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  • Originally posted by Thirteen View Post
    Can someone please tell me how you block someone. I’m sick of all this dribble from Paddo. He rarely posts anything about football. Mods why do you continue to allow this?
    I had him pegged from day one....a Marxist extremist who comes here to tell his story, and save souls. Footys an aside for him, and the odd footy post helps him keep his tenure here.

    I'm buggered to know why he doesn't camp at the Warren or some Souths forum instead though. There's plenty of hardcore Lefties there, who are loyal apologists for Burgess etc. They would make him a King.
    #We Stand with ourJewish community#


    • Originally posted by Rooster1908 View Post

      User setting, then account , then ignore list , type his user name and your done , I did and it's great
      Thanks Mate. It’s done.


      • [QUOTE=Johnny73;.......But with Albo in charge, whose seat is full to the brim with guilt ridden inner west types who vote green .......

        "Guilt ridden" Johnny? The term has News Corp written all over it - another mindless pejorative like the ridiculous "woke" or "Leftie".

        Is the majority, clamouring for something to be done about Climate policy, "guilt ridden"? And why? Are they concerned for their progeny? The multinationals and people like Rhinehart, Joyce, Canavan nd ol' Smoko certainly aren't.

        Labor has its share of deniers too, it has a Right wing distinguishable from its Tory counterparts only by the blue collars they once wore. Predictably, it's mostly Catholic.

        I didn't need to invoke "ignore" in your case "08. I tend to avoid ignorance. self congratulation and patriotism anyway. Pity that age, and all that flag waving, has wearied you otherwise you might have imagined yourself down the track crewing one of those mythical nuclear Subs and giving Larry Dooley to the Squids.

        I blame it on Talkback radio over the years - every know nothing mug encouraged to elaborate on his/her ignorance. Mugs talkin' to mugs!
        Last edited by Paddo Colt 61; 11-14-2021, 11:59 AM.


        • Originally posted by Jacks Fur Coat View Post

          I had him pegged from day one....a Marxist extremist who comes here to tell his story, and save souls. Footys an aside for him, and the odd footy post helps him keep his tenure here.

          I'm buggered to know why he doesn't camp at the Warren or some Souths forum instead though. There's plenty of hardcore Lefties there, who are loyal apologists for Burgess etc. They would make him a King.
          There are probably plenty of forums he could go on and spread his BS. Forums where people would really enjoy it. I don’t know why he chooses a footy forum to talk his crap.


          • Originally posted by Thirteen View Post

            There are probably plenty of forums he could go on and spread his BS. Forums where people would really enjoy it. I don’t know why he chooses a footy forum to talk his crap.
            Or why it's tolerated by moderators.

            A Souffs troll who spends 95% of his posts derailing thread with his bullshit politics.


            • Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
              "Guilt ridden" Johnny? The term has News Corp written all over it - another mindless pejorative like the ridiculous "woke" or "Leftie".

              I blame it on Talkback radio over the years - every know nothing mug encouraged to elaborate on his/her ignorance. Mugs talkin' to mugs!
              I can assure you it's anything but inspired by the dirty digger. Politeness and a Jordan Shanks level fear of being sued for defamation stops me from expressing what I think of Mr. Murdoch and his ilk.

              I have a 30+ year association with the ALP so I'm no lib stooge. My feelings on the topic de jour are mine alone but an education that was based in practical science has coloured my viewpoint.

              Many moons ago on another iteration of Roosters fandom, I called the people who ring talkback radio overnight Morlocks, as in the under dwellers from The Time Machine, that still fits in my view.


              • Originally posted by Tommy Smith View Post
                Or why it's tolerated by moderators.

                A Souffs troll who spends 95% of his posts derailing thread with his bullshit politics.
                Yes mods can you please let us know why we and you need to put up with this. He’s clearly not here to talk footy. Why don’t you boot him?


                • Yet other members of the forum quote him which makes the ignore option useless.


                  • Originally posted by OMR View Post
                    Yet other members of the forum quote him which makes the ignore option useless.
                    But they rarely quote him so we get to miss most of the dribble


                    • I like him - he makes a lot of sense. Play on, I say.

                      Regarding him being banned or whatever, you can’t separate class (and therefore politics) from rugby league, as these things are fundamentally intertwined. If League wasn’t a working class game I’d not even bother.
                      Making Steve Naughton look like Vince Mellars...


                      • "Originally posted by Paddo Colt

                        What a load of claptrap. The Super Profits Tax was a recommendation of the famous Henry Tax review

                        More hypothetical bullsh*t from the Vermin Dole bludger sympathiser with the University degree.
                        The Henry Tax review as so full of radical recommendations /amendments to our tax system that anyone trying to implement it would have committed political suicide.
                        It was a left wing propaganda piece and no one took it seriously.
                        Except for Kevin Rudd. The "Super Mining Tax implementation " came out so long after your Henry Paper came out that no-one even remembered who Henry was..
                        Institutional hedging doesn't explain the 30% drop in share price in BHP and RIO in the 3 weeks leading up to the mining tax announcement.
                        It is all insider trading. You can deny it, but check the historical charts on the share prices during that time - I did, as I was watching it daily.

                        As for introducing a super tax on non- renewable resources, or on super profits, I have some bad news for you , you left wing moron.
                        The left wing labour movement and unions have ensured we are no longer competitive with the rest of the world when it comes to manufacture.
                        They have sold out this country to foreign interests. There is no protection for business in this country.
                        Ford & Holden are no longer here because the Government didn't give a f*ck about them, and the unions were to busy making the labour force so costly we weren't competitive..
                        And in my share portfolio, here is a list of listed companies that have been recently sold out to foreign ownership ( ie no longer on our stock exchange, so no longer Australian businesses), and which I was forced to sell my shares to foreigners:
                        Pacific Brands
                        Coca Cola Amatil
                        Toll Holdings
                        Village Roadshow

                        And soon to go - Sydney Airport.
                        This is just the tip of the iceberg - heaps more have been sold out over the last 10 years

                        I am sure you don't even know what half of these companies did (you are to busy with your head in Uni books , inventing new taxes).
                        All I can say , is now the profits won't be retained for Australians- the money is going offshore.
                        So, bright spark, who do you think you will impose your taxes on in 20 years time?
                        There won't be any businesses in Australia left to tax - we will be a third world country, all because you new age lefties have no idea how to run things.

                        BTW - I don't belong to a sailing club. My background is that I was bought up in a working class suburb in Western Sydney , by working class parents, and they taught me to work hard (thank god for that) rather than bludge, freeload or wait for handouts. Its the opposite doctrine of what you lefties preach. The only boat I've owned is a skiboat , and Iv'e had plenty of hours of fun on it , without costing me the earth, and I have never been interested in Sailing. I moved to the Eastern Suburbs 30 years ago, love the place, and don't begrudge anyone who has made their fortune , or are wealthy, who live in the area.


                        • Steady on old boy. It's not '08 is it? I detect a similar inclination to self congratulation and patriotism not to mention the generally red faced reaction. Anyway, whatever. You're wrong in just about every sentence of that rant - all Labor's fault by the sound of it but funny how the Tories or Murdoch never exposed the whole dastardly anti Australian insider Labor conspiracy. You should have alerted them to your unique insight.

                          But you could be right about those wage rises that Unions insist on in times of record business profits. Gina had the right idea - $2 a day like in Asia.

                          Interesting how many working class tories we have on the site - you, 13, Rooster Mac, '08, Tommy Boy, BB, ol' Jaxie, BP, The Master Chook - there'll soon be enough of ya to start a Chapter of the KKK.



                          • Steady on old boy Paddo - you really didn't answer my questions about how you were going to tax corporations, when there are no Corporations in this country that will be left to tax.
                            I am also not suggesting people work for $2 a day - its just when the Unions ask for exhorbitant labour rates for workers in the Ford & Holden assembly line , double pay for shift work, sick leave, Rostered days off Super loading, leave loading, multitudes of B/S workers comp claims, etc, etc that we become uncompetitive with the rest of the world.
                            Then again, our loading docks in Australia are full of cars from the USA, Sweden, Korea, Japan, and Germany - I'm not sure that all those countries employ labour at $2 a day, but then again, you know better.
                            You might also want to let me know how brilliantly our economy is travelling along - and how our Australian kids are attending University and getting engineering, law, medical and science degrees but most are working as bartenders at some nightclub, or uber drivers. Seems like a brilliant allocation of Human resources & skills to me.
                            Sounds like our economy is moving ahead in leaps and bounds since the prosperous 1960's, and after that time when I grew up.
                            You are right - us Tories on here like BB, 13 , Tommy Boy, Jaxie etc understand what it takes to build a football team, put the pieces together, build loyalty , build culture, pride and patriotism- that's what breeds success - we are Roosters supporters - same rules apply whether its a football team or its the business & economy of a nation.
                            But like I said , you know better - tax everything in Australia that moves (and even things that don't), destroy anything that was worthwhile, and make us uncompetitive with the rest of the world.

                            Brilliant solution mate.


                            • Ahem,,,,when you're finished putting words in my mouth,,,, not sure whom you're blaming here, you flit from one thing to the other. Most of it is the same old self interested frightener twaddle that we hear from Murdoch and the Business Council. I mean the Libs have been in government for the great majority of the period since Federation, where do they fit in?

                              Taxes in the future? Turnbull and who knows how many other patriots might want to bring their fortunes back from the Caymans. The US citizen Murdoch might want to pay some tax? The Libs have included those on $200K in the 30% bracket - there's a big tax loss (but they're not workers are they? More like your people I'd imagine. And the very hide of those Unionists wanting Super, decent wages, workers' comp - all Labor initiatives so they must be suss and the rest is twaddle we've all heard many times before and really don't want to hear again. I think that "They doan wanna work!" is about the only phrase that you've left out.

                              The last section sounds like a straight lift from Mein Kampf. Jax et al leaders of us all? Yeah right.

                              Your lot's been around since men went to work in factories - I remember the behaviour of Leading Hands when I worked in factories during school holidays - they were like the Capos in the extermination camps. Engels coined a name for the people like you who, at base, hate the working class they came from. He called them the "Lazzorotti" after the lower class thugs and bully boys in the Kingdom of the two Sicilies who fought tooth and nail for the King against Garibaldi during Unification. They too, like you, were on the wrong side of History.
                              Last edited by Paddo Colt 61; 11-16-2021, 08:41 PM.


                              • This is still the chookpen right?
                                EASTS TO WIN!

