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Abit of hatred going on between two players in first grade

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  • #16
    So it's Mitchell Pearce fighting with a halfback who can actually set up plays, make good kicks and has a decent tackling action who isn't in the team because of who his father is.


    • #17
      Originally posted by phantom View Post
      Why dont you, I have lots of friends at work....

      Dont you have friends at work??

      Thats sad.....
      I'll try again shall I.

      At the end of the day our players are paid to play. Ideally everyone gets on. However, provided they bust a gut and perform, I don't care if they are knocking each others heads off in the car park after training. They, like everyone who is gainfully employed, are there to play. Not to make friends.

      Do let me know in future any other posts you need explained and I will be happy to spell them out for you.


      • #18
        LOYALCHOOK stop making all these rubbish threads you tool.


        • #19
          Originally posted by phantom View Post
          Love your avatar and sig pic KB....
          The sig I think is the "Catch cry" of the internet, especially RL forums
          The Internet is a place for posting silly things
          Try and be serious and you will look stupid


          • #20
            its the fkn off season
            always have thses posts in the fkn off season
            thats why its called off


            • #21
              Pretty sure I got it the first time, but seems you have a problem understanding good old Australian "taking the piss".....

              sheesssshhhh, who let the suits in......

              (no wonder he dont make friends at work)....:P


              • #22
                My educated guess......Anasta is peed off with Pearce because he is on the piss every second night. Those two haven't liked each other for years and it shows on the field.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Planetboy View Post
                  My educated guess......Anasta is peed off with Pearce because he is on the piss every second night. Those two haven't liked each other for years and it shows on the field.
                  I have heard that too but have also seen then seem very friendly together.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Planetboy View Post
                    My educated guess......Anasta is peed off with Pearce because he is on the piss every second night. Those two haven't liked each other for years and it shows on the field.
                    We have a winner


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Cockadoodledoo View Post
                      I have heard that too but have also seen then seem very friendly together.
                      I hate using a political answer but Hawke and Keating put on a friendly front but despised each other with a passion.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by phantom View Post
                        Pretty sure I got it the first time, but seems you have a problem understanding good old Australian "taking the piss".....

                        sheesssshhhh, who let the suits in......

                        (no wonder he dont make friends at work)....:P
                        Geezzz, you are either Pre Menstraul or Menopausal, you have so much hatred and arrogance in you.

                        You obviously do not live in the Eastern Suburbs because you have no class, you are obsessed with letting us all know, you are friends with players( friends with benefits maybe).

                        Here is a tip, players are friendly to all fans because they have to be, it is their job, I have had coffee many mornings with Hugh Jackman, is he my friend? No!, do i feel the need to get a Tat with his autograph on my body somewhere.

                        I am surprised after showing these players you tat, an AVO was not produced.

                        So PLease stop attacking people obviously "less fortunate" than yourself, this place was better without you.


                        • #27
                          Piss off tool.....

                          If you are from the eastern suburbs I would wager its closer to Souths territory than anything.....

                          Dont bother replying to my comments again thanks, I would prefer to converse with those who actually have a clue......

                          You sure as hell dont know me, but I see a 1000 like you everyday....and seriously lady.... thats if you are, its not a good look.....
                          Last edited by phantom; 01-14-2012, 04:06 PM.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by phantom View Post
                            Piss off tool.....

                            If you are from the eastern suburbs I would wager its closer to Souths territory than anything.....

                            Dont bother replying to my comments again thanks, I would prefer to converse with those who actually have a clue......

                            You sure as hell dont know me, but I see a 1000 like you everyday....and seriously lady.... thats if you are, its not a good look.....
                            AWWW, hit a nerve have I

                            DRink a cup of cement and harden the fark up princess, you can criticise but cannot cop it back.

                            Do not hate the player, hate the game.

                            What is not a good look?? my natural tits that don't sag like scrotums past my middle aged spread.

                            No i do not know you, thankfully, you are deluded.


                            • #29
                              bla bla drongo....

                              Come back when you hit puberty.....


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by phantom View Post
                                bla bla drongo....

                                Come back when you hit puberty.....
                                Nice comeback Ma Kettle.

                                Maybe 1 day you can get a tat of my breasts on your arm.

