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Just sign the petition to sack the clowns who have ruined the game

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  • Just sign the petition to sack the clowns who have ruined the game

    Vlandys and Abdo have to go (they pharking hate the roosters)

  • #2
    Without the garbage high tackle nonsense and endless 6 agains against us this would’ve been a close game.
    Get rid of those dopes. The game is going downhill so fast it’s not funny.


    • #3
      I understand why you're promoting, but let's be honest here this isn't going to really change anything. One petition with a bunch of signatures isn't going to strike fear into them into even having the idea of leaving. What's really going to make change is if TV ratings decrease dramatically, more fans stop supporting the NRL and the players raising concerns over how the game is being played is only going to maybe even put the thought of leaving in their heads. I don't support either PVL or Abdo but we have to be realistic here.


      • #4
        I don't think they hate the Roosters, but they have given the Refs the perfect weapon to stop us from winning the GF ever again without looking biased. These 'hidden' 6 agains especially on the 4th and 5th tackles against us.


        • #5
          Might go watch AFL. They tolerate football accidents
’ll be interesting to see


          • #6
            Do I have to put my real name on this?


            • #7
              Originally posted by ROC181 View Post
              Do I have to put my real name on this?
              No. I’m sure Ben Cummins Is a Cheat signed.
              Unless that their real name?
    ’ll be interesting to see

