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"The Roosters Way" Needs Amending

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  • "The Roosters Way" Needs Amending

    As it is currently, the saintly "Roosters Way' is turning our players and Club into victims.
    Victims on and off the field.
    Our Club subjected to ridicule off the field for losing.
    Our players subjected to verbal vilification on the field, the offenders knowing our players and Clubwon't out them and they'll get away with it. So they keep doing it.

    What was said to or about Suaalii after he almost scored a second try that got Manu and Radley fired up, and left Suaalii clearly shocked?

    Coach Payten has the right idea, he goes into press conferences and speaks out....while our Club says nothing, no complaints.
    Our Club should've gone into the press conference demanding to know why the Roosters did not receive a penalty when the Dogs player tackled Walker in the air early in the game after he kicked the ball.
    Because the Club didn't complain, that tackle on Roosters kickers now becomes the norm.
    Cummins soon penalised Roosters for a similar tackle that wasn't anywhere near as bad.

    On tv last night Radley refused to say what was said about or to Suaalii.

    Players in other clubs when playing against the Roosters, seem to know that by simply holding their necks in tackles, most of the time they'll receive a penalty.

    This gentlemanly, peaceful, no-complaining "Roosters Way" needs changing, now.

    Last edited by bondi.boy; 05-02-2022, 11:14 AM.

  • #2
    Yeah we are way down the rankings for neck holding after tackles, LOL. It's a free penalty, opponent on report every time. Much easier than playing footy.

    Lodge's effort to get a penalty in front to tie game versus raiders on weekend, was so fake and unsportsmanlike he deserved suspension. Particularly after he had elbowed someone earlier in game and stayed on the field somehow. And we all remember his home invasion and terrorising that poor couple, traumatising them for life. What a monster.

    On Suaalii, it annoys me that I did not see one single camera angle by the bunker that conclusively showed his ankle hit the touchline before grounding.


    • #3
      Staggs did the same on Friday night - absolutely shameful.


      • #4
        If a club complains about 'teams like the Roosters' it gets a lot of sympathetic airing in the press and social media, and the idiots drone on about their imaginary idea - despite all the statistical evidence! - that the Roosters get special treatment from the refs, the judiciary and the NRL........... If the Roosters complain, they're whingers. You can't beat hate.

        I was also shocked that we didn't get a penalty for the tackle on Keary and the complete ignoring of it from any of the commentators.

        I'm not saying Suaali's toe didn't hit the line, but I agree the evidence was very hairy. The commentators and the crowd seemed very excited about it, but there was no attempt to do a close-up on the shot, which I'm sure they have the technology to do. From the sideline it didn't look like it hit the line, and from the head on shot it was a strong maybe, but I wasn't convinced there was enough to overturn it.


        • #5
          I see where BB is coming from.....................but then, like player 1 , I think of what Lodge did and how that makes the game look.
          Why don't refs or the stupid bunker use common sense?
          About time players copped suspensions for milking penalties.


          • #6
            Originally posted by eddie View Post
            I see where BB is coming from.....................but then, like player 1 , I think of what Lodge did and how that makes the game look.
            Why don't refs or the stupid bunker use common sense?
            About time players copped suspensions for milking penalties.
            I agree. You can hear the ref yell 'milking!' sometimes. If he thinks that, there should be some sort of penalty, like the 'simulating' penalty in soccer.


            • #7
              who cares stuff
              Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe


              • #8
                I was interested to know why we didn't get a penalty for Suaalii getting whacked straight across the head just before he was attempting to ground the ball and may or may not have gone into touch.


                • #9
                  I'm happy our club is known for not complaining and milking penalties.
                  Born and bred in the eastern suburbs.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by player 1 View Post
                    Yeah we are way down the rankings for neck holding after tackles, LOL. It's a free penalty, opponent on report every time. Much easier than playing footy.

                    Lodge's effort to get a penalty in front to tie game versus raiders on weekend, was so fake and unsportsmanlike he deserved suspension. Particularly after he had elbowed someone earlier in game and stayed on the field somehow. And we all remember his home invasion and terrorising that poor couple, traumatising them for life. What a monster.

                    On Suaalii, it annoys me that I did not see one single camera angle by the bunker that conclusively showed his ankle hit the touchline before grounding.
                    Alas there was one.


                    • #11
                      3 minutes into the game, on the 5th tackle, Walker kicked...the ball had left his boot and was not in screen, and Walker was in the air.
                      In came Dogs player, tackled Walker in the air, his arms around the top of Walker's thighs, with Walker's right foot higher than Dog's player's knee, and Walker's left foot level with Dogs player's knee.

                      Dogs player then upended and ironed out Walker with a back slam from height.
                      There was even a slow motion replay of the whole thing, 2 slow motion replays actually.
                      All fine by Cummins, (Keighran even pointed it out to him.)
                      All fine by the see-all Bunker.
                      All fine by the Match Review Committee.
                      [bTrent and our Club said nothing.[/b]
                      Walker was hurt, staggered to his feet, because in true "Roosters Way" policy he's not allowed to "stay down and make them look at it" (like Hadley tells them to do if they are victims of foul play) ..and must just "suck it up and play on".

                      This is part of the reason we lose games, opposition players allowed to just do anything they like to our players with not much penalty.

                      Whilever our coach and Club continue to say and do nothing about it, and keep waving the "Roosters Way" flag as is, our players will continue to be victims on the field, and the Club will continue to lose games because of it.
                      Last edited by bondi.boy; 05-02-2022, 02:42 PM.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Waylander View Post
                        I was interested to know why we didn't get a penalty for Suaalii getting whacked straight across the head just before he was attempting to ground the ball and may or may not have gone into touch.
                        If he stays down, they have to look at it. He didn't. This is the game today. Stay down holding your head and the rewards will come. See it all the time. Time for the Roosters to get with the times.
                        Sickie Lame .... King of Bestiality


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by The Sack View Post

                          If he stays down, they have to look at it. He didn't. This is the game today. Stay down holding your head and the rewards will come. See it all the time. Time for the Roosters to get with the times.
                          The Bunker looked at it 5 times trying to see if he went into touch. The direct contact with the head was blatantly obvious.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by The Sack View Post

                            If he stays down, they have to look at it. He didn't. This is the game today. Stay down holding your head and the rewards will come. See it all the time. Time for the Roosters to get with the times.
                            No, this is our game today, get hit in the head, must not stay down and make them look at it, make the world see it...must ignore it and suck it's the "Roosters way".


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Waylander View Post

                              The Bunker looked at it 5 times trying to see if he went into touch. The direct contact with the head was blatantly obvious.
                              Then Trent and the Club should've been demanding an explanation for that too.

