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I ran Macafee antivirus through the team and....

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  • I ran Macafee antivirus through the team and....

    ......found their was 8 second rowers in the side, Found that they are not fit enough to run in first grade they only play for 15 minutes then die in the ass.
    Macaffee found the halves have an infection in its registry> BA I ran the registry cleaner but couldnt get rid of it .Did a google search and it lead me to the antivirus fix on the Bulldogs website-It said Delete BA here.

    I put Macaffee cleaner on and it said to it cleand Friend , Braith Anasta ,Miniciello, Symonds ,BJ Frank paul ,Arona and delete them.
    When I ran Spybot as a precaution a big virus hiding was found- Brian Smith AV bad stuff this one lurks in the system for a year then destroys every thing around it.

    I hit the spybot fix it button it told me to bring in Mortimer at 5/8th ,move Anasta to lock,get rid of 5 second rowers have 4 props including the bench send Jake friend to hooker rehab .
    Most apparent is the lack of fitness of the side ,They are running around not doing enough.

    So Macaffee says a long season ahead improvement is a long time coming , get a new coach and a few capable players that can do the job then put up your Firewall

    You know a bit like Too much cash this club and no brains.
    I envy clubs like Melbourne ,Bulldogs ,Brisbane even farken St George have it right . The office side is the first place of leadership and it has sucked since 2002 .They appear to want cheap people in running the joint with no brains hence you get this for a team.A Board that contributes nothing.... and two leaders always too busy signing hasbeens who destroy the joint.How about signing and accomplished gentleman like Dale Cherry Evans and his 5/8th partner -smart intelligent boys who can play .
    Look at the Gould contigent at penrith -Freddy Palmer Cleary all easts blokes getting paid to do a job who we got other clubs failures and rejects running the joint = Pain and Misery.
    You watch Politis once again dissapear to Greece on Holidays when things get tough.
    Who the fark signs Brian Smith long tern with no get out clause?.
    Dont Blame the refs how about they blame them selves -real lack of cohesion at this club .
    There has been a Virus in this joint for 25 years
    Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe

  • #2
    Time to re-boot and start all over again .....reset team back to factory condition and then build from scratch.


    • #3
      Too technical. Bring back the abacus!


      • #4
        Originally posted by Hawkeye View Post
        Time to re-boot and start all over again .....reset team back to factory condition and then build from scratch.
        Team of rejects -Smith, his brother ,Elliot ,Taylor thats just the coaching staff.
        even Newcastle is gonna win a comp before we do.Penriff will be in the semis

        You have to ask your self what was so good during the trials and what is so bad now.
        The top statesman have not got their heads in it and the young blokes are playing lost with no direction.
        They were happy a month ago and not now?.
        God the warriors are gonna do a job on us this week I predicted Melbourne by forty hoping for a miracle intervention but this week sixty+ is on the cards.
        Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe


        • #5
          I have a Mac therefore no virus


          • #6
            But but but..we won our last 4 games last year and we had turned a corner,which was going to result in a great season this year..pppllleeaaaaassseeeeeee


            • #7
              Originally posted by ROC181 View Post
              I have a Mac therefore no virus
              Yep. You just need itunes to make the stupid thing do anything remotely useful.
              Alcohol never solved any life problems.....then again neither did milk.


              • #8
                Originally posted by lydon View Post
                But but but..we won our last 4 games last year and we had turned a corner,which was going to result in a great season this year..pppllleeaaaaassseeeeeee
                LOL, when people build their expectations and they're unrealistic, then reality hits them in the face, it's tantys at ten paces.

                All those that had us in the top 4, gotta love their passion, but their meltdowns are funnier.

                The FlogPen .

                You know it makes sense.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by melon.... View Post
                  Yep. You just need itunes to make the stupid thing do anything remotely useful.
                  Off topic briefly, not true. I have a word processing program and VLC media player that doesn't need ITunes.

                  Back on topic, first thing you do is sack Steve Noyce then beg Bernie Gurr to come back. Then Smith gets replaced by Daniel Anderson, Anasta by Mortimer, Pearce to swap with Friend, Mini with RTS and BJ with Tagive.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by John View Post
                    Off topic briefly, not true. I have a word processing program and VLC media player that doesn't need ITunes.

                    Back on topic, first thing you do is sack Steve Noyce then beg Bernie Gurr to come back. Then Smith gets replaced by Daniel Anderson, Anasta by Mortimer, Pearce to swap with Friend, Mini with RTS and BJ with Tagive.
                    Far too logical - will never happen. I'd actually give Mitchell a go at hooker and I'd leave Pearce at 7.....reason being I think he and Mortimer would combine well.

                    I'd definitely play the kids - RTS, Moga, Henry. If this is going to be a rebuilding year then give them some exposure.
                    "Do you expect me to talk"? "No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die".


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by John View Post
                      Off topic briefly, not true. I have a word processing program and VLC media player that doesn't need ITunes
                      Are you a fellow member of the "Cult of Mac"?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Red. View Post
                        Are you a fellow member of the "Cult of Mac"?
                        I went to a Mac in July of last year, so no but I know Mac has no virus problems.


                        • #13
                          Well the Roosters are still running windows so they have problems.
                          Anasta 13 years Mini 12 years in first grade .Their time is really up I know both mean well but its just not happening.
                          At least Brett Stuart will be fullback next year and Maloney at 5/8th possibly SBW in the forwards so now we have two play makers a runner and a finisher we are half way there.
                          Now how do we work with the Smith Virus ? Bring Robinson back may be and Mechia ? they were part of a successful team in 2010.
                          Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by The Brain View Post
                            Well the Roosters are still running windows so they have problems.
                            Anasta 13 years Mini 12 years in first grade .Their time is really up I know both mean well but its just not happening.
                            At least Brett Stuart will be fullback next year and Maloney at 5/8th possibly SBW in the forwards so now we have two play makers a runner and a finisher we are half way there.
                            Now how do we work with the Smith Virus ? Bring Robinson back may be and Mechia ? they were part of a successful team in 2010.
                            I think the virus will return undr a different revision name. The real problem is with the MAster CPU - The Chipset - The Brains of the computer. The Pentium - P has been used for too many years and is effectively end of support. No vendor wants to touch it and its too expensive. It keeps making bad calculations and is not replacable. But it does need to be decommissioned.
                            Alcohol never solved any life problems.....then again neither did milk.


                            • #15
                              The only hope is to contact the ghost of Steve Jobs. Although he might find turning the Roosters around a little more challenging than Apple.

