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  • #31
    Originally posted by BUDDY View Post

    He may have had a lapse but many of our players do that.

    Take a look at this effort with a couple minutes to go.

    Then have a look at the second video here (you have to click the arrow for the second try) where the Hammer scores. Watch Sitili's attempt on Drinkwater. This is one minute after he gave that 6 again on the last tackle for pulling the guy's leg.

    Sitili should start off the bench. He is not good enough in defence in that first 20 minutes.
    I agree , even the play in question where the Hammer made the long break off the kick return which is unforgivable Sitilli should have pushed up which would have corralled him back into the forwards which Morris was trying to do but he had enough space with his pace to get on the outside. Sitilli knew he had stuffed up and that's why he chased so hard to help run him down with Manu.
    His runs in attack on the edge make him a weapon but his defensive issues are costing us time and again particularly with an undersized half next to him.
    A right edge in defence of those two with Manu and ikuvalu outside them doesn't fill me with confidence with Ponga coming at them with his fast feet on the weekend.


    • #32
      Originally posted by BUDDY View Post

      He may have had a lapse but many of our players do that.

      Take a look at this effort with a couple minutes to go.

      Then have a look at the second video here (you have to click the arrow for the second try) where the Hammer scores. Watch Sitili's attempt on Drinkwater. This is one minute after he gave that 6 again on the last tackle for pulling the guy's leg.

      Sitili should start off the bench. He is not good enough in defence in that first 20 minutes.
      Totally agree about Sitili have been saying this for weeks nowhere near good enough to play 80 what does Nat B. have to do to get a start? He instantly stiffens our piss weak right side where most if not all our problems in containing attacks stem opposing teams know Walker struggles and they know Sitili is a weak defender also, if JMoz has been dropped Sitili surely will be next.


      • #33
        I would not write off JMoz just yet.
        He will be a handy inclusion if Teddy, Toups, Smith, Manu , or Hutch gets hurt.
        Then again, a poor game from either Smith or Iku will get him elevated to the top team.
        I am glad we have him as an option for the rest of the year, and I would say that the coach is just looking at all the choices he has available at the moment.
        BTW, his miss on the Hammer was caused by him being burnt for pace
        n the Cowboys match, I could see at least 4 other Roosters players that the Hammer did the same thing to.


        • #34
          Trent Robinson has confirmed that Josh Morris was dropped in favour of Billy Smith in the centres for the Roosters. “Josh has had a lot of games in a row and his form has just slipped a bit so it was an opportunity for him to take a break,” Robinson said. “But he has taken it really well as a well experienced guy can do. It is really disappointing but also he understands and he has got back to training and work. It is not what he wants but it is about taking some time and then getting back to work.”


          • #35
            Originally posted by fletch View Post
            Trent Robinson has confirmed that Josh Morris was dropped in favour of Billy Smith in the centres for the Roosters. “Josh has had a lot of games in a row and his form has just slipped a bit so it was an opportunity for him to take a break,” Robinson said. “But he has taken it really well as a well experienced guy can do. It is really disappointing but also he understands and he has got back to training and work. It is not what he wants but it is about taking some time and then getting back to work.”
            I think further to Flethes comment above, Is JMoz is not there mentally, it has to do with his brother in my opinion. He probably is a bit lost mentally at the moment. He should come good once he works it out.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Batemans Bay Rooster View Post

              I'd call it injured, out of form, or a combination of both. He has chronic long term injuries that need to be managed. He spoke earlier this season about missing games at times through the season to do that. But in your mind because he's not playing this week proves Robbo agrees with you that JMoz no longer cares. So it's official then. lol
              Yeh Mate it is official. JMoz dropped cause of form.

              Apology accepted.


              • #37
                The good news is that Billy Smith has been decent in his showings...


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Rooster90 View Post
                  For the last few weeks Josh Morris has been completely woeful like I've never seen from him before, dropping passes & constantly missing tackles.

                  It certainly doesn't help when his side of the field consists of Sitili, Walker and Iku which may be the most out of form edge in the comp atm.

                  Anyone have any info on if he is injured or just uninterested?

                  I expect to see him "rested" with "Hamstring/Calf tightness" over the next few weeks.

                  Downside is we are running really thin on outside backs.
                  You called it


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Thirteen View Post

                    Yeh Mate it is official. JMoz dropped cause of form.

                    Apology accepted.
                    Dropped because of form. Fair enough. No mention of him not caring though. But you go ahead and claim that makes you right.
                    Last edited by Batemans Bay Rooster; 07-22-2021, 11:18 AM.


                    • #40
                      JMoz is a professional, he'll bounce back


                      • #41
                        Obvious drop in form since B Moz got injured, I guess it has taken something out of him psycologically...maybe it just doesn't mean as much to him, maybe he just can't get up for the grind anymore, but something is definitely wrong. I hope a break will work wonders for him because it's a shame if he goes out like this.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Dr. Voodoo Man View Post
                          I think the twin thing is very real and he is getting old. Brett and Josh were having the time of their lives playing together at the Roosters. The adjustment has to be very difficult.
                          Its like when BMoz went down so did JMoz & thats what Cronk said last night on NRL360. Unless the Chooks get an injury JMoz may not get back in the side.


                          • #43
                            Not sure what some on here honestly expect from him. Like his brother, they were only ever going to be here for the short term and I reckon we have got pretty good value out of them.

                            There is obviously that connection missing with his bro but its not the first time they haven't played together. I think its more the understanding that the career is coming to an end and to see his brother go out the way he did brings the realisation that it could happen earlier than expected and that could be weighing him down. If the head aint right, the body isn't either and I think he is just winding down which I am perfectly fine in understanding.

                            On the other hand, it wont keep him in firsts which I am also fine with.
                            FVCK CANCER

