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Is marschke’s time up

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  • #16
    I reckon Ben is our number 2 hooker behind Sammy V, he will get plenty more games, might turn into a version of Aubs.


    • #17
      not sure he's on the bench when sammy comes back but he's really stepped up when we needed him to


      • #18
        Marschke has done very well considering he was a part timer with Norths until his first game for us. He has never done a full preseason and has only started training with our squad since first game I think he is probably ahead of Lussick and we havent seen enough of Verrils this year to know how well he will go. He wont have been able to train hard until his eye heals


        • #19
          Marschke has been valiant but I think he is coming to the end of the road. He was absolutely out on his feet before being replaced in the first half, on Saturday night. I am sure it wasn't planned for Keighran to remain on for the rest of the game but with Teddy using up the interchange for his short spell off the field, something had to give. Keighran gave us more versatility and the bonus of goal kicking. Marschke's service is pretty erratic and he isn't a long term option imho.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Schooner View Post
            Marschke has done very well considering he was a part timer with Norths until his first game for us. He has never done a full preseason and has only started training with our squad since first game I think he is probably ahead of Lussick and we havent seen enough of Verrils this year to know how well he will go. He wont have been able to train hard until his eye heals
            Yeh to Marschke's credit he has performed admirably given he hadn't done any training with the first grade squad and has been asked to play long minutes as a starter.

            I wouldn't be surprised if Robbo persisted with him as part of him 30man squad moving forward as I expect another club to come in for Freddy Lussick this year. The dummy he threw to put Tedesco into a hole in the opening minutes before Lam was taken out was really nice dummy half play. Again I wouldn't be surprised if he's in and around the squad for the next few years just slowly adding to and progressing his game and providing cover for Verrills in a similar way Ikuvalu came out of no where and has provided us great service for quite a few years now when needed.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Rooster_6 View Post

              Yeh to Marschke's credit he has performed admirably given he hadn't done any training with the first grade squad and has been asked to play long minutes as a starter.

              I wouldn't be surprised if Robbo persisted with him as part of him 30man squad moving forward as I expect another club to come in for Freddy Lussick this year. The dummy he threw to put Tedesco into a hole in the opening minutes before Lam was taken out was really nice dummy half play. Again I wouldn't be surprised if he's in and around the squad for the next few years just slowly adding to and progressing his game and providing cover for Verrills in a similar way Ikuvalu came out of no where and has provided us great service for quite a few years now when needed.
              Speaking of, Lussick is returning from injury this week off the bench for the Bears


              • #22
                I like this. Shitcanning a player who was drafted into first grade, despite never having been anywhere near selection, and who has stood up admirably.


                • #23
                  I think marschke has taken his opportunities much better than lussick to be honest.

                  However if all are fit than I would think it's Verills to start and Keighran, Marschke and Lussick to miss out.

                  Unless Lam doesn't do something soon than maybe it will be Walker and Keighran in the halves in which case Marschke IMO wins out the bench spot ahead of Lussick and Lam.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Johnny73 View Post
                    I like this. Shitcanning a player who was drafted into first grade, despite never having been anywhere near selection, and who has stood up admirably.
                    Some here just love shitcanning our local juniors don’t they? Mind boggling.
                    Exonerate the West Memphis Three -


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Roosterfarian View Post

                      Some here just love shitcanning our local juniors don’t they? Mind boggling.
                      Most of them, in the vernacular of the now mellow and worldly Ray Hadley, have never laced a boot in anger.


                      • #26
                        Does anyone else think Marschke has overtaken Lussick in the dummy half role?

