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How can we be expected to take the media seriously.

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  • #31
    The media are idiots and don't like the Roosters. Simple as that. Jealousy is a curse.

    When Brian Smith uses a cherry picker to watch his team train he is ridiculed. When Des Hasler uses one to watch his team play a trial he is described - in this week's RLW - as, "Yet another reason why Dessie is regarded among the most meticulous coaches in the game". Go figure.


    • #32
      Originally posted by The Sack View Post
      The media are idiots and don't like the Roosters. Simple as that. Jealousy is a curse.

      When Brian Smith uses a cherry picker to watch his team train he is ridiculed. When Des Hasler uses one to watch his team play a trial he is described - in this week's RLW - as, "Yet another reason why Dessie is regarded among the most meticulous coaches in the game". Go figure.
      Yeah, I had a chuckle at that, too.


      • #33
        Originally posted by The Sack View Post
        The media are idiots and don't like the Roosters. Simple as that. Jealousy is a curse.

        When Brian Smith uses a cherry picker to watch his team train he is ridiculed. When Des Hasler uses one to watch his team play a trial he is described - in this week's RLW - as, "Yet another reason why Dessie is regarded among the most meticulous coaches in the game". Go figure.
        Exactly right! And it's News / Telecrap that are the culprits!


        • #34
          if we buy them all wed have noone to play against? didnt brisbane tryy that one? everyy promising schoolboy was put on a $1500 contract up there!

