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Roosters vs Storm game moved- Baffling Decision by the Roosters

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  • #46
    Originally posted by bondi.boy View Post
    Dear sweet aunty Gladys tried the "We're all in this together,"..."I urge everyone to do the right thing"..."the health advice is" approach, urging us, but not forcing us, to scan QR codes, wear masks, social distance, use common sense, and get tested.
    It worked, and NSW had zero community transmissions for weeks.
    But then, one person broke the rules, and we have what we have today.
    Time to call in the army, cops, complete with dogs... to enforce the laws.
    bb, a few fings if you don’t mind?
    With all the restrictions, getting vaccinated might help.
    There’s no point looking to blame someone making a quid. But that seems to be their modus operandi. It wasn’t the policy, it was the rats in the ranks. Typical Murdoch philosophy
    Last edited by The Skeez; 06-26-2021, 09:41 PM.’ll be interesting to see


    • #47
      Another Munster kneeing incident could see him miss the chooks games as he has two prior charges.


      • #48
        Originally posted by The Skeez View Post
        bb, a few fings if you don’t mind?
        With all the restrictions, getting vaccinated might help.
        There’s no point looking to blame someone making a quid. But that seems to be their modus operandi. It wasn’t the policy, it was the rats in the ranks. Typical Murdoch philosophy
        I've had both Covid AstraZ jabs.
        I can still get Covid Delta...which is more dangerous for children and adults than the Alpha variant that was here last year.
        As can everyone else, vaccination is not a silver bullet...but helps greatly in the Covid war.
        I'm not sure if everyone leaving their homes during the lockdown to shop, exercise etc is required to wear a mask all the time...outdoors as well as indoors.
        You would think though, with Delta so contagious, everyone would be wearing a mask everywhere.
        Just because people getting Covid aren't dying, doesn't mean they're not suffering damage to organs...kidneys, liver, brain, lungs, matter how slight.
        Tv news tonite showed Coogee (think they said Coogee) beach promenade, and main shopping area today...people every where, passing shoulder to shoulder, very few masks in pandemic Delta strain central.
        Last edited by bondi.boy; 06-28-2021, 12:44 AM.


        • #49
          Originally posted by milanja View Post
          Another Munster kneeing incident could see him miss the chooks games as he has two prior charges.
          You only get 3 weeks for kneeing a player in the back, breaking his ribs, puncturing his lung and putting him in nothing much will likely happen to him.


          • #50
            Originally posted by bondi.boy View Post

            I've had both Covid AstraZ jabs.
            I can still get Covid Delta...which is more dangerous for children and adults than the Alpha variant that was here last year.
            As can everyone else, vaccination is not a silver bullet...but helps greatly in the Covid war.
            I'm not sure if everyone leaving their homes during the lockdown to shop, exercise etc is required to wear a mask all the time...outdoors as well as indoors.
            You would think though, with Delta so contagious, everyone would be wearing a mask everywhere.
            Just because people getting Covid aren't dying, doesn't mean they're not suffering damage to organs...kidneys, liver, brain, lungs, matter how slight.
            Tv news tonite showed Coogee (think they said Coogee) beach promenade, and main shopping area today...people every where, passing shoulder to shoulder, very few masks in pandemic Delta strain central.
            They are saying Covid-19 and it's variants could well be a epidemic virus rather than a pandemic one and will be always around like for an example the various influenza strains that crop up annually -some worse than others. There are a raft of other viruses although eradicated in many countries that are still around and will always be around and some that are managed via medication such as AIDS

            The question then is at what point in time do governments lift all border restrictions ( international travel for an example ) when a certain percentage of the population has been fully vaccinated and what percentage will that be 70% / 80%/90/100% ?

            Obviously there has to be an end point when all restriction are lifted which will mean there maybe be further deaths from Covid -19 related illnesses = What percentage of deaths per 100,000 or what ever percentage they use will governments and the general public be "comfortable" with though.

            That is the question that no one as yet is willing to answer but will eventually have to answer.

            The vaccinations won't mean you wont contract Covid -19 although it will provide you with a much much better chance of not catching it or spreading it too if of course you have a healthy immune system.

            As all viruses mutate and become less resistant to antibiotic's and current vaccinations further boosters may well be required going forward.
            Last edited by King Salvo; 06-28-2021, 12:31 PM.


            • #51
              Originally posted by bondi.boy View Post

              You only get 3 weeks for kneeing a player in the back, breaking his ribs, puncturing his lung and putting him in nothing much will likely happen to him.
              Just in: No charges out of Origin last night.
              Cam Munster not charged for knee contact with James Tedesco - sweet to play for Melb this week


              • #52
                Originally posted by King Salvo View Post

                They are saying Covid-19 and it's variants could well be a epidemic virus rather than a pandemic one and will be always around like for an example the various influenza strains that crop up annually -some worse than others. There are a raft of other viruses although eradicated in many countries that are still around and will always be around and some that are managed via medication such as AIDS

                The question then is at what point in time do governments lift all border restrictions ( international travel for an example ) when a certain percentage of the population has been fully vaccinated and what percentage will that be 70% / 80%/90/100% ?

                Obviously there has to be an end point when all restriction are lifted which will mean there maybe be further deaths from Covid -19 related illnesses = What percentage of deaths per 100,000 or what ever percentage they use will governments and the general public be "comfortable" with though.

                That is the question that no one as yet is willing to answer but will eventually have to answer.

                The vaccinations won't mean you wont contract Covid -19 although it will provide you with a much much better chance of not catching it or spreading it too if of course you have a healthy immune system.

                As all viruses mutate and become less resistant to antibiotic's and current vaccinations further boosters may well be required going forward.
                if it spreads across the world like a pandemic and threatens the lives of people in each country like a pandemic - it's a pandemic. no serious source has questioned calling it a pandemic and yes, they all say it will be around for a long time.
                but i agree with everything else you've said and it doesn't matter if people want to call it an epidemic or a bad case of the flu so long as people get vaccinated


                • #53
                  We are not gonna win a comp this year but It would be real nice if we can put Melbourne away this week . The young fellas must be close to Roosters mentality into last a game .
                  The last two years against both penriff and the cheats we have had them on the ropes in all games after 10 mins only for it not to last..
                  The game plan and coaching is there n.with 7 to 10 players out the young blokes do not have it in them for 80 mins...yet.Hopefully they will come through this week.
                  Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by zac View Post

                    if it spreads across the world like a pandemic and threatens the lives of people in each country like a pandemic - it's a pandemic. no serious source has questioned calling it a pandemic and yes, they all say it will be around for a long time.
                    but i agree with everything else you've said and it doesn't matter if people want to call it an epidemic or a bad case of the flu so long as people get vaccinated
                    Yep I'm no doctor so the official choice of words that we roll with doesn't make a difference to me.

                    IMO it's clearly worse than the flu (~1-3 in every 100 will die, including healthy people). Also, it spreads ridiculously (before you even factor in how newer strains will spread). Whereas, the flu's literally the same as a cold. You feel like shyte for a week and then get better without any meds (vaccine helps reduce the severity...etc).

                    Right now we need to control the spread and also roll-out vaccines. There's no silver bullet but the world isn't currently ready for a situation where there's no regulations and if you get the delta strain (or worse strains in the future), then that's just bad luck.

                    I participate in lotsa forums that are dominated by 'Murricans and they have gone frigging mad about all this. Most of them believe that a vaccine and a mask is equal to a go mode cheat-code for their favourite first person shooter, so they get all angry about not being allowed into other countries. I've been banned from such forums for telling them that a vaccine is not 'god mode'... and that it can still spread/mutate once you're vaccinated.

                    Things will eventually open up (I haven't seen my daughter for 2 years now... wife hasn't seen her family for that long either... we all have our stories). However, right now we'd be farked if we did that coz it'd mutate outta proportion and our hospital systems couldn't deal with it. Give it 6-12 months and we'll be in a much better position IMO...
                    Last edited by ism22; 06-28-2021, 01:37 PM.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by ism22 View Post

                      I participate in lotsa forums that are dominated by 'Murricans and they have gone frigging mad about all this. Most of them believe that a vaccine and a mask is equal to a go mode cheat-code for their favourite first person shooter, so they get all angry about not being allowed into other countries. I've been banned from such forums for telling them that a vaccine is not 'god mode'... and that it can still spread/mutate once you're vaccinated.

                      Up the Junction yesterday for essentials, and it was madness. I considered bailing but we needed stuff. 99% of people had masks on but as Bondi Boy said zero social distancing no care about that.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by The Brain View Post
                        We are not gonna win a comp this year but It would be real nice if we can put Melbourne away this week . The young fellas must be close to Roosters mentality into last a game .
                        The last two years against both penriff and the cheats we have had them on the ropes in all games after 10 mins only for it not to last..
                        The game plan and coaching is there n.with 7 to 10 players out the young blokes do not have it in them for 80 mins...yet.Hopefully they will come through this week.
                        We need to stop making mistakes in games.
                        Our demise against Panthers started with that error by Manu.
                        In most games we make far too many silly mistakes...that cost us territory, energy, and often points.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by zac View Post

                          if it spreads across the world like a pandemic and threatens the lives of people in each country like a pandemic - it's a pandemic. no serious source has questioned calling it a pandemic and yes, they all say it will be around for a long time.
                          but i agree with everything else you've said and it doesn't matter if people want to call it an epidemic or a bad case of the flu so long as people get vaccinated
                          What I mean is that in some regions COVID will still be prevalent when it has been eradicated in other regions i.e some regions have malaria, typhus , dengue fever , yellow fever . ebola , encephalitis , polio etc.

                          The test will be when the borders are re-opened for international travel and people travel to these regions where COVID is still prevalent with the possibility of them bringing it back to Australia


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by King Salvo View Post

                            What I mean is that in some regions COVID will still be prevalent when it has been eradicated in other regions i.e some regions have malaria, typhus , dengue fever , yellow fever . ebola , encephalitis , polio etc.

                            The test will be when the borders are re-opened for international travel and people travel to these regions where COVID is still prevalent with the possibility of them bringing it back to Australia
                            that's true but i think it's more a problem for poor countries than for us


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by King Salvo View Post

                              They are saying Covid-19 and it's variants could well be a epidemic virus rather than a pandemic one and will be always around like for an example the various influenza strains that crop up annually -some worse than others. There are a raft of other viruses although eradicated in many countries that are still around and will always be around and some that are managed via medication such as AIDS

                              The question then is at what point in time do governments lift all border restrictions ( international travel for an example ) when a certain percentage of the population has been fully vaccinated and what percentage will that be 70% / 80%/90/100% ?

                              Obviously there has to be an end point when all restriction are lifted which will mean there maybe be further deaths from Covid -19 related illnesses = What percentage of deaths per 100,000 or what ever percentage they use will governments and the general public be "comfortable" with though.

                              That is the question that no one as yet is willing to answer but will eventually have to answer.

                              The vaccinations won't mean you wont contract Covid -19 although it will provide you with a much much better chance of not catching it or spreading it too if of course you have a healthy immune system.

                              As all viruses mutate and become less resistant to antibiotic's and current vaccinations further boosters may well be required going forward.
                              Yes, boosters next year after everyone who wants to be vaccinatd has been...I've heard mentioned by the fed govt.

                              What percentage of Covid 19 deaths per 100,000 will the govt and public be comfortable with?
                              Very good question.

                              Should be zero, and there could be a "Towards Zero" campaign like the NSW govt's road toll one.
                              That campaign shows people being asked what they think an acceptable death toll on the roads is.
                              Say 70.
                              Then pictured are 70 mums, dads, single people, babies, toddlers, elderly folk and walking towards the person who said 70.
                              Said person then quickly changes their number to zero.
                              Atm, anyone gets Covid in Australia, the treatments are good, enough ICU beds, oxygen etc.
                              We're in lockdown so the numbers don't balloon out of control.
                              * There's also the question:
                              "What number of NRL players dying or being maimed for life from Covid is/will be acceptable"?
                              Last edited by bondi.boy; 06-28-2021, 06:47 PM.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by King Salvo View Post

                                What I mean is that in some regions COVID will still be prevalent when it has been eradicated in other regions i.e some regions have malaria, typhus , dengue fever , yellow fever . ebola , encephalitis , polio etc.

                                The test will be when the borders are re-opened for international travel and people travel to these regions where COVID is still prevalent with the possibility of them bringing it back to Australia
                                Whenever international borders are opened...including now to NZ in that bubble...any person who leaves Australia's shores from now on should be told...told in no uncertain terms, that if anything, anything goes global pandemics, earthquakes, covid lockdowns, covid quarantines etc...that the cost of it all...incl returning home will be on them...they will have to pay for it all.
                                That it'll be no good demanding a Qantas plane arrives to bring them of charge.
                                "Don't have deep pockets full of cash...stay home"...they should be told.
                                Returning travellers should be quarantined in the outback, in specially built accommodation.
                                14 day quarantine is obviously not long enough.
                                Last edited by bondi.boy; 06-28-2021, 06:14 PM.

