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Tom Trbojevic is the best fullback

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  • Tom Trbojevic is the best fullback

    Wish he was a Rooster’ll be interesting to see

  • #2
    The disrespect on teddy is insane hahaha. Everyone just so used to his greatness they are looking for someone else (he's like the Lebron of the NBA if anyone follows it).


    • #3
      At 6’4” he is too tall to get hit by head high tackles’ll be interesting to see


      • #4
        Tedesco is a Rooster, he grew up supporting the chooks, he dreamt of playing for the chooks, I wouldn't want any other fullback.


        • #5
          Call me when he actually wins something


          • #6
            Originally posted by Rooster_6 View Post
            Tedesco is a Rooster, he grew up supporting the chooks, he dreamt of playing for the chooks, I wouldn't want any other fullback.

            Wouldn't trade Teddy for anything. Games best player for multiple years now. Absolute joy to watch


            • #7
              He is a feathered friend
    ’ll be interesting to see


              • #8
                Originally posted by BenCumminsIsACheat View Post
                Call me when he actually wins something
                state of origin


                • #9
                  Originally posted by my2centsworth View Post

                  state of origin
                  Heavily thanks to the bloke in the number 1 jersey lol


                  • #10
                    He probably is the best fallback in the game and can play elsewhere in the backs but gets injured to easily.
                    Teddy isn't far behind him and doesn't spend 50% of the season on the sideline, Teddy only wants to play for the Roosters and Turbo only wants to play for Manly and wouldn't come here.
                    I think they are both on $1,100,000 a season so we get better value out of our fullback.

                    I will take Teddy over Turbo.


                    • #11
                      Geez some people vomit out some absolute crap on this forum don't they.

                      Teddy: Dual Roosters Premiership winner, State of Origin winner, Dally M Winner, Intelligent (has an Education degree), and the man 90% of league fans woudl call the best fullback in the game, and a devotee of the Roosters club since he was a toddle basically, would bleed for the jersey

                      But nah.....not good enough for you Skeez?

                      Fark there are some braindead chooks fans among us...


                      • #12
                        Over the last 3 weeks it's Turbo
                        Over the last 3 years it's Teddy by a long way

                        I know which sample size I'd rather...


                        • #13
                          He doesn't stay healthy long enough to even be mentioned in the same breath as Teddy


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Tommy Smith View Post
                            Over the last 3 weeks it's Turbo
                            Over the last 3 years it's Teddy by a long way

                            I know which sample size I'd rather...
                            And that post just finished this thread.


                            • #15
                              Turbo is the one of the best fullbacks for about 5 weeks, then he injures his hammy then doesnt play for another 5 weeks.

                              Teddy is rarely injured and always one of the best on the field no matter what level.

                              Know who i would rather have

