Stats 1st half
Possession - Roosters 41% - Penrith 59%
Set Completions - Roosters 72% (13/18) - Penrith - 87% ( 21/24)
Line Breaks - Roosters - 0 - Penrith - 3
Kicking - Roosters 377 metres ( 11 kicks) - Penrith 398 metres ( 13 kicks)
Forced Dropouts - Roosters 1 - Peneith 3
Average play the ball speed - Roosters -2.42 seconds - Penrith - 3.74 seconds
Tackles - Roosters- 228 (17 missed ) - Penrith - 172 ( 10 missed)
Errors - Roosters 6 - Penrith 3
Penalties conceded - Roosters 2 - Penrith 2
Ruck Infringements conceded - Roosters 1 - Penrith 0
Penrith first try was in the 28th minute but you could see Penrith were on top and the Roosters errors started to mount
Possession - Roosters 41% - Penrith 59%
Set Completions - Roosters 72% (13/18) - Penrith - 87% ( 21/24)
Line Breaks - Roosters - 0 - Penrith - 3
Kicking - Roosters 377 metres ( 11 kicks) - Penrith 398 metres ( 13 kicks)
Forced Dropouts - Roosters 1 - Peneith 3
Average play the ball speed - Roosters -2.42 seconds - Penrith - 3.74 seconds
Tackles - Roosters- 228 (17 missed ) - Penrith - 172 ( 10 missed)
Errors - Roosters 6 - Penrith 3
Penalties conceded - Roosters 2 - Penrith 2
Ruck Infringements conceded - Roosters 1 - Penrith 0
Penrith first try was in the 28th minute but you could see Penrith were on top and the Roosters errors started to mount