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Happy New Year, Rooster Boosters
When I lived in Japan, I always thought it was insane how lotsa old people would clean their houses spotless, replace all the paper dividing windows in their house (it's an art + I never bothered if there were small rips), chuck-out all their 'old' (1-2 year old) appliances and speak to me in a highly philosophical tone about how the new year meant a totally new start for them without any BS.
After years of thinking this was all some weird Japanese thing that I'll never get, I think I'm now feeling their vibes! I've been very lucky during COVID (won't brag) but damn I'm looking forward to a complete reset.
One of the problems with all the ACLs and head retirements last year was that we KNEW players wouldn't return. There was no hope of a mid-season reset and we all just kept hoping it wouldn't get worse. Good news is that (like many things in life) it s*cked but didn't get worse and coulda been a million times worse.
Looking forward to the reboot! Welcome back Collins, Keary, Suaalii and Manu. Don't think the game will ever replace Cords, Friend and B-Moz but TBH it hasn't - they're mostly all on our books now in coaching/mentoring capacities. That aside... I like forward to yelling out 'BRANDON'S A ROOSTER!!!' while we put the Drizz to the sword in 2022. It's the reset we all needed and 2022 is gonna be AMAZING! COCK-A-DOODLE-DOOOOOOOOO!!!!
Oi and I look forward to seeing that dude with the denim Easts jacket (Bobby's dad?) + Wayne. Fark I've missed seeing the true fans at every Easts game!!!