My RWB obsession is pretty strong. It's the 3 best colours to combine in human history and is also on our Aussie flag. My NFL team is the Bills who I largely follow for 2 reasons. First being they lost 4 Superbowl's in a row which to me is unfathomable and a reason to show them some love. Second reason is they are Red, White and Blue just like Easts.
My weekend sports team wear the RWB aswell so I'm at home in the colours. Only issue is my absolute detesting of Glasgow Rangers, who wear a variant of the RWB and my support of Celtic matches my passion for Easts. Whilst they wear green, there is no trace of red to go alongside it like our unwashed neighbours to the south.
I try to avoid Souffs hate on here as I feel like it was largely a one-way rivalry for a long period of history. We achieved so much more than them between their last 2 comp wins that it was almost a pity party whenever we played them. The early 2000's years was rough and they weren't even on our radar. Ignoring them makes it better aswell, I don't want to sink to their depths of playing a GF twice a year to get one over us out of spite, envy and jealousy. So I can genuinely say up until a few years ago I didn't hate Souffs, they were just another team and I only had passion for the RWB cause. Their most recent iteration of players (barring Cam Murray) however and their clearly dodgy dealings off the field as well as race baiting and blatant cheating has turned them into a scourge for the entire sport and I feel like nearly everyone who doesn't support them hates them.
My weekend sports team wear the RWB aswell so I'm at home in the colours. Only issue is my absolute detesting of Glasgow Rangers, who wear a variant of the RWB and my support of Celtic matches my passion for Easts. Whilst they wear green, there is no trace of red to go alongside it like our unwashed neighbours to the south.
I try to avoid Souffs hate on here as I feel like it was largely a one-way rivalry for a long period of history. We achieved so much more than them between their last 2 comp wins that it was almost a pity party whenever we played them. The early 2000's years was rough and they weren't even on our radar. Ignoring them makes it better aswell, I don't want to sink to their depths of playing a GF twice a year to get one over us out of spite, envy and jealousy. So I can genuinely say up until a few years ago I didn't hate Souffs, they were just another team and I only had passion for the RWB cause. Their most recent iteration of players (barring Cam Murray) however and their clearly dodgy dealings off the field as well as race baiting and blatant cheating has turned them into a scourge for the entire sport and I feel like nearly everyone who doesn't support them hates them.