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  • Jwh

    We are not worthy.

    He sets that standard for what it means to be a Roosters forward and his name will live on for decades long after he is gone. He is up there with Beetson in terms of legacy, I can’t think of a bigger compliment to give him after his efforts today.

    250games deep and may have just re-established himself as the best front rower in the game once again.

  • #2
    maybe his second motm this year and has managed the crackdown pretty well


    • #3
      Originally posted by zac View Post
      maybe his second motm this year and has managed the crackdown pretty well
      Loved his smile when the ref told him he was on report.

      Classic JWH controlled aggression on display tonight. All served up with a smile.


      • #4
        #We Stand with ourJewish community#


        • #5
          Best prop in the comp. Like Robbo said in the press conference, he won us that game.


          • #6
            How good! That long term contract was a wise decision.
  ’ll be interesting to see


            • #7
              Loved suaalii giving him a kiss on the cheek


              • #8
                He is genuinely tough, but contrary to his critics not a grub at all. Yes he's had his share of tackles gone high and wrong, but never anything dirty like Burgearse and never vindictive.

                And has never laid down once. Never. Including the shoulder charge in the 2010 tigers/semi. Then, not just now, had he laid down he would have got us the penalty, and 2 points in front to win the game (which fate and SKD ended up deciding), he just bounced back up.

                He has an aura and rightfully so, a great, great rooster and a great man.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by doves07 View Post
                  Loved suaalii giving him a kiss on the cheek
                  that was cool


                  • #10
                    In my top 3 props with Salvo and of course Artie.

                    250 not out.

                    You could see in the after game interview with Sammy and Jaz on Fox, it looked like a "proud father-son" moment.


                    • #11
                      beast mode today.


                      • #12
                        JWH- Beetsons clone how he gets through all that work for 80 mins straight is just phenomenal has the lungs of a Sherpa at front Row it’s just amazing at 32 wow. Thank you Jazz #RAISETHEBAT 250 not out.


                        • #13
                          No doubt the best front rower in the NRL era.
                          No one has come close to being as good as he has for as long as he has


                          • #14
                            He deserves a spot on the painted house.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by milanja View Post
                              He deserves a spot on the painted house.
                              He sure does. What a player.

