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Grubs cover up

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Salvatori Grubber View Post
    Interesting that The Australian drops this, when Sam is employed by the same parent company. There's no honour amongst thieves, I guess...
    I wonder if he is still employed by News?
    When he re-entered the ‘bubble’ with Souths, he had to give up the media gigs. Seems very convenient now, just like his retirement.

    Dirty laundry’ll be interesting to see


    • #32
      I sit here wondering about the outcry if instead of burgess, it was a Roosters player, given the outrage that attended mitchell pearce's antics with the dog.

      My best to the Hooke family.
      "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance."

      Thomas Jefferson


      • #33
        A good start to my day...


        • #34
          Putrid is as putrid does. This scab of a club needs to be peeled off the code again.



          • #35
            Originally posted by The Brain View Post

            Andrew Johns did the same thing his whole career and the club covered him up .
            And then the prick got recognised into the hall of fame as well. Its clear the NRL doesnt take this shyt seriously and I don't expect much to come of this new debacle either.
            FVCK CANCER


            • #36
              Hopefully this kills his media career. No that I ever watch him on tv thanks to the remote.


              • #37
                I can't wait until Rusty writes this chapter in the Book Of Fools.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Mickie Lane View Post
                  Sounds like he was in a drug induced psychosis.
                  It doesn’t sound good but I will wait for it to be dealt with by the courts before I come to my conclusion.
                  Either Sam is in big trouble or The Australian newspaper is going to be sued.
                  Agreed. I hate the guy but know all too well that when your marriage goes to shyte, all the knives come out.

                  Not promoting it but cheating on your Mrs + staying away from her after a bad loss while self-medicating with eccies doesn't mean you've committed any crimes against her. The advice my lawyer gave me when my ex was constantly calling the cops with wild DV claims was 'GET OUT OF THERE WHEN YOU SENSE AN ARGUMENT!!! STAY WITH A FRIEND OR WHATEVER BUT DON'T HO IN AND TRY TO SORT IT OUT WITH HER... YOU WANNA AVOID ANY SITUATION WHERE IT'S YOUR WORD AGAINST HERS!!!'

                  Definitely wait for the courts to decide whether Burgess arguing with her father (a powerful businessman who I'm guessing isn't foreign to challenging physical altercations) is considered an assault. The guy's a d!ckhead but one reason why I have faith in our court system is that even d!ckheads deserve a fair trial. I mean hey I'm a d!ckhead... ask any of my ex's. Hint... it's not a crime to be a d!ckhead or to argue with your ex during a break-up.
                  Last edited by ism22; 10-02-2020, 11:27 AM.


                  • #39
                    Just goes to show the effect of a thumping in an elimination final.

                    Seriously though, the whole report reminds me of the old saying, "Is this true or did you read it in The Australian". What it seems to be, for the most part, is not so much an "investigative report" but a rehash of Court documents relating to the AVO and, no doubt, to Family Court proceedings. It's full of Hear/Say and subjective accounts and, in the manner of these things, very little will carry any evidentiary weight at a future hearing.

                    For the skeptics among us, Mitch Hooke is the cynical, ruthless ex head of the rent seeking Minerals Council of Australia (Gina's outfit) and the dishonest job that he did on the Super profits mining tax shows that his style is boots'n'all, destroy the enemy at all costs. Importantly, someone of his "stature" and ego won't be risking a negative result on the AVO claim - Mitch a liar? Come..come.. Best to head that off by appealing to the Court of Public Opinion via mates at News Corp.

                    Apart from that, the dick pic incident would have been an unwelcome reflection on HIS family and that arrogant ego as well and my guess is that he wants ol' Sam gone completely - no chance of shared custody or, maybe, any contact at all.

                    Anyone who has been through a family break up, especially when a trouble making third party is heavily involved, knows that things can get highly emotional and often booze and alcohol gets into the mix. The Australian had no business publishing this salacious, one sided account of a family in turmoil, there's no public interest issue. It is a very sad personal matter and, perhaps, the real villainy will never come to light.


                    • #40
                      Not surprising from this flog rag of a club


                      • #41
                        Paddo Colt 61

                        ​​​​​​​While I think there's merit in the idea that a mining industry CEO might be a narcissist or psychopath, your claim is entirely baseless.
                        Making Steve Naughton look like Vince Mellars...


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by mickie lane View Post
                          sounds like he was in a drug induced psychosis.
                          It doesn’t sound good but i will wait for it to be dealt with by the courts before i come to my conclusion.
                          Either sam is in big trouble or the australian newspaper is going to be sued.
                          i hope it escalates and goes the whole course including witness statements from all that were involved.
                          The doctors involved have a lot to answer for including providing false names to protect the grub.

                          So glad what mummy burgess tried to surpress from the public has been aired.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by ism22 View Post

                            Agreed. I hate the guy but know all too well that when your marriage goes to shyte, all the knives come out.

                            Not promoting it but cheating on your Mrs + staying away from her after a bad loss while self-medicating with eccies doesn't mean you've committed any crimes against her. The advice my lawyer gave me when my ex was constantly calling the cops with wild DV claims was 'GET OUT OF THERE WHEN YOU SENSE AN ARGUMENT!!! STAY WITH A FRIEND OR WHATEVER BUT DON'T HO IN AND TRY TO SORT IT OUT WITH HER... YOU WANNA AVOID ANY SITUATION WHERE IT'S YOUR WORD AGAINST HERS!!!'

                            Definitely wait for the courts to decide whether Burgess arguing with her father (a powerful businessman who I'm guessing isn't foreign to challenging physical altercations) is considered an assault. The guy's a d!ckhead but one reason why I have faith in our court system is that even d!ckheads deserve a fair trial. I mean hey I'm a d!ckhead... ask any of my ex's. Hint... it's not a crime to be a d!ckhead or to argue with your ex during a break-up.
                            Are you for real??!? “It’s not a crime to be a dickhead or to argue with your ex during a break up”? I’m pretty sure domestic violence, a very serious crime, covers verbal abuse... also let’s gloss over the allegation that he physically assaulted his current heavily pregnant wife, so even if you don’t believe what’s written, if it turns out to be true it damn well is a crime.

                            ... anyway haven’t you previously proclaimed to be a lawyer yourself? Shouldn’t you therefore know what is considered a crime?


                            • #44
                              Shyts gettin real!
                              FVCK CANCER


                              • #45
                                Regardless of what you think of Sam and whether he was violent to his wife and others the issue as far as the NRL goes is potentially with Souths.
                                The chief medical officer has allegedly prescribed a drug in a false name and conducted secret drug tests to hide it from the public and NRL.
                                If all true, you would think that he isn't the only one within the club who would know about it.

