Originally posted by Kingbilly
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this sort of shit happens all the time; just not normally to groups of media-savvy people who can put out a press release and get national media attention.
what about the bullshit that poured out of the met when those coppers kicked and killed that poor guy in london - an innocent bystander trying to get to his home. if it wasn't for people with mobile phone cameras the truth would never have come out.
there's a publicised report of a local filming some kings x coppers harassing a guy in the street, the cops tried to confiscate the phone with the claim that it is illegal to film coppers under anti-terrorism laws, WHICH IT IS NOT, i.e. it is just a lie made up on the spot to threaten and harass non-offending members of the public in order to avoid proper scrutiny.
now, these rogue coppers are usually in the minority in most well disciplined police forces, this is true. most coppers i've ever dealt with are nice blokes and sheilas. not anyone in the old darlo flying squad though, they were all c**ts of the first order.
however whenever these rogue elements do cross the line, or an innocent cop "makes a mistake", the entire system shuts up shop in order to stop a proper light being shone on the offending behaviour.
anyway, the point is, A CHARGE IN NO WAY EVER INDICATES GUILT, even the "facts" presented by the prosecution in a court are often a complete fabrication, and most poor bastards are told by legal aid to plead guilty then mercy and cop the fine or suspended sentence, because the over worked legal aid lawyer just doesn't have the time to put a proper defence in with only 15 minutes of preparation, so a good proportion of the time the conviction is basically unsound too.
The idea that because the cops have charged someone that they must be guilty is both laughable, and regrettably reminiscent of stalinist russia.