Originally posted by ROC181
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[QUOTE=Jacks Fur Coat;
You simply cannot make a comment or provide a piece of prose sans the political injustice that beats loud within you. You seem tortured.
Hope you get something nice from our "racist" country somehow, and indeed find solace in the time and effort you donate to an Easts footy forum.
An unsurprising comment by a forelock tugger from way back - try breaking some new ground Jaxie. How about a "This I Believe" thread from you on the Off Topic forum so we can all have a laugh - belief in Donald Trump doesn't do you any favours that's for sure.
A female fan, whose name shall not be mentioned since she and I are now as ships in the night, has alluded to you being away on the Grey Nomad circuit. I'd imagine that old fascist and well of ignorance "Macca" is a must on Sunday mornings?
Originally posted by Johnny73 View Post
My brother looked good playing for Waverley College against schoolboys. He never made it to first grade. If Youtube was the arbiter of greatness then Jordan Shanks would be Prime Minister.
Originally posted by Johnny73 View Post
My brother looked good playing for Waverley College against schoolboys. He never made it to first grade. If Youtube was the arbiter of greatness then Jordan Shanks would be Prime Minister.
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Originally posted by Johnny73 View Post
My brother looked good playing for Waverley College against schoolboys. He never made it to first grade. If Youtube was the arbiter of greatness then Jordan Shanks would be Prime Minister.
GPS and CAS are basically 2 horse races.
- GPS = Joeys and Kings
- CAS = Knox and Barker (the two $$$ upper north shore schools, with Waverley as a wildcard)
- ISA... is shyte. Schools like Stanny's and stuff often had a few big country lads + St Pat's had some wogs/islanders but St Andrews and stuff were p!ss weak. Bunch of spoiled, bong head city boys (without the surfer bods that Waverley had).
As noted, it's always the best players who get a run anyway. Without doxing myself, we always had:
- A few country boys, indigenous boys and islanders on scholarship. Since there are no 'sports scholarships', there was always an art to tinkering this system. These guys were usually 130kg+ and could be really dangerous (mostly if they fell on you or something). Generally they were suspended for 1/2 the season for things like smoking, drug usage and stealing shyte as well...
- The 'sons of benefactors' picks. Usually at least 5 WTF selections who HAD to play 80 minutes and have captaincy roles...etc. During training you'd absolutely dominate them, but it would never sway the selectors.
- A few kids actually made the team. They'd be the most talented players and they'd go on to play Shute Shield during uni. However, they'd often intentionally tank during trials in order to play for the 2nd or 3rd's coz it was more fun. There's a long list of professional players who 'didn't make their 1st XV', and there's a reason why...
[QUOTE=Larry Long Balls;
This farking guy. He hates the working class and the uneducated yet seems to have no education himself.
Such an unseemly response Laz. Unreasonable too - just name calling.
What I do hate is the fact that 85% of us tell surveys that they have no interest in the way that the GDP pie is divided in this country in that they say that they have no interest in politics which means that they have no interest in that cigar chomping elitist Corman jetting around the world on a $5K and hour job seeking tour on our tab while thousands of Aussies are stuck overseas (By the way, he belonged to a fascist group in his native Belgium - a group that wanted the return of a Catholic Monarchy - pro Nazi during the war. No surprise he should find a home in the Liberal Party). Neither are the 85% seemingly interested in the Robodebt disaster which was the brainchild of Scumo as Treasurer and is going to cost us $1.5 billion. Neither do they worry about the poor buggers who've spent 10 years on Manus but have committed no crime but are essential to the Libs' re election prospects. Neither do they seem to care about Sports Rorts where millions were given in grants to sports clubs in Lib electorates which hadn't applied for any. Nor do they appear concerned that their kids have under resourced schools while the rich schools pig out on taxpayer funding. Nor do they seem to realise that a virtual monopoly media is pro all of that privilege.
Unforch, the working class make up the majority of that thoughtless 85% - they're my people but their complacency and their pride in ignorance embarrasses me.
As noted, it's always the best players who get a run anyway. Without doxing myself, we always had:
- A few country boys, indigenous boys and islanders on scholarship. Since there are no 'sports scholarships', there was always an art to tinkering this system. These guys were usually 130kg+ and could be really dangerous (mostly if they fell on you or something). Generally they were suspended for 1/2 the season for things like smoking, drug usage and stealing shyte as well...
- The 'sons of benefactors' picks. Usually at least 5 WTF selections who HAD to play 80 minutes and have captaincy roles...etc. During training you'd absolutely dominate them, but it would never sway the selectors.
Yeah -ism, Easts used/uses Matraville Sports High as a reservoir for likely out of towners (no scholarship required). Some years back a couple of those lads ( Islanders as it turns out - but just sayin') took a bus to Kingsford at lunch break and, armed with a lump of wood, robbed the bottle shop there of a couple of slabs but were arrested at the bus stop on their way back to school thereby nominating themselves as the dumbest crims ever to pull on a balaclava.
Interestingly too, Ian McKay (who paired with Artie back in the day and played for Australia) never made it out of the Colour Comp at Marcellin. Same benefactor/prefect story.
Originally posted by Rooster1908 View Post
Because that knob always decides to insult someone . Racial prejudice righteous prick he isExonerate the West Memphis Three - www.wm3.org
Anyway if the souffs troll ain’t gonna be banned can someone at least teach him how to use the quote function? He makes a complete mess of every thread with that, along with the rubbish content.
It ain’t that hard. Press the quote button and start typing. That’s all it is. And yet somehow he still hasn’t quite mastered it.
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[QUOTE=The Lip;n859674]Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
Ha so funny I don’t agree with almost most of what you say but I do know a Scots family with everyone of those names as their sons names.
Gus’ s father attended scots so I doubt his is a scholarship as you say. His father was a tough as nails front rower who if you saw out on a Saturday night in those days was best to avoid!