I don't wanna go down the path of stadium hating or linking the stadium to the result (I respect this mighta influenced my initial opinion) but IMO a few things need to be said about our home. Will try to stick to 3 or 4 good / bad things.
The good...
- It's new and we have a home for the next 25 years. Above all, I think this needs respect. While I don't have access to it, it clearly has modern offices and camera gear that the people working there (including TV dudes, players, coaches, executives and sponsors) can benefit from.
- The lines for beers and bathrooms were pretty good. One can whinge about the price of beers but we used to have VB in a cup for ~$10 or more. You now get a Wood & Stone or a Young Henry's for about $14. Not the cheapest drinks in town but there was no queue and I quite comfortable had 4 of them during the game without breaking the bank. Again... there was no queue and not much of a queue for the gents either.
- You're definitely closer to the players. I don't credit the 'squareness' for this or buy into the theory that 'being square' gives everybody a better view but the front rows are definitely closer to the players.
- The walk home was better because people can't park all their cars in Moore Park (was always a safety issue IMO). As such, I could just walk across it. I stayed until the end and the walk home only took about 5 minutes (with no Souffs fans as they were still at the stadium celebrating how they 'won despite having 11 on the field at one stage' - way to go celebrating the fact you cheated and rubbed two of our best players outta the game in order to win. Souffs have absolutely no class.
The bad...
- OMG the place echoes! Guessing intentionally but my head hurt from all the 'cheering' and I literally couldn't hear anybody else (including Souffs fans trying to heckle me, the people at the drink bar, the ticket attendants...etc).
- The seats are no better or worse IMO (same plastic, stadium seats where you're sandwiched in if the person next to you is careying a bit of weight). I didn't feel the viewing experience was 'enhanced' and you're still in crappy, plastic seats. Which BTW... they completely ****ed up the numbering on!!! I was bay 34 seat C17. When I walked down to row C there was a label on the ground saying '15 to 28' (or similar). However, the seat on the side was 11. Thus I had a long conversation with a family of Souffs fans (who had actually stolen my seat) about how the sticker said 15 to 28 so they MUST be in my seat. They refused to show me their tickets or stand and show me the seat numbers + tried convincing me I was on the other side (there's no numbers once people are sitting) so I just had to be stubborn. Turns out (after asking the Easts fans behind them what their numbers were) 17 wasn't the seat I was thinking but it was still like 'fark you guys!!! WTF are you doing in the Easts members area anyway?!?!?' They then just took the seats they could get and stayed, constantly howling about how Souffs 'never got any penalties' the whole farking game (even when they were winning and getting penalties the whole time). IMO they needed more staff and adequate numbering to get rid of those clowns. They also farked up the gate numbers IMO! Whoever did the numbering is a deadset fool - they need fixing (as do the gate suggestions).
- I didn't notice the crowd engagement enough. There were no [thud thud thud EASTS] chants other than a few REALLY quiet ones that were started by a loudspeaker behind the goalposts. Even Souffs weren't really cheering. All they did was whinge about not getting penalties and boo every time one of their players lay down (which was every few minutes). In short, it didn't feel like a home game in the same way that a Faders game is definitely a Faders game (and BTW... despite the Faders having a ratty old stadium with oval seating, you're just as close if not closer to the players). New doesn't build a 'feeling' and I suspect this stadium needs a bit of wearing in as it honestly coulda been anybody's stadium yesterday arvo. I say this partly because when the screens (wow there's a lot of screens) all turn into Souffs banners when the game isn't going our way. EXPLAIN THAT!!! I swear... go to ANY local ground (we'll use the Faders' old stadium as I know it well) and it doesn't matter if the away team's up 50-0... the Faders will have green everywhere and that bloody horn / viking clap will be playing the whole time. I'm not saying we copy them, but I think we could do a better job of making it 'our home'.
The good...
- It's new and we have a home for the next 25 years. Above all, I think this needs respect. While I don't have access to it, it clearly has modern offices and camera gear that the people working there (including TV dudes, players, coaches, executives and sponsors) can benefit from.
- The lines for beers and bathrooms were pretty good. One can whinge about the price of beers but we used to have VB in a cup for ~$10 or more. You now get a Wood & Stone or a Young Henry's for about $14. Not the cheapest drinks in town but there was no queue and I quite comfortable had 4 of them during the game without breaking the bank. Again... there was no queue and not much of a queue for the gents either.
- You're definitely closer to the players. I don't credit the 'squareness' for this or buy into the theory that 'being square' gives everybody a better view but the front rows are definitely closer to the players.
- The walk home was better because people can't park all their cars in Moore Park (was always a safety issue IMO). As such, I could just walk across it. I stayed until the end and the walk home only took about 5 minutes (with no Souffs fans as they were still at the stadium celebrating how they 'won despite having 11 on the field at one stage' - way to go celebrating the fact you cheated and rubbed two of our best players outta the game in order to win. Souffs have absolutely no class.
The bad...
- OMG the place echoes! Guessing intentionally but my head hurt from all the 'cheering' and I literally couldn't hear anybody else (including Souffs fans trying to heckle me, the people at the drink bar, the ticket attendants...etc).
- The seats are no better or worse IMO (same plastic, stadium seats where you're sandwiched in if the person next to you is careying a bit of weight). I didn't feel the viewing experience was 'enhanced' and you're still in crappy, plastic seats. Which BTW... they completely ****ed up the numbering on!!! I was bay 34 seat C17. When I walked down to row C there was a label on the ground saying '15 to 28' (or similar). However, the seat on the side was 11. Thus I had a long conversation with a family of Souffs fans (who had actually stolen my seat) about how the sticker said 15 to 28 so they MUST be in my seat. They refused to show me their tickets or stand and show me the seat numbers + tried convincing me I was on the other side (there's no numbers once people are sitting) so I just had to be stubborn. Turns out (after asking the Easts fans behind them what their numbers were) 17 wasn't the seat I was thinking but it was still like 'fark you guys!!! WTF are you doing in the Easts members area anyway?!?!?' They then just took the seats they could get and stayed, constantly howling about how Souffs 'never got any penalties' the whole farking game (even when they were winning and getting penalties the whole time). IMO they needed more staff and adequate numbering to get rid of those clowns. They also farked up the gate numbers IMO! Whoever did the numbering is a deadset fool - they need fixing (as do the gate suggestions).
- I didn't notice the crowd engagement enough. There were no [thud thud thud EASTS] chants other than a few REALLY quiet ones that were started by a loudspeaker behind the goalposts. Even Souffs weren't really cheering. All they did was whinge about not getting penalties and boo every time one of their players lay down (which was every few minutes). In short, it didn't feel like a home game in the same way that a Faders game is definitely a Faders game (and BTW... despite the Faders having a ratty old stadium with oval seating, you're just as close if not closer to the players). New doesn't build a 'feeling' and I suspect this stadium needs a bit of wearing in as it honestly coulda been anybody's stadium yesterday arvo. I say this partly because when the screens (wow there's a lot of screens) all turn into Souffs banners when the game isn't going our way. EXPLAIN THAT!!! I swear... go to ANY local ground (we'll use the Faders' old stadium as I know it well) and it doesn't matter if the away team's up 50-0... the Faders will have green everywhere and that bloody horn / viking clap will be playing the whole time. I'm not saying we copy them, but I think we could do a better job of making it 'our home'.