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Official ANZAC DAY Match Thread: Roosters v Saints

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  • #16
    Lot of nice words agree with the sentiments - well said to all no need to add.

    Go the Chooks I think Robbo will have them ready for this one.


    • #17
      Grew up with 10 saints supporters in my youth...its a live hate game.
      wet weather will even things up.. a fast track would favour us otherwise.
      Our kicking game is not crash hot but our short game is on the improve.
      With Saints they have nit much to offer .You only have to shut down Hunt..defend the Lomax side if field. Easy.
      Cant totally agree with 13...I can remember just before kick offs in my teenage days zskull screaming out..Let the War begin
      one occasion at the school after he did it..I reckon 5000 people through their cans of beer at him all at he picked up the large drum bin and sat under it till it was over..farken funny.
      Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe


      • #18
        Overcast plus drizzle with a greasy surface will make the game close I reckon.
        I just hope its a close tight good game of footy that hopefully the Chooks win.
        Go the Chooks.


        • #19
          Just switched TV on to watch the March, and they're playing When The Saints Go Marching In!.....hope that's not an omen.
          #We Stand with ourJewish community#


          • #20
            I went to the Dawn Service at Kings Beach Caloundra this morning (pretty wet and windy up on the not so sunny coast). Like many of you ANZAC Day makes me reflect on my own family's service. My grandfather was wounded at Tobruk and I have many uncles who did multiple tours of Vietnam. My uncle Ray served in the Indonesian Confrontation and then did three tours of Vietnam. He has been pretty crook these last few months. ANZAC Day is chance to reflect on their commitment and sacrifice.

            Thats why it is such an honour for our club to have this opportunity to pay our respects to all the service men connected with both clubs and in general. As Thirteen said it is a game to be enjoyed its not war and should not be compared to war.

            I think it will be a tough game but its time to get our season moving.

            GO ROOSTERS
            Lest We Forget


            • #21
              Originally posted by Mickie Lane View Post
              Overcast plus drizzle with a greasy surface will make the game close I reckon.
              I just hope its a close tight good game of footy that hopefully the Chooks win.
              Go the Chooks.
              Ball control will be our main opposition today!


              • #22
                Originally posted by Thirteen View Post

                I bet the diggers didn’t make excuses.
                They weren't above rebellion and disobeying stupid orders in WW2.
                Kokoda track, a general gave a speech saying something about rabbits retreating.
                Better to retreat, regroup then devise tactics and go again than charge ahead and be slaughtered.
                When the said general walked around, the diggers were twitching their noses and making rabbit noises.
                It is said the general was lucky he wasn't, well, made to be in bad health.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by mattyh;n927520[B
                  ]just been down the cairns dawn service , absoluely pissed down , but dont regret it.[/B]

                  anyway onto todays game ...good luck chooks , still very clunky and were nowhere near the top teams atm .

                  dragons by 8 ...
                  Good on you for still going. My dad would have approved. He absolutely hated being driven in a car in his last march before he died. He always insisted on walking no matter what. I remind myself of this every day when I go for my walks when I whinge about living near Heartbreak Hill. Just got a message from a Dragons friend who is convinced we are going to put 50 on them today....

                  Hope everyone has a great enjoyable day whether you are at the grounds or watching at home.
                  "Those who care about you can hear you, even when you are quiet" - Steve Maraboli


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by The Marshall View Post
                    I went to the Dawn Service at Kings Beach Caloundra this morning (pretty wet and windy up on the not so sunny coast). Like many of you ANZAC Day makes me reflect on my own family's service. My grandfather was wounded at Tobruk and I have many uncles who did multiple tours of Vietnam. My uncle Ray served in the Indonesian Confrontation and then did three tours of Vietnam. He has been pretty crook these last few months. ANZAC Day is chance to reflect on their commitment and sacrifice.

                    Thats why it is such an honour for our club to have this opportunity to pay our respects to all the service men connected with both clubs and in general. As Thirteen said it is a game to be enjoyed its not war and should not be compared to war.

                    I think it will be a tough game but its time to get our season moving.

                    GO ROOSTERS
                    Lest We Forget
                    Thank you for sharing your family's story.

                    Sun's out now in the east..
                    "Those who care about you can hear you, even when you are quiet" - Steve Maraboli


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by bondi.boy View Post

                      They weren't above rebellion and disobeying stupid orders in WW2.
                      Kokoda track, a general gave a speech saying something about rabbits retreating.
                      Better to retreat, regroup then devise tactics and go again than charge ahead and be slaughtered.
                      When the said general walked around, the diggers were twitching their noses and making rabbit noises.
                      It is said the general was lucky he wasn't, well, made to be in bad health.

                      My father did actually say there was a lot of stupidity in WWII. He said the Americans were shooting each other at one stage (by accident one would hope). He did however have great admiration for the Englishmen he served with. Maybe that's why I am such a big Anglophile and always felt at home when I visited there.
                      "Those who care about you can hear you, even when you are quiet" - Steve Maraboli


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by The Marshall View Post
                        I went to the Dawn Service at Kings Beach Caloundra this morning (pretty wet and windy up on the not so sunny coast). Like many of you ANZAC Day makes me reflect on my own family's service. My grandfather was wounded at Tobruk and I have many uncles who did multiple tours of Vietnam. My uncle Ray served in the Indonesian Confrontation and then did three tours of Vietnam. He has been pretty crook these last few months. ANZAC Day is chance to reflect on their commitment and sacrifice.

                        Thats why it is such an honour for our club to have this opportunity to pay our respects to all the service men connected with both clubs and in general. As Thirteen said it is a game to be enjoyed its not war and should not be compared to war.

                        I think it will be a tough game but its time to get our season moving.

                        GO ROOSTERS
                        Lest We Forget

                        All praise to anyone who arose early today and attended a Dawn Service, especially in rain and wind, and those who are now lining the march routes.
                        Sun is now shining on The Sydney march.
                        Last edited by bondi.boy; 04-25-2022, 05:09 PM.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by redwhiteblue View Post

                          My father did actually say there was a lot of stupidity in WWII. He said the Americans were shooting each other at one stage (by accident one would hope). He did however have great admiration for the Englishmen he served with. Maybe that's why I am such a big Anglophile and always felt at home when I visited there.
                          my grandmother and father were both english and both served in ww2, my nz grandfather also served, it was horrid weather , but a small sacrifice to make considering what so many men and woman sacrificed for our freedoms .


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by mattyh View Post

                            my grandmother and father were both english and both served in ww2, my nz grandfather also served, it was horrid weather , but a small sacrifice to make considering what so many men and woman sacrificed for our freedoms .
                            Bless them all and all the generations before and after Matty. I used to make Dad sandwiches with cheese and plum jam and always wondered why he liked such a strange combo. Then he explained that was what was given to them via the rations in the trenches. The cheese was English and the jam came in tins. I was only around 8 at the time but I always remembered him telling me this..
                            "Those who care about you can hear you, even when you are quiet" - Steve Maraboli


                            • #29
                              Might be Momo’s dawn service today if he has another shocker…


                              • #30
                                I’m hanging for this game. Can’t wait!

                                I really need this today. Get the win boys!
                                FVCK CANCER

