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THAT video referee decision

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Johnny Brass View Post
    I've mentioned it before on here about refs sending up our trys to the bunker as no trys which makes it harder to rule it as a try. Cummins,Sutton and Klein do it far too regularly for it to be a coincidence.
    Tommy Smith has written before about how many times we get our refs challenges overturned and he's right and I'd like to wager that the opposite applies to Souths with the calls made in their favour incorrectly.
    robbo made this point in the presser last night.

    the other point is that refs should be given 3 options when sending it to the bunker - try, no try and some kind of dunno option. if the ref and touchies don't know there's every chance that the video ref can make a more informed decision and should only have to satisfy a balance of probability test.


    • #47
      There should be a consequence for a referee sending the wrong decision to the bunker. Perhaps a fine, being stood down or a mild electric shock.


      • #48
        Originally posted by zac View Post

        robbo made this point in the presser last night.

        the other point is that refs should be given 3 options when sending it to the bunker - try, no try and some kind of dunno option. if the ref and touchies don't know there's every chance that the video ref can make a more informed decision and should only have to satisfy a balance of probability test.
        The very nature of them sending it up means their must be some doubt so if it goes up to the bunker why not just leave it to them to make the decision. Once the ref sends it up he shouldn't have any influence on the decision as far as I'm concerned.


        • #49
          Originally posted by Grant Hedger View Post
          There should be a consequence for a referee sending the wrong decision to the bunker. Perhaps a fine, being stood down or a mild electric shock.
          I like option C , Darren Weir has some spare jiggers he no longer uses


          • #50
            I don't think they should give any opinion, should just say they don't know and check it , that's why they send it up in the first place


            • #51
              The amount of times they go up and the decision is reversed one way or another I see no point in the video ref saying well seeing you sent it up as TRY then we see no reason to reverse it. That try where Lee knocked it back I swear he knocked it forward, hit Teddy's shoulder and then went back. Knock on all day but because it went up TRY horse head saw no reason to reverse it. If Klein said he had NFI which is the default for Klein then I bet it would have been no try.


              • #52
                Originally posted by roostermcgregor View Post
                I can understand the video refs point of view.
                He wanted Butch to put on a pink ballet dress, pink ballet shoes and skip off the field, over the deadball line.
                When Butch didn't do this , he ruled obstruction. Completely understandable.
                Honestly. I was at the game, and I saw 2 knights players attempt the tackle on Collins. Both of them got to him, but Collins kept going and forced his way over the tryline.
                The howler of all howlers. And you will continue to get these biased, idiotic, and completely incompetent decisions when you have referees like Cummins, Sutton, Klown and Maxwell running the show.
                Sack them all. They never played the game and don't understand it. They don't deserve to referee our game, when their qualification comes from a cornflakes packet.
                INSIST that only ex first grade footballers can get an NRL refs licence and referee first grade - they will be unbiased , competent, and have a understanding of what is happening on the field.
                The situation with the refereeing is that the NRL is at the point of becoming a joke. And I see the comments on "Mercy" and favouring for teams facing blowouts - ask the ex -players whether they see "mercy" has a place in RL.
                And a last comment in my rant. Constant rule changes by the NRL to make the game more "entertaining" - eg 10 meter rule, 6 again calls,lack of contested scrums, emphasis on safety first football and not making errors etc , have had the opposite effect of causing blowouts, and making the game a yawn , and predictable.
                You reap what you sow.
                Funny that comment, reminds me of a ref we had in the juniors comp. We called him Kellogs, because that's where he got his refs ticket.


                • #53
                  Butcher played no part in the missed tackle . blatant rip off


                  • #54
                    It was going to be the straw that broke their back. If awarded I reckon we would have put another 2 or 3 tries at least


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by mattyh View Post
                      I'd be interested to see each teams repeat set for and against. they appear so random sometimes, I'm not going to go there. as for the bunker decision mystifying , but it just means we win 48 12 not 42 12. I just rewatched the highlights , friends scoot set up that last try for keary wonderfully.
                      Where on the field and when in the tackle count are the set restarts given - should be included in the stat too .


                      • #56
                        Next time the bunker or ref uses bias to rule against us I reckon as a crowd we start "the ref is a wanker" chant.
                        its the only way they will learn


                        • #57
                          From memory the three options existed some years ago. No, yes and not sure. There was a poll or something and the weight of votes was to get rid of the unsure option. I think we the public voted on that so that’s our collective fault.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Bruce 38-0 View Post
                            From memory the three options existed some years ago. No, yes and not sure. There was a poll or something and the weight of votes was to get rid of the unsure option. I think we the public voted on that so that’s our collective fault.
                            Rugby Refs can ask ‘is there any reason I can not award a try’ or ‘try or no try’
                            This gives them an option if they has NFI


                            • #59
                              The whole reason they go up to the bunker is caz they aren't sure. If they aren't sure they should not be influencing the bunker with a yes or no call. Go up to the bunker to rule on the decision, if the bunker can't decide then go back to old "refs call."


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by SupermanSupportsEasts4Eva View Post
                                The whole reason they go up to the bunker is caz they aren't sure. If they aren't sure they should not be influencing the bunker with a yes or no call. Go up to the bunker to rule on the decision, if the bunker can't decide then go back to old "refs call."
                                I guess that's why they need to give a yes/no before sending it to the bunker... so that you get the call we woulda had if there was no bunker?

                                Agreed though. Two things can be annoying:
                                - When they are 'not sure' about every try we score but keep saying 'no try'. Almost as if they can't keep up with our tactics, which says something about their competence.
                                - Sly calls where it feels like they've cooked up a 'try' or 'no try' by either excluding a questionable play for the scope or calling what they think the bunker can demonstrate, rather than what the on-field momentum felt like.

                                Meh - I'm guessing most refs don't care. Be interesting to know why they even questioned Collins' try though. Also, how did the bunker get it wrong?!?!? As a viewer it was just a big boy crashing right over. Presumably is looked a little too easy on-field, prompting the ref to question why? I'd argue it shouldn't have because the momentum was all against the Knights and they even moved the ball to the right of the field to exploit a gap in the defence (i.e. all the forwards were bunched up on the left, assuming we were gonna kick to Tupou or pass to J-Moz/Tedesco... so we passed to a prop on the right, who crashed over wuite easily. Anybody who missed that is a mug!

