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Roosters board @ superbowl

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  • #46
    Originally posted by roostermcgregor View Post
    I actually like watching the NFL and the more I watch it, the more I like it.
    Some of the guys they have playing in the NFL would be absolutely sensational in our game.
    Only trouble is , they are paid $millions per season, and I doubt we could afford them.
    They are truly athletes- a guy called Nixon from the Bengals had a pretty good superbowl game.
    Put him in a Roosters jumper and he would cut through opposing forward packs, like a hot knife through butter
    He will be like SBW's first game back - wiped out after 20 minutes of play at NRL pace.

    Nothing personal, but they just don't need the same game fitness as NRL players.


    • #47
      Originally posted by Headless Chook View Post
      Two completely different games really. One is all about explosiveness and power while the other introduces stamina and durability. Of course the players in the NFL are bigger and faster, they are trained and conditioned that way. The players don't have to worry about sustaining their speed and power for long periods of time because it is essentially a very stop start sport with lots of breaks between plays, very little fatigue factor compared to rugby league.
      Completely agree

      In terms of one-on-one hits at speed (in most cases on the blind-side), nothing compares to the NFL.

      In terms of pure stamina and the brutality of a gang-tackle, the NRL is much tougher than the NFL.

      NFL players individually are bigger, faster, stronger and much more athletic than NRL players. They have a specific on-field job and are trained to have all the components to maximise their ability in that job. So based on a position within a team they will have a body type and skill set for that role.

      NRL players are fitter, more durable and more versatile. They can more easily switch between positions and they are more attuned to on-the-fly or in the moment decision making than NFL players, who are essentially programmed to the specifics of the playbook.

      I don't think the sports are comparable and that's one of the reasons NRL players haven't made it in the NFL.

      AFL players are a different story where there has been a lot of success in AFL players being specialist NFL punters.

      I love NFL but the thing that annoys me is the grandstanding that occurs after a single NFL tackle or run compared to NRL players work effort. I think that NFL players would be surprised by continuity of the NRL and the toll it would take on player's bodies.

      Go Roosters

      Go Chargers


      • #48
        Originally posted by JB_Cloey View Post

        He will be like SBW's first game back - wiped out after 20 minutes of play at NRL pace.

        Nothing personal, but they just don't need the same game fitness as NRL players.
        I think you're being generous giving him 20 mins. I reckon 10 and he would be gassed and looking for oxygen


        • #49
          Originally posted by Batemans Bay Rooster View Post
          The "A Football Life" documentaries which are on one of the Channel 7 channels is excellent. It's on right now about this guy Steve Sabol who made some fantastic NFL films over the years.
          Yeh they are good in looking back on former players/coaches/team owners and teams superbowl winning and losing seasons etc

          The NFL is where Big Jack Gibson got a lot of his ideas from and sayings - winning starts on Monday for an example
          Last edited by King Salvo; 02-17-2022, 05:54 PM.


          • #50
            " Originally posted by Headless Chook

            I think you're being generous giving him 20 mins. I reckon 10 and he would be gassed and looking for oxygen

            I don't understand the point of the argument.
            All I said was the NFL guy had size, explosive power, speed and elusiveness.
            These are the attributes that would generally make a great player in Rugby League.
            Why point out that he does not have stamina and fitness to play a continuous 80 minute game, when the guy doesn't train for it?
            There is nothing stopping someone gain fitness and stamina , if they train to do it.
            Why not just admire an athlete from another sport for the physical attributes that they display?.
            And the arguments about NFL being stop - start so no -one from that code can make it in our game.
            Ever heard of Rugby (Yawnyon) Union - that is also a stop start game - big time.
            Ever heard of the RU players that never made it in League ? - Think Thornett, Fairfax , Brass, Price etc etc .
            Yeah, they were shithouse players, not fit enough , couldn't stand the continuity of our game.


            • #51
              Originally posted by roostermcgregor View Post
              " Originally posted by Headless Chook

              I think you're being generous giving him 20 mins. I reckon 10 and he would be gassed and looking for oxygen

              I don't understand the point of the argument.
              All I said was the NFL guy had size, explosive power, speed and elusiveness.
              These are the attributes that would generally make a great player in Rugby League.
              Why point out that he does not have stamina and fitness to play a continuous 80 minute game, when the guy doesn't train for it?
              There is nothing stopping someone gain fitness and stamina , if they train to do it.
              Why not just admire an athlete from another sport for the physical attributes that they display?.
              And the arguments about NFL being stop - start so no -one from that code can make it in our game.
              Ever heard of Rugby (Yawnyon) Union - that is also a stop start game - big time.
              Ever heard of the RU players that never made it in League ? - Think Thornett, Fairfax , Brass, Price etc etc .
              Yeah, they were shithouse players, not fit enough , couldn't stand the continuity of our game.
              Its a moot point either way, its not like there will ever be an NFL player who will convert to league (Greg Smith and Manfred Moore aside).

              But to your point about training to have more stamina, yeah of course they would change the way they prepare. But that would mean they would lose some of that explosive speed and power because they would be playing at a lighter weight for the most part. The comparison between a Union convert and an NFL player is just a stretch. The last time I watched Union they didn't have a defensive team and an attacking team and they didn't have a break between each play.


              • #52
                The woman’s lingerie league is brilliant. I won’t watch the men.


                • #53
                  "Originally posted by King Salvo

                  You could have similar one's of worst NRL tackles too

                  Try this one- but don't try it at home- You can see why concussions are a major problem in NFL - Helmets don't eliminate concussions


                  Thanks for the link Salvo, that's entertaining stuff.
                  How the recipients of those hits managed to avoid a trip to the morgue, is beyond belief.


                  • #54
                    Uncle Nick is back from the Super Bowl and at the game tonight.

