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2013 NSW Draw

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  • 2013 NSW Draw

    Win and NZ to start the year....

    ROUND 1 Stadium Day / Time
    Weekend of 9-10 March
    Wentworthville vs. Mounties Parramatta Stadium Saturday 9th, 1:30pm
    Canterbury vs. North Sydney Belmore Sports Ground Saturday 9th, 3:00pm
    Illawarra vs. Newtown WIN Stadium Saturday 9th, 3:00pm
    Manly vs Auckland Brookvale Oval Saturday 9th, 3:00pm
    Cronulla vs. West Tigers Toyota Stadium Sunday 10th, 2:30pm
    Wyong vs. Newcastle Morrie Breen Oval Sunday 10th, 3:00pm
    Windsor vs. BYE

    ROUND 2 Stadium Day / Time
    Weekend of 16-17 March
    Auckland vs. Newtown Eden Park Saturday 16th, 1:30pm
    Cronulla vs. North Sydney Toyota Stadium Saturday 16th, 3:00pm
    Wests Tigers vs. Windsor Campbelltown Stadium Sunday 17th, 11:00am
    Canterbury vs. Illawarra Belmore Sports Ground Saturday 16th, 3:00pm
    Mounties vs. Manly Mounties Complex Saturday 16th, 3:00pm
    Wentworthville vs. Wyong Ringrose Park Sunday 17th, 3:00pm
    Newcastle vs. BYE

    ROUND 3 Stadium Day / Time
    Weekend of 23-24 March
    Auckland vs. Newcastle Mt Smart No. 2 Saturday 23rd, 1:00pm
    Wests Tigers vs. Manly Leichhardt Oval Saturday 23rd, 1:30pm
    Canterbury vs. Wentworthville Belmore Sports Ground Saturday 23rd, 3:00pm
    Newtown vs. North Sydney Henson Park Saturday 23rd, 3:00pm
    Mounties vs. Cronulla Mounties Complex Saturday 23rd, 3:00pm
    Wyong vs. Windsor Morrie Breen Oval Sunday 24th, 3:00pm
    Illawarra vs. BYE

    ROUND 4 Stadium Day / Time
    Weekend of 30-31 March
    Cronulla vs. Newtown Toyota Stadium Saturday 30th, 3:00pm
    Wests Tigers vs. Wentworthville Leichhardt Oval Saturday 30th, 3:00pm
    Manly vs. Canterbury Brookvale Oval Saturday 30th, 3:00pm
    Illawarra vs. North Sydney WIN Stadium Saturday 30th, 3:00pm
    Newcastle vs. Mounties Hunter Stadium Sunday 31st, 2:30pm
    Auckland vs. Windsor Mt Smart Stadium Monday 1st, 12:00pm
    Wyong vs. BYE

    ROUND 5 Stadium Day / Time
    Weekend of 6-7 April
    Wentworthville vs. Newcastle Parramatta Stadium Saturday 6th, 1:30pm
    Newtown vs. Manly Henson Park Saturday 6th, 3:00pm
    Canterbury vs. Wests Tigers Belmore Sports Ground Saturday 6th, 3:00pm
    Windsor vs. Illawarra Windsor Sporting Complex Saturday 6th, 6:00pm
    Auckland vs. North Sydney Mt Smart Stadium Sunday 7th, 12:00pm
    Wyong vs. Cronulla Morrie Breen Oval Sunday 7th, 3:00pm
    Mounties vs. BYE

    ROUND 6 Stadium Day / Time
    Weekend of 13-14 April
    Newcastle vs. Windsor Hunter Stadium Saturday 13th, 1:30pm
    Cronulla vs. Canterbury Toyota Stadium Saturday 13th, 3:00pm
    Mounties vs. Auckland Mounties Complex Saturday 13th, 3:00pm
    Manly vs. Illawarra Brookvale Oval Saturday 13th, 3:00pm
    Wentworthville vs. Newtown Ringrose Oval Sunday 14th, 3:00pm
    North Sydney vs. Wyong North Sydney Oval Sunday 14th, 3:00pm
    Wests Tigers vs. BYE

    ROUND 6B Stadium Day / Time
    Weekend of 20-21 April
    Wentworthville vs. Windsor Belmore Sports Ground Saturday 20th, 1:00pm
    Manly vs. Cronulla Henson Park Saturday 20th, 1:00pm
    Mounties vs. North Sydney Leichhardt Oval Saturday 20th, 1:30pm
    Canterbury vs. Wyong Belmore Sports Ground Saturday 20th, 3:00pm
    Newtown vs. Newcastle Henson Park Saturday 20th, 3:00pm
    Wests Tigers vs. Illawarra Leichhardt Oval Saturday 20th, 3:30pm
    Auckland vs. BYE

    ROUND 7 Stadium Day / Time
    Weekend of 27-28 April
    Auckland vs. Wests Tigers Mt Smart No. 2 Saturday 27th, 1:00pm
    Wyong vs. Illawarra Leichhardt Oval Saturday 27th, 1:30pm
    Newtown vs. Mounties Henson Park Saturday 27th, 3:00pm
    Cronulla vs. Newcastle Toyota Stadium Saturday 27th, 3:00pm
    Windsor vs. Manly Windsor Sporting Complex Saturday 27th, 6:00pm
    North Sydney vs. Wentworthville North Sydney Oval Sunday 28th, 3:00pm
    Canterbury vs. BYE

    ROUND 8 Stadium Day / Time
    Weekend of 4-5 May
    Newcastle vs. Canterbury Leichhardt Oval Saturday 4th, 1:30pm
    Manly vs. Wentworthville Brookvale Oval Saturday 4th, 3:00pm
    Cronulla vs. Auckland Toyota Stadium Saturday 4th, 3:00pm
    Newtown vs. Illawarra Henson Park Saturday 4th, 3:00pm
    Mounties vs. Wyong Mounties Complex Saturday 4th, 3:00pm
    North Sydney vs. Wests Tigers North Sydney Oval Sunday 5th, 3:00pm
    Windsor vs. BYE

    ROUND 9 Stadium Day / Time
    Weekend of 11-12 May
    Auckland vs. Wyong Wellington, NZ Saturday 11th, 1:30pm
    Canterbury vs. Mounties Belmore Sports Ground Saturday 11th, 3:00pm
    Illawarra vs. Wentworthville WIN Stadium Saturday 11th, 3:00pm
    Windsor vs. Cronulla Centrebet Stadium Sunday 12th, 2:30pm
    Newcastle vs. Wests Tigers Sports Ground No. 2 Sunday 12th, 3:00pm
    North Sydney vs. Manly North Sydney Oval Sunday 12th, 3:00pm
    Newtown vs. BYE

    ROUND 10 Stadium Day / Time
    Weekend of 18-19 May
    Illawarra vs. Cronulla WIN Stadium Saturday 18th, 1:30pm
    Wests Tigers vs. Newtown Leichhardt Oval Saturday 18th, 3:00pm
    Manly vs. Newcastle Brookvale Oval Saturday 18th, 3:00pm
    Canterbury vs. Auckland Belmore Sports Ground Saturday 18th, 3:00pm
    Windsor vs. Mounties Windsor Sporting Complex Saturday 18th, 6:00pm
    Wyong vs. Wentworthville Morrie Breen Oval Sunday 19th, 3:00pm
    North Sydney vs. BYE

    ROUND 11 Stadium Day / Time
    Weekend of 25-26 May
    Illawarra vs. Windsor WIN Jubilee Kogarah Saturday 25th, 1:30pm
    Manly vs. Mounties Brookvale Oval Saturday 25th, 3:00pm
    North Sydney vs. Newtown North Sydney Oval Saturday 25th, 3:00pm
    Wests Tigers vs. Wyong Campbelltown Stadium Saturday 25th, 3:00pm
    Wentworthville vs. Canterbury Ringrose Park Sunday 26th, 3:00pm
    Newcastle vs. Auckland Sports Ground No. 2 Sunday 26th, 3:00pm
    Cronulla vs. BYE

    ROUND 12 Stadium Day / Time
    Weekend of 1-2 June
    Auckland vs. Illawarra Mt Smart No. 2 Saturday 1st, 1:00pm
    North Sydney vs. Cronulla Leichhardt Oval Saturday 1st, 1:30pm
    Canterbury vs. Newtown Belmore Sports Ground Saturday 1st, 3:00pm
    Windsor vs. Wests Tigers Windsor Sporting Complex Saturday 1st, 6:00pm
    Wyong vs. Manly Morrie Breen Oval Sunday 2nd, 3:00pm
    Newcastle vs. Wentworthville Sports Ground No. 2 Sunday 2nd, 3:00pm
    Mounties vs. BYE

    ROUND 13 Stadium Day / Time
    Weekend of 8-9 June
    Auckland vs. Manly Mt Smart Stadium Sunday 9th, 12:00pm
    Newcastle vs. Illawarra Hunter Stadium Saturday 8th, 1:30pm
    North Sydney vs. Canterbury North Sydney Oval Saturday 8th, 3:00pm
    Cronulla vs. Mounties Toyota Stadium Saturday 8th, 3:00pm
    Wentworthville vs. Wests Tigers Ringrose Park Sunday 9th, 3:00pm
    Newtown vs. Windsor Pioneer Oval, Parkes Sunday 9th, 3:00pm
    Wyong vs. BYE

    ROUND 14 Stadium Day / Time
    Weekend of 15-16 June
    Wests Tigers vs. Canterbury Leichhardt Oval Saturday 15th, 1:30pm
    Cronulla vs. Wentworthville Toyota Stadium Saturday 15th, 3:00pm
    Illawarra vs. Mounties WIN Stadium Saturday 15th, 3:00pm
    Windsor vs. Auckland Windsor Sporting Complex Saturday 15th, 6:00pm
    Wyong vs. Newtown Morrie Breen Oval Sunday 16th, 3:00pm
    Newcastle vs. North Sydney Sports Ground No. 2 Sunday 16th, 3:00pm
    Manly vs. BYE

    ROUND 15 Stadium Day / Time
    Weekend of 22-23 June
    Wests Tigers vs. Auckland Campbelltown Stadium Saturday 22nd, 3:00pm
    Illawarra vs. Wyong WIN Stadium Saturday 22nd, 3:00pm
    Newtown vs. Cronulla Henson Park Saturday 22nd, 3:00pm
    Mounties vs. Wentworthville Mounties Complex Saturday 22nd, 3:00pm
    Canterbury vs. Manly Belmore Sports Ground Saturday 22nd, 3:00pm
    North Sydney vs. Windsor North Sydney Oval Sunday 23rd, 3:00pm
    Newcastle vs. BYE

    ROUND 16 Stadium Day / Time
    Weekend of 29-30 June
    Wests Tigers vs. Newcastle Leichhardt Oval Saturday 29th, 1:30pm
    Manly vs. Windsor Brookvale Oval Saturday 29th, 3:00pm
    Mounties vs. Newtown Mounties Complex Saturday 29th, 3:00pm
    Wyong vs. Canterbury Morrie Breen Oval Sunday 30th, 3:00pm
    Auckland vs. Cronulla Mt Smart Stadium Sunday 30th, 12:00pm
    North Sydney vs. Illawarra North Sydney Oval Sunday 30th, 3:00pm
    Wentworthville vs. BYE

    ROUND 17 Stadium Day / Time
    Weekend of 6-7 July
    Illawarra vs. Manly WIN Jubilee Kogarah Saturday 6th, 1:30pm
    Canterbury vs. Newcastle Belmore Sports Ground Saturday 6th, 3:00pm
    Wests Tigers vs. Mounties Campbelltown Stadium Saturday 6th, 3:00pm
    Cronulla vs. Windsor Toyota Stadium Saturday 6th, 3:00pm
    Newtown vs. Wentworthville Henson Park Saturday 6th, 3:00pm
    Wyong vs. North Sydney Morrie Breen Oval Sunday 7th, 3:00pm
    Auckland vs. BYE

    ROUND 18 NSW CUP REP WEEKEND Stadium Day / Time
    Weekend of 13-14 July
    Wentworthville vs. Manly Parramatta Stadium Saturday 13th, 1:30pm

    NSW Cup Rep Team V QLD Cup Rep Team
    at ANZ Stadium - ORIGIN III

    ROUND 19 Stadium Day / Time
    Weekend of 20-21 July
    Windsor vs. Canterbury Leichhardt Oval Saturday 20th, 1:30pm
    Mounties vs. Newcastle Mounties Complex Saturday 20th, 3:00pm
    Newtown vs. Auckland Henson Park Saturday 20th, 3.00pm
    Cronulla vs. Illawarra Toyota Stadium Saturday 20th, 3:00pm
    Wyong vs. Wests Tigers Morrie Breen Oval Sunday 21st, 3:00pm
    Wentworthville vs. Manly Moved to Round 18
    North Sydney vs. BYE

    ROUND 20 Stadium Day / Time
    Weekend of 27-28 July
    Illawarra vs. Auckland WIN Stadium Saturday 27th, 3:00pm
    Manly vs. Wyong Brookvale Oval Saturday 27th, 3:00pm
    Mounties vs. Canterbury Mounties Complex Saturday 27th, 3:00pm
    Windsor vs. Newtown Windsor Sporting Complex Saturday 27th, 6:00pm
    Newcastle vs. Cronulla Sports Ground No. 2 Sunday 28th, 3:00pm
    Wentworthville vs. North Sydney Ringrose Park Sunday 28th, 3:00pm
    Wests Tigers vs. BYE

    ROUND 21 Stadium Day / Time
    Weekend of 3-4 August
    Auckland vs. Wentworthville Mt Smart No. 2 Saturday 3rd, 1:00pm
    Illawarra vs Canterbury WIN Stadium Saturday 3rd, 3:00pm
    North Sydney vs Mounties North Sydney Oval Saturday 3rd, 3:00pm
    Cronulla vs. Wyong Toyota Stadium Saturday 3rd, 3:00pm
    Newtown vs. Wests Tigers Henson Park Saturday 3rd, 3:00pm
    Windsor vs. Newcastle Windsor Sporting Complex Saturday 3rd, 6:00pm
    Manly vs. BYE

    ROUND 22 Stadium Day / Time
    Weekend of 10-11 August
    Auckland vs. Canterbury Mt Smart No. 2 Saturday 10th, 1:00pm
    Wests Tigers vs. Cronulla Campbelltown Stadium Saturday 10th, 3:00pm
    Manly vs. Newtown Brookvale Oval Saturday 10th, 3:00pm
    Windsor vs. Wentworthville Windsor Sporting Complex Saturday 10th, 6:00pm
    Wyong vs. Mounties Morrie Breen Oval Sunday 11th, 3:00pm
    North Sydney vs. Newcastle North Sydney Oval Sunday 11th, 3:00pm
    Illawarra vs. BYE

    ROUND 23 Stadium Day / Time
    Weekend of 17-18 August
    Mounties vs. Illawarra Mounties Complex Saturday 17th, 3:00pm
    Canterbury vs. Cronulla Belmore Sports Ground Saturday 17th, 3:00pm
    Manly vs. Wests Tigers Brookvale Oval Saturday 17th, 3:00pm
    Newcastle vs. Newtown Sports Ground No. 2 Saturday 17th, 3:00pm
    Windsor vs. North Sydney Windsor Sporting Complex Saturday 17th, 6:00pm
    Wyong vs. Auckland Morrie Breen Oval Sunday 18th, 3:00pm
    Wentworthville vs. BYE

    ROUND 24 Stadium Day / Time
    Weekend of 24-25 August
    Cronulla vs. Manly Toyota Stadium Saturday 24th, 3:00pm
    Illawarra vs. Newcastle WIN Stadium Saturday 24th, 3:00pm
    Newtown vs. Wyong Henson Park Saturday 24th, 3:00pm
    Mounties vs. Windsor Mounties Complex Saturday 24th, 3:00pm
    Wests Tigers vs. North Sydney Campbelltown Stadium Saturday 24th, 3:00pm
    Wentworthville vs. Auckland Ringrose Park Sunday 25th, 3:00pm
    Canterbury vs. BYE

    ROUND 25 Stadium Day / Time
    Weekend of 31 August 1 September
    Auckland vs. Mounties Mt Smart No. 2 Saturday 31st, 1:00pm
    Illawarra vs. Wests Tigers WIN Stadium Saturday 31st, 3:00pm
    Manly vs. North Sydney Brookvale Oval Saturday 31st, 3:00pm
    Canterbury vs. Windsor Belmore Sports Ground Saturday 31st, 3:00pm
    Wentworthville vs. Cronulla Ringrose Park Sunday 1st, 3:00pm
    Newcastle vs. Wyong Sports Ground No. 2 Sunday 1st, 3:00pm
    Newtown vs. BYE

    ROUND 26 Stadium Day / Time
    Weekend of 7-8 September
    North Sydney vs. Auckland North Sydney Oval Saturday 7th, 3:00pm
    Newtown vs. Canterbury Henson Park Saturday 7th, 3:00pm
    Newcastle vs. Manly Sports Ground No. 2 Saturday 7th, 3:00pm
    Mounties vs. Wests Tigers Mounties Complex Saturday 7th, 3:00pm
    Windsor vs. Wyong Windsor Sporting Complex Saturday 7th, 6:00pm
    Wentworthville vs. Illawarra Ringrose Park Sunday 8th, 3:00pm
    Cronulla vs. BYE

    FINAL SERIES - Week 1 Stadium Day / Time
    Weekend of 14-15 September
    1 Qualifier 1 vs. Qualifier 4 (Quarterfinal 1)
    2 Qualifier 5 vs. Qualifier 8 (Quarterfinal 2)
    3 Qualifier 6 vs. Qualifier 7 (Quarterfinal 3)
    4 Qualifier 2 vs. Qualifier 3 (Quarterfinal 4)

    Semi Finals
    Sunday 22 September
    S1 Loser Quarterfinal 1 vs. Winner Quaterfinal 2 (Semi-Final 1)
    S2 Loser Quarterfinal 4 vs. Winner Quaterfinal 3 (Semi-Final 2)

    Preliminary Finals
    Sunday 29 September
    P1 Winner of Quarterfinal 1 vs. Winner of Semi Final 2 (PF 1)
    P2 Winner of Quarterfinal 4 vs. Winner of Semi Final 1 (PF 2)

    Grand Final
    Sunday 6 October
    GF Winner PF 1 vs.Winner PF 2

  • #2
    Looks like we'll have all 3 grades in action on the same ground in Round 2..

    Just like the good old days..


    • #3
      All the new Grandstands & 1st class amenities at Henson probably wont be ready till rd 3 so they will play there first 2 games away then open the new Henson & play in Rd 3 to a full capacity crowd of 8783?


      • #4
        Originally posted by Mickey Lane:267513
        All the new Grandstands & 1st class amenities at Henson probably wont be ready till rd 3 so they will play there first 2 games away then open the new Henson & play in Rd 3 to a full capacity crowd of 8783?
        That would be a disappointing crowd.

        Usually get 8796.
        #We Stand with ourJewish community#


        • #5
          Originally posted by Jacks Fur Coat View Post
          That would be a disappointing crowd.

          Usually get 8796.
          I think with the new makeover they had to reduce the ground capacity by 13 people.


          • #6
            does that total include ground staff and the players, coaches and officials
            1911 1912 1913 1923 1935 1936 1937 1940 1945 1974 1975 2002 2013 2018 2019 2020


            • #7
              You guys who are regulars at Henson....the Henson Park Hotel closed down for good on Friday night, so you'll have to find another venue for a couple of swift ones before and after (if you're pub people, that is)

              There's now only the Vic on Enmore road, and that's not exactly close to the ground......

              Sad times.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Jacks Fur Coat View Post
                That would be a disappointing crowd.

                Usually get 8796.

