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  • #31
    Originally posted by Rooster_6 View Post

    We haven’t done a good job of establishing the hard yards for a while now, there were some really bad signs in the Raiders trial given the way they dominated the opening 20minutes until they took their starting pack off the field. I don’t even think the Souths pack is that good but it was like our forwards were playing up an age group they got bent back in nearly every tackle and these were very similar signs coming out of our performances against Penrith and Canberra as we bowed out in straight sets from last years finals series.

    They don’t hunt like a pack anymore, we don’t force the good sides to kick from inside their own 30m anymore, we don’t make sides feel any pressure any more. The Bondi wall was more than just defending a goal line, it was a way of beating teams into submission and then using that pressure and ascendency to run over the top of them but you had to be in the grind first before you got there and we’re not even getting into the grind. Our pack is a group of talented individuals, all seemingly playing to a different plan at the moment. It’s hard to criticise any one individual but as a collective they’ve been very poor for a while now and they seem to escaping a lot of criticism for it.

    I’m tired of seeing SST putting in workman like performances, sure individually the stats are great and he’s doing a great job. You can’t knock 52 tackles and 130m. But I want to see the old SST, the bloke who was near impossible to tackle, busting the line, leaving defenders on the floor. Not the bloke that’s so tired by the time it’s his turn to take a carry that he only sometimes bends the line and even then it may only be for a few more yards.

    We miss a Sam Moa, someone who will just run up and down the field all day at 100kms/ph without a fear in the world for personal preservation.

    We miss Victor Radley, a bloke who leads the line speed in defence and will snap someone in half completely changing the momentum of a set.

    We miss Boyd Cordner, a bloke who can come in at any point of any game at any time and just charge onto a ball break through the other side, find his front and play the ball before the defensive line has even started retreating to their 10m mark.

    The forward pack is still living on past achievements, time to create their own legacy.
    Great post. Remember talking to Fitzy one night and he was giving S Moa such a huge wrap and saying there are so many props in SL that are just tough no nonsense players that make great yardage and a quick play the ball and wondered why more hadn’t come over. Well Fitzy let’s get some more Sam Moa’s here so players like SST can do their thing.


    • #32
      We've had time and opportunity to give us the roster we want.

      Results like last game come down to coaching...both tactics and prep. Bennett bested Robbo, simple.

      But Robbo plays the long game hurts for us fans but he knows comps arent won or lost in Round 3.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Jacks Fur Coat View Post
        We've had time and opportunity to give us the roster we want.

        Results like last game come down to coaching...both tactics and prep. Bennett bested Robbo, simple.

        But Robbo plays the long game hurts for us fans but he knows comps arent won or lost in Round 3.
        and the end result is far more satisfying.


        • #34
          What's JFC lovin?

          Shane Flanagans commentary. Not sure if you've heard him on Fox but the last couple of weeks I've been really impressed. And surprised!

          He's down to earth, unbiased and actually gives analysis and smarts of the game. 95% of comms don't. Brian Smith esq. who was the best co-commentator I've heard.

          Sorry not thread related, just wanted to give him a rap.


          • #35
            We did play sideways as our entire line was angling towards the sideline. That is the definition of playing sideways.[/QUOTE]

            That's is what I always thought it was too...
            even when I'm not high


            • #36
              Originally posted by Mickie Lane View Post

              Wouldnt it great to be what hes on.
              You'll be on the same buzz when we win the comp it's just ashame that you can't think the same now but only when we win!

              I still have faith in you to be positive rather than negative!

              In Robbo i Trust


              • #37
                Originally posted by Snapn1 View Post

                You'll be on the same buzz when we win the comp it's just ashame that you can't think the same now but only when we win!

                I still have faith in you to be positive rather than negative!

                In Robbo i Trust
                Would you put your house on the Chooks winning the comp this year?
                Remember you posted before the Souths game that the Chooks would flog them & you that you had already won the bet before the game had been played.

                How did that go, I know you lost your bet last week at work so did you wear a Souths jumper for the week.

                Snapn1 its good to be a glass full guy all the time like yourself but I think I may have been around a bit longer than you & Im more of a glass half empty guy when you lose your most important player for the season & replace him with a talked up 18 YO but I hope your right about winning the comp & if they do I will shout you out for a nice dinner to a place that you would like to go to.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Mickie Lane View Post

                  Would you put your house on the Chooks winning the comp this year?
                  Remember you posted before the Souths game that the Chooks would flog them & you that you had already won the bet before the game had been played.

                  How did that go, I know you lost your bet last week at work so did you wear a Souths jumper for the week.

                  Snapn1 its good to be a glass full guy all the time like yourself but I think I may have been around a bit longer than you & Im more of a glass half empty guy when you lose your most important player for the season & replace him with a talked up 18 YO but I hope your right about winning the comp & if they do I will shout you out for a nice dinner to a place that you would like to go to.
                  Really dont give a shit about the money nor the jersey thingy ! Only Roosters.

                  I can't tell the future an nor can you, same as the player's an club but 1 thing is for sure , the players,club haven't given up and thats all i need as a 15 year membership fan! I will be at every game cheering and backing the boys all the way that is all mate!
                  EAST 2 WIN

                  Get behind our new 7 because from what I've seen he has what it takes Lets Go!

                  Back to the jersey thing i took the week off so no need to wear the jersey for the bet was only for that week ! Money is money ppppffftttt!
                  Last edited by Snapn1; 04-03-2021, 02:32 PM.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Snapn1 View Post

                    Really dont give a shit about the money nor the jersey thingy ! Only Roosters.

                    I can't tell the future an nor can you, same as the player's an club but 1 thing is for sure , the players,club haven't given up and thats all i need as a 15 year membership fan! I will be at every game cheering and backing the boys all the way that is all mate!
                    EAST 2 WIN

                    Get behind our new 7 because from what I've seen he has what it takes Lets Go!

                    Back to the jersey thing i took the week off so no need to wear the jersey for the bet was only for that week ! Money is money ppppffftttt!
                    Go the Chooks.
                    Im actually looking forward to watching Sam play & mate I would love to see him become the best halfback ever playing his career at the Chooks winning a few comps.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Freddy View Post

                      Great post. Remember talking to Fitzy one night and he was giving S Moa such a huge wrap and saying there are so many props in SL that are just tough no nonsense players that make great yardage and a quick play the ball and wondered why more hadn’t come over. Well Fitzy let’s get some more Sam Moa’s here so players like SST can do their thing.
                      We need a big ball playing prop.
                      Shoot me down ........... but I'd to see Pangai Junior come over!


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Mickie Lane View Post

                        Go the Chooks.
                        Im actually looking forward to watching Sam play & mate I would love to see him become the best halfback ever playing his career at the Chooks winning a few comps.
                        Mee too.
                        But Im hearing up here in Brissy, that the broncos have spoken to him.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Kelby View Post

                          Mee too.
                          But Im hearing up here in Brissy, that the broncos have spoken to him.
                          That is always going to be a worry for the Chooks. I imagine he followed the Broncos growing up & he does come from Brisbane so who knows.
                          For those out there who are going to reply that if Nick wants him that he will be going nowhere you are wrong. The Roosters lose players to other clubs that they would like to keep & go hard for but the player still leaves.

