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My take on O'Sullivan

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  • #16
    Missed out on Dean Collis, surely he should have been high on our list considering he is a specialist centre


    • #17
      Originally posted by Rooster Cogburn View Post
      Melon he didn't discover Carney.
      Who cares. If he secures us great players, isnt that good enough?
      Alcohol never solved any life problems.....then again neither did milk.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Rooster Cogburn View Post
        If anyone thinks that he'll turn us into another Melbourne they're kidding themselves.
        i didnt say that i just that if that was to happen which id imagine is his aim, we wont see the true benefits for a few years yet so lets reserve judgements for a little while now. In the short time he has been here with the cap crammed full of overpriced deadwood id say he has done a great job in terms of retention and has added some quality youngsters to our books and some fringe first graders who like he did at melbourne with smith, quinn, turner etc he will seek to turn into quality first graders which is the key to premiership success as many, melbourne and to a certain extent the tigpies proved by developing a quality squad and team by buying a few bargain players that they got the best out of. Whether we can replicate that or not remains to be seen but thats not osullivans problem thats the coaching staffs. Conn has played plenty of jnr rep footy which tells me minus the injuries and suspensions, the bloke could be a quality first grader which he has also shown when he has spent some time on the park. Waqa I think has immense ability and is by no means a flop as yet. I think once he improves his dscipline and learns the game better he will be dynamic. I think centre is his best position down the track as his one on one defence is very strong and he has great skills, size, speed and power which characterise the modern day centre.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Fitzy55 View Post
          Missed out on Dean Collis, surely he should have been high on our list considering he is a specialist centre
          i agree was saying on the wall earlier this year that he wouldnt be a bad option as before his horrid injury run was on the verge of origin selection and is still only 24. Daniela who went to wests i didnt know was off contract but he is another one we could have seriosuly looked at. Can play centre and wing, is very fast and skillful. If its any consolation, at least we are looking to prop up our junior ranks first and give them a chance before filling our side with purchases. I think overall our squad overall including the junior talent has the potential to go far its just a matter of time


          • #20
            Cockburn is right mun. Sullivan wasn';t brought here to poach players from other clubs - we could have signed the brain to do that. he's here to unearth the next folau or inglis...speak easy.
            Exonerate the West Memphis Three -


            • #21
              there are so many greg inglises running around at the moment too


              • #22
                Originally posted by Wally View Post
                there are so many greg inglises running around at the moment too
                Too true, and I will use another example for underated, fly under the radar centres is young Beau Champion.


                • #23
                  I think it is only fair to give the guy a chance..


                  • #24
                    I've never thought of the big O as needing to find the next great talent, I could be wrong.

                    It seems the great sides generaly build over a period of time, so I much prefer this approach, which appears to be happening atm, and appears to be what he did in Melb (depending on the coaches ability!).

                    P.S John Doyle was a good interim signing. tough, talented, cheap and we knew his knee was rooted.


                    • #25
                      Our SG Ball team won the Grand Final last year, our SG Ball team went closest to beating the eventual winners of the SG Ball this year. Anyone who has actually taken an interest in our juniors will know how big of an achievement this is.

                      He is here to deliver long term stability, obviously the results aren't going to show after 2 seasons in the top grade. Use your head.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Rooster_6 View Post
                        Our SG Ball team won the Grand Final last year, our SG Ball team went closest to beating the eventual winners of the SG Ball this year. Anyone who has actually taken an interest in our juniors will know how big of an achievement this is.

                        He is here to deliver long term stability, obviously the results aren't going to show after 2 seasons in the top grade. Use your head.
                        exactly, thankyou. if we had already seen the next big think by now you would argue that it was artie that recruited him or that osullivan just went out and splurged on an obvious talent. the sg ball boys are his identified talent. anyone who tells me that boyd cordner isnt the best young player in the game is kidding themselves. He is 17 this year and was killing it in the u20s before getting injured.


                        • #27
                          O'Sullivan is the top recruitment manager in the game. He knows what he is doing and he is building a very good squad and signing great young talent on long-term contracts. This club will be off and firing in a few years and a lot of credit should be due to him. He has a very good eye for talent and even though there are some odd signings at times.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Hugh Jorgan View Post
                            Too true, and I will use another example for underated, fly under the radar centres is young Beau Champion.
                            SOUFFS are ****ed. Havent they crashed back down to Earth. As long as they fail to make teh semis...again, Im, happy.
                            Alcohol never solved any life problems.....then again neither did milk.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by roz View Post
                              exactly, thankyou. if we had already seen the next big think by now you would argue that it was artie that recruited him or that osullivan just went out and splurged on an obvious talent. the sg ball boys are his identified talent. anyone who tells me that boyd cordner isnt the best young player in the game is kidding themselves. He is 17 this year and was killing it in the u20s before getting injured.
                              Most of the SG Ball team this year are still eligible to play next year. They gave the Bulldogs a run for their money in the quarter finals but feel just short of moving on to the semis. These are O'Sullivan's signings and hopefully a lot of them come good soon. There is plenty of talent lying around in our junior ranks, there just not ready for FG now, although they should be in a few years. On Cordner, he is obviously the best 17 year old going around, but it is a massive call to compare him with blokes three years his age. But no doubt in the next couple of years, he'll overtake a fair few of them, if not all. Cheyse Blair is another from the SG Ball I really rate. Tall, rangy type player who is a bit like SKD. Jacob Miller is also doing well to play NYC at 17. The future of the club is in good hands.


                              • #30
                                pos got us boyd cordner

                                if he turns out as good as i think he will then he is doing a great job

