more weeks so we can send him off in style. Like Manly did to Opes.

    It's impossible to feel sorry for him. Just enjoy the comedy.

  • #2
    not complaining but you say that about everybody.


    • #3
      You've got a very unforgiving side JT ..but at the time you speak of I was dirty on him too.

      As for now, I do feel a bit for the guy. He tends to back his players but not get the same unconditional performances from them in return.

      They have a big army of fans who must be bewildered by their lack of success.


      • #4
        It's always good seeing the Steelers going through a crisis.
        Born and bred in the eastern suburbs.


        • #5
          Watching the St Soulless Merge Dragon Illawarra Steelers collapse into a heap of red and white stink and their fans tear themselves apart is better than perve mum at the moment. I only wish I could get access to Jubilee Ave, it would make tremendous reading, much like LU right now.

          I would love to see Mary retained and the Titans beat them. /Good times.



          • #6
            Originally posted by Jacks Fur Coat View Post
            You've got a very unforgiving side JT ..but at the time you speak of I was dirty on him too.

            As for now, I do feel a bit for the guy. He tends to back his players but not get the same unconditional performances from them in return.

            They have a big army of fans who must be bewildered by their lack of success.
            Backs his players? Depends on the player.....

            Zac Lomax was told he was going to be playing fullback this season, spent the whole pre-season training there. Lasted one game and got punted.

            Matt Dufty, poor guy wouldn't know whether he's coming or going. One minute he's not in the squad, then they pick him, then he's the reason they got held to zero against the Warriors and gets punted again.

            The young winger Saab is another example of Mary not backing the kids. Sure he's backed De Belin all the way....says volumes about the place and McGregor that he's still taking up a spot on their squad of players in lock down.

            I'm glad the Dragons are struggling. I don't dislike McGregor, he was a gun for NSW in his day but can't coach for shit. They don't have any plahyer that I particularly dislike either. I just dislike their smug, self serving supporter base, they're a lot like Souffs fans. Get into an argument about footy with them and once they're backed in to a corner out comes the old 'come and talk to me when your team has won 11 premierships in a row'


            • #7
              Souffs bullchockies, merge. Its always a pleasure
              Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe


              • #8
                I don't like players turning on coaches. Knights last year. It was us a few years ago. It is pathetic.


                • #9
                  A coach who tells his players to take dives in an Anzac Day match doesn't cut it with me. Shit coach, shit team, shit club.


                  • #10
                    All the so-called experts over the years kept talking them up as premiership material and went ballistic when they led the comp early a few years back, but never once did I ever think the Dragons had any hope of even making the eight while he's been coach.

                    But why is it every time a coach is on the outer it's a Roosters assistant coach that is in the framework? (Don't answer that...I know....because we have the best!) But it's not Robbo alone that makes us great. We can't afford to lose another great assistant coach, especially not mid-season. The Dragons made a five year commitment - fools that they are! - and should stick to it and leave our coaches alone! Besides, why would anyone want to take on that basket-case!


                    • #11
                      Looks like he is set to continue as coach for at least one more week after surviving todays meeting.

                      Wouldn't surprise me if he walks after next weeks game, the club can't afford to sack him.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Kentucky_Fried_Rooster View Post
                        Looks like he is set to continue as coach for at least one more week after surviving todays meeting.

                        Wouldn't surprise me if he walks after next weeks game, the club can't afford to sack him.
                        Surely he has to walk, he cannot put the fans through it for much longer, or soon you might hear whispers to the tune of ‘Frizzel leaving after bust up with coach’ or ‘he’s lost the dressing room’ he must realise that he’s the problem. How long has he been there 5 years? Two finals game (both in the same year) from what I remember.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Teddy View Post

                          Surely he has to walk, he cannot put the fans through it for much longer, or soon you might hear whispers to the tune of ‘Frizzel leaving after bust up with coach’ or ‘he’s lost the dressing room’ he must realise that he’s the problem. How long has he been there 5 years? Two finals game (both in the same year) from what I remember.
                          If I was him I would make them sack me and ensure I got paid. He is a poor coach but what about the idiots that hired him? Thank god we have TRobbo


                          • #14
                            He's staying on, glorious -



                            • #15
                              Fail Mary, you've lost some pace
                              The Board is with thee.

