Win and NZ to start the year....
ROUND 1 Stadium Day / Time
Weekend of 9-10 March
Wentworthville vs. Mounties Parramatta Stadium Saturday 9th, 1:30pm
Canterbury vs. North Sydney Belmore Sports Ground Saturday 9th, 3:00pm
Illawarra vs. Newtown WIN Stadium Saturday 9th, 3:00pm
Manly vs Auckland Brookvale Oval Saturday 9th, 3:00pm
Cronulla vs. West Tigers Toyota Stadium Sunday 10th, 2:30pm
Wyong vs. Newcastle Morrie Breen Oval Sunday 10th, 3:00pm
Windsor vs. BYE
ROUND 2 Stadium Day / Time
Weekend of 16-17 March
Auckland vs. Newtown Eden Park Saturday 16th, 1:30pm
Cronulla vs. North Sydney Toyota Stadium Saturday 16th, 3:00pm
Wests Tigers vs. Windsor Campbelltown Stadium Sunday 17th, 11:00am
Canterbury vs. Illawarra Belmore Sports Ground Saturday 16th, 3:00pm
Mounties vs. Manly Mounties Complex Saturday 16th, 3:00pm
Wentworthville vs. Wyong Ringrose Park Sunday 17th, 3:00pm
Newcastle vs. BYE
ROUND 3 Stadium Day / Time
Weekend of 23-24 March
Auckland vs. Newcastle Mt Smart No. 2 Saturday 23rd, 1:00pm
Wests Tigers vs. Manly Leichhardt Oval Saturday 23rd, 1:30pm
Canterbury vs. Wentworthville Belmore Sports Ground Saturday 23rd, 3:00pm
Newtown vs. North Sydney Henson Park Saturday 23rd, 3:00pm
Mounties vs. Cronulla Mounties Complex Saturday 23rd, 3:00pm
Wyong vs. Windsor Morrie Breen Oval Sunday 24th, 3:00pm
Illawarra vs. BYE
ROUND 4 Stadium Day / Time
Weekend of 30-31 March
Cronulla vs. Newtown Toyota Stadium Saturday 30th, 3:00pm
Wests Tigers vs. Wentworthville Leichhardt Oval Saturday 30th, 3:00pm
Manly vs. Canterbury Brookvale Oval Saturday 30th, 3:00pm
Illawarra vs. North Sydney WIN Stadium Saturday 30th, 3:00pm
Newcastle vs. Mounties Hunter Stadium Sunday 31st, 2:30pm
Auckland vs. Windsor Mt Smart Stadium Monday 1st, 12:00pm
Wyong vs. BYE
ROUND 5 Stadium Day / Time
Weekend of 6-7 April
Wentworthville vs. Newcastle Parramatta Stadium Saturday 6th, 1:30pm
Newtown vs. Manly Henson Park Saturday 6th, 3:00pm
Canterbury vs. Wests Tigers Belmore Sports Ground Saturday 6th, 3:00pm
Windsor vs. Illawarra Windsor Sporting Complex Saturday 6th, 6:00pm
Auckland vs. North Sydney Mt Smart Stadium Sunday 7th, 12:00pm
Wyong vs. Cronulla Morrie Breen Oval Sunday 7th, 3:00pm
Mounties vs. BYE
ROUND 6 Stadium Day / Time
Weekend of 13-14 April
Newcastle vs. Windsor Hunter Stadium Saturday 13th, 1:30pm
Cronulla vs. Canterbury Toyota Stadium Saturday 13th, 3:00pm
Mounties vs. Auckland Mounties Complex Saturday 13th, 3:00pm
Manly vs. Illawarra Brookvale Oval Saturday 13th, 3:00pm
Wentworthville vs. Newtown Ringrose Oval Sunday 14th, 3:00pm
North Sydney vs. Wyong North Sydney Oval Sunday 14th, 3:00pm
Wests Tigers vs. BYE
ROUND 6B Stadium Day / Time
Weekend of 20-21 April
Wentworthville vs. Windsor Belmore Sports Ground Saturday 20th, 1:00pm
Manly vs. Cronulla Henson Park Saturday 20th, 1:00pm
Mounties vs. North Sydney Leichhardt Oval Saturday 20th, 1:30pm
Canterbury vs. Wyong Belmore Sports Ground Saturday 20th, 3:00pm
Newtown vs. Newcastle Henson Park Saturday 20th, 3:00pm
Wests Tigers vs. Illawarra Leichhardt Oval Saturday 20th, 3:30pm
Auckland vs. BYE
ROUND 7 Stadium Day / Time
Weekend of 27-28 April
Auckland vs. Wests Tigers Mt Smart No. 2 Saturday 27th, 1:00pm
Wyong vs. Illawarra Leichhardt Oval Saturday 27th, 1:30pm
Newtown vs. Mounties Henson Park Saturday 27th, 3:00pm
Cronulla vs. Newcastle Toyota Stadium Saturday 27th, 3:00pm
Windsor vs. Manly Windsor Sporting Complex Saturday 27th, 6:00pm
North Sydney vs. Wentworthville North Sydney Oval Sunday 28th, 3:00pm
Canterbury vs. BYE
ROUND 8 Stadium Day / Time
Weekend of 4-5 May
Newcastle vs. Canterbury Leichhardt Oval Saturday 4th, 1:30pm
Manly vs. Wentworthville Brookvale Oval Saturday 4th, 3:00pm
Cronulla vs. Auckland Toyota Stadium Saturday 4th, 3:00pm
Newtown vs. Illawarra Henson Park Saturday 4th, 3:00pm
Mounties vs. Wyong Mounties Complex Saturday 4th, 3:00pm
North Sydney vs. Wests Tigers North Sydney Oval Sunday 5th, 3:00pm
Windsor vs. BYE
ROUND 9 Stadium Day / Time
Weekend of 11-12 May
Auckland vs. Wyong Wellington, NZ Saturday 11th, 1:30pm
Canterbury vs. Mounties Belmore Sports Ground Saturday 11th, 3:00pm
Illawarra vs. Wentworthville WIN Stadium Saturday 11th, 3:00pm
Windsor vs. Cronulla Centrebet Stadium Sunday 12th, 2:30pm
Newcastle vs. Wests Tigers Sports Ground No. 2 Sunday 12th, 3:00pm
North Sydney vs. Manly North Sydney Oval Sunday 12th, 3:00pm
Newtown vs. BYE
ROUND 10 Stadium Day / Time
Weekend of 18-19 May
Illawarra vs. Cronulla WIN Stadium Saturday 18th, 1:30pm
Wests Tigers vs. Newtown Leichhardt Oval Saturday 18th, 3:00pm
Manly vs. Newcastle Brookvale Oval Saturday 18th, 3:00pm
Canterbury vs. Auckland Belmore Sports Ground Saturday 18th, 3:00pm
Windsor vs. Mounties Windsor Sporting Complex Saturday 18th, 6:00pm
Wyong vs. Wentworthville Morrie Breen Oval Sunday 19th, 3:00pm
North Sydney vs. BYE
ROUND 11 Stadium Day / Time
Weekend of 25-26 May
Illawarra vs. Windsor WIN Jubilee Kogarah Saturday 25th, 1:30pm
Manly vs. Mounties Brookvale Oval Saturday 25th, 3:00pm
North Sydney vs. Newtown North Sydney Oval Saturday 25th, 3:00pm
Wests Tigers vs. Wyong Campbelltown Stadium Saturday 25th, 3:00pm
Wentworthville vs. Canterbury Ringrose Park Sunday 26th, 3:00pm
Newcastle vs. Auckland Sports Ground No. 2 Sunday 26th, 3:00pm
Cronulla vs. BYE
ROUND 12 Stadium Day / Time
Weekend of 1-2 June
Auckland vs. Illawarra Mt Smart No. 2 Saturday 1st, 1:00pm
North Sydney vs. Cronulla Leichhardt Oval Saturday 1st, 1:30pm
Canterbury vs. Newtown Belmore Sports Ground Saturday 1st, 3:00pm
Windsor vs. Wests Tigers Windsor Sporting Complex Saturday 1st, 6:00pm
Wyong vs. Manly Morrie Breen Oval Sunday 2nd, 3:00pm
Newcastle vs. Wentworthville Sports Ground No. 2 Sunday 2nd, 3:00pm
Mounties vs. BYE
ROUND 13 Stadium Day / Time
Weekend of 8-9 June
Auckland vs. Manly Mt Smart Stadium Sunday 9th, 12:00pm
Newcastle vs. Illawarra Hunter Stadium Saturday 8th, 1:30pm
North Sydney vs. Canterbury North Sydney Oval Saturday 8th, 3:00pm
Cronulla vs. Mounties Toyota Stadium Saturday 8th, 3:00pm
Wentworthville vs. Wests Tigers Ringrose Park Sunday 9th, 3:00pm
Newtown vs. Windsor Pioneer Oval, Parkes Sunday 9th, 3:00pm
Wyong vs. BYE
ROUND 14 Stadium Day / Time
Weekend of 15-16 June
Wests Tigers vs. Canterbury Leichhardt Oval Saturday 15th, 1:30pm
Cronulla vs. Wentworthville Toyota Stadium Saturday 15th, 3:00pm
Illawarra vs. Mounties WIN Stadium Saturday 15th, 3:00pm
Windsor vs. Auckland Windsor Sporting Complex Saturday 15th, 6:00pm
Wyong vs. Newtown Morrie Breen Oval Sunday 16th, 3:00pm
Newcastle vs. North Sydney Sports Ground No. 2 Sunday 16th, 3:00pm
Manly vs. BYE
ROUND 15 Stadium Day / Time
Weekend of 22-23 June
Wests Tigers vs. Auckland Campbelltown Stadium Saturday 22nd, 3:00pm
Illawarra vs. Wyong WIN Stadium Saturday 22nd, 3:00pm
Newtown vs. Cronulla Henson Park Saturday 22nd, 3:00pm
Mounties vs. Wentworthville Mounties Complex Saturday 22nd, 3:00pm
Canterbury vs. Manly Belmore Sports Ground Saturday 22nd, 3:00pm
North Sydney vs. Windsor North Sydney Oval Sunday 23rd, 3:00pm
Newcastle vs. BYE
ROUND 16 Stadium Day / Time
Weekend of 29-30 June
Wests Tigers vs. Newcastle Leichhardt Oval Saturday 29th, 1:30pm
Manly vs. Windsor Brookvale Oval Saturday 29th, 3:00pm
Mounties vs. Newtown Mounties Complex Saturday 29th, 3:00pm
Wyong vs. Canterbury Morrie Breen Oval Sunday 30th, 3:00pm
Auckland vs. Cronulla Mt Smart Stadium Sunday 30th, 12:00pm
North Sydney vs. Illawarra North Sydney Oval Sunday 30th, 3:00pm
Wentworthville vs. BYE
ROUND 17 Stadium Day / Time
Weekend of 6-7 July
Illawarra vs. Manly WIN Jubilee Kogarah Saturday 6th, 1:30pm
Canterbury vs. Newcastle Belmore Sports Ground Saturday 6th, 3:00pm
Wests Tigers vs. Mounties Campbelltown Stadium Saturday 6th, 3:00pm
Cronulla vs. Windsor Toyota Stadium Saturday 6th, 3:00pm
Newtown vs. Wentworthville Henson Park Saturday 6th, 3:00pm
Wyong vs. North Sydney Morrie Breen Oval Sunday 7th, 3:00pm
Auckland vs. BYE
Weekend of 13-14 July
Wentworthville vs. Manly Parramatta Stadium Saturday 13th, 1:30pm
NSW Cup Rep Team V QLD Cup Rep Team
at ANZ Stadium - ORIGIN III
ROUND 19 Stadium Day / Time
Weekend of 20-21 July
Windsor vs. Canterbury Leichhardt Oval Saturday 20th, 1:30pm
Mounties vs. Newcastle Mounties Complex Saturday 20th, 3:00pm
Newtown vs. Auckland Henson Park Saturday 20th, 3.00pm
Cronulla vs. Illawarra Toyota Stadium Saturday 20th, 3:00pm
Wyong vs. Wests Tigers Morrie Breen Oval Sunday 21st, 3:00pm
Wentworthville vs. Manly Moved to Round 18
North Sydney vs. BYE
ROUND 20 Stadium Day / Time
Weekend of 27-28 July
Illawarra vs. Auckland WIN Stadium Saturday 27th, 3:00pm
Manly vs. Wyong Brookvale Oval Saturday 27th, 3:00pm
Mounties vs. Canterbury Mounties Complex Saturday 27th, 3:00pm
Windsor vs. Newtown Windsor Sporting Complex Saturday 27th, 6:00pm
Newcastle vs. Cronulla Sports Ground No. 2 Sunday 28th, 3:00pm
Wentworthville vs. North Sydney Ringrose Park Sunday 28th, 3:00pm
Wests Tigers vs. BYE
ROUND 21 Stadium Day / Time
Weekend of 3-4 August
Auckland vs. Wentworthville Mt Smart No. 2 Saturday 3rd, 1:00pm
Illawarra vs Canterbury WIN Stadium Saturday 3rd, 3:00pm
North Sydney vs Mounties North Sydney Oval Saturday 3rd, 3:00pm
Cronulla vs. Wyong Toyota Stadium Saturday 3rd, 3:00pm
Newtown vs. Wests Tigers Henson Park Saturday 3rd, 3:00pm
Windsor vs. Newcastle Windsor Sporting Complex Saturday 3rd, 6:00pm
Manly vs. BYE
ROUND 22 Stadium Day / Time
Weekend of 10-11 August
Auckland vs. Canterbury Mt Smart No. 2 Saturday 10th, 1:00pm
Wests Tigers vs. Cronulla Campbelltown Stadium Saturday 10th, 3:00pm
Manly vs. Newtown Brookvale Oval Saturday 10th, 3:00pm
Windsor vs. Wentworthville Windsor Sporting Complex Saturday 10th, 6:00pm
Wyong vs. Mounties Morrie Breen Oval Sunday 11th, 3:00pm
North Sydney vs. Newcastle North Sydney Oval Sunday 11th, 3:00pm
Illawarra vs. BYE
ROUND 23 Stadium Day / Time
Weekend of 17-18 August
Mounties vs. Illawarra Mounties Complex Saturday 17th, 3:00pm
Canterbury vs. Cronulla Belmore Sports Ground Saturday 17th, 3:00pm
Manly vs. Wests Tigers Brookvale Oval Saturday 17th, 3:00pm
Newcastle vs. Newtown Sports Ground No. 2 Saturday 17th, 3:00pm
Windsor vs. North Sydney Windsor Sporting Complex Saturday 17th, 6:00pm
Wyong vs. Auckland Morrie Breen Oval Sunday 18th, 3:00pm
Wentworthville vs. BYE
ROUND 24 Stadium Day / Time
Weekend of 24-25 August
Cronulla vs. Manly Toyota Stadium Saturday 24th, 3:00pm
Illawarra vs. Newcastle WIN Stadium Saturday 24th, 3:00pm
Newtown vs. Wyong Henson Park Saturday 24th, 3:00pm
Mounties vs. Windsor Mounties Complex Saturday 24th, 3:00pm
Wests Tigers vs. North Sydney Campbelltown Stadium Saturday 24th, 3:00pm
Wentworthville vs. Auckland Ringrose Park Sunday 25th, 3:00pm
Canterbury vs. BYE
ROUND 25 Stadium Day / Time
Weekend of 31 August 1 September
Auckland vs. Mounties Mt Smart No. 2 Saturday 31st, 1:00pm
Illawarra vs. Wests Tigers WIN Stadium Saturday 31st, 3:00pm
Manly vs. North Sydney Brookvale Oval Saturday 31st, 3:00pm
Canterbury vs. Windsor Belmore Sports Ground Saturday 31st, 3:00pm
Wentworthville vs. Cronulla Ringrose Park Sunday 1st, 3:00pm
Newcastle vs. Wyong Sports Ground No. 2 Sunday 1st, 3:00pm
Newtown vs. BYE
ROUND 26 Stadium Day / Time
Weekend of 7-8 September
North Sydney vs. Auckland North Sydney Oval Saturday 7th, 3:00pm
Newtown vs. Canterbury Henson Park Saturday 7th, 3:00pm
Newcastle vs. Manly Sports Ground No. 2 Saturday 7th, 3:00pm
Mounties vs. Wests Tigers Mounties Complex Saturday 7th, 3:00pm
Windsor vs. Wyong Windsor Sporting Complex Saturday 7th, 6:00pm
Wentworthville vs. Illawarra Ringrose Park Sunday 8th, 3:00pm
Cronulla vs. BYE
FINAL SERIES - Week 1 Stadium Day / Time
Weekend of 14-15 September
1 Qualifier 1 vs. Qualifier 4 (Quarterfinal 1)
2 Qualifier 5 vs. Qualifier 8 (Quarterfinal 2)
3 Qualifier 6 vs. Qualifier 7 (Quarterfinal 3)
4 Qualifier 2 vs. Qualifier 3 (Quarterfinal 4)
Semi Finals
Sunday 22 September
S1 Loser Quarterfinal 1 vs. Winner Quaterfinal 2 (Semi-Final 1)
S2 Loser Quarterfinal 4 vs. Winner Quaterfinal 3 (Semi-Final 2)
Preliminary Finals
Sunday 29 September
P1 Winner of Quarterfinal 1 vs. Winner of Semi Final 2 (PF 1)
P2 Winner of Quarterfinal 4 vs. Winner of Semi Final 1 (PF 2)
Grand Final
Sunday 6 October
GF Winner PF 1 vs.Winner PF 2
ROUND 1 Stadium Day / Time
Weekend of 9-10 March
Wentworthville vs. Mounties Parramatta Stadium Saturday 9th, 1:30pm
Canterbury vs. North Sydney Belmore Sports Ground Saturday 9th, 3:00pm
Illawarra vs. Newtown WIN Stadium Saturday 9th, 3:00pm
Manly vs Auckland Brookvale Oval Saturday 9th, 3:00pm
Cronulla vs. West Tigers Toyota Stadium Sunday 10th, 2:30pm
Wyong vs. Newcastle Morrie Breen Oval Sunday 10th, 3:00pm
Windsor vs. BYE
ROUND 2 Stadium Day / Time
Weekend of 16-17 March
Auckland vs. Newtown Eden Park Saturday 16th, 1:30pm
Cronulla vs. North Sydney Toyota Stadium Saturday 16th, 3:00pm
Wests Tigers vs. Windsor Campbelltown Stadium Sunday 17th, 11:00am
Canterbury vs. Illawarra Belmore Sports Ground Saturday 16th, 3:00pm
Mounties vs. Manly Mounties Complex Saturday 16th, 3:00pm
Wentworthville vs. Wyong Ringrose Park Sunday 17th, 3:00pm
Newcastle vs. BYE
ROUND 3 Stadium Day / Time
Weekend of 23-24 March
Auckland vs. Newcastle Mt Smart No. 2 Saturday 23rd, 1:00pm
Wests Tigers vs. Manly Leichhardt Oval Saturday 23rd, 1:30pm
Canterbury vs. Wentworthville Belmore Sports Ground Saturday 23rd, 3:00pm
Newtown vs. North Sydney Henson Park Saturday 23rd, 3:00pm
Mounties vs. Cronulla Mounties Complex Saturday 23rd, 3:00pm
Wyong vs. Windsor Morrie Breen Oval Sunday 24th, 3:00pm
Illawarra vs. BYE
ROUND 4 Stadium Day / Time
Weekend of 30-31 March
Cronulla vs. Newtown Toyota Stadium Saturday 30th, 3:00pm
Wests Tigers vs. Wentworthville Leichhardt Oval Saturday 30th, 3:00pm
Manly vs. Canterbury Brookvale Oval Saturday 30th, 3:00pm
Illawarra vs. North Sydney WIN Stadium Saturday 30th, 3:00pm
Newcastle vs. Mounties Hunter Stadium Sunday 31st, 2:30pm
Auckland vs. Windsor Mt Smart Stadium Monday 1st, 12:00pm
Wyong vs. BYE
ROUND 5 Stadium Day / Time
Weekend of 6-7 April
Wentworthville vs. Newcastle Parramatta Stadium Saturday 6th, 1:30pm
Newtown vs. Manly Henson Park Saturday 6th, 3:00pm
Canterbury vs. Wests Tigers Belmore Sports Ground Saturday 6th, 3:00pm
Windsor vs. Illawarra Windsor Sporting Complex Saturday 6th, 6:00pm
Auckland vs. North Sydney Mt Smart Stadium Sunday 7th, 12:00pm
Wyong vs. Cronulla Morrie Breen Oval Sunday 7th, 3:00pm
Mounties vs. BYE
ROUND 6 Stadium Day / Time
Weekend of 13-14 April
Newcastle vs. Windsor Hunter Stadium Saturday 13th, 1:30pm
Cronulla vs. Canterbury Toyota Stadium Saturday 13th, 3:00pm
Mounties vs. Auckland Mounties Complex Saturday 13th, 3:00pm
Manly vs. Illawarra Brookvale Oval Saturday 13th, 3:00pm
Wentworthville vs. Newtown Ringrose Oval Sunday 14th, 3:00pm
North Sydney vs. Wyong North Sydney Oval Sunday 14th, 3:00pm
Wests Tigers vs. BYE
ROUND 6B Stadium Day / Time
Weekend of 20-21 April
Wentworthville vs. Windsor Belmore Sports Ground Saturday 20th, 1:00pm
Manly vs. Cronulla Henson Park Saturday 20th, 1:00pm
Mounties vs. North Sydney Leichhardt Oval Saturday 20th, 1:30pm
Canterbury vs. Wyong Belmore Sports Ground Saturday 20th, 3:00pm
Newtown vs. Newcastle Henson Park Saturday 20th, 3:00pm
Wests Tigers vs. Illawarra Leichhardt Oval Saturday 20th, 3:30pm
Auckland vs. BYE
ROUND 7 Stadium Day / Time
Weekend of 27-28 April
Auckland vs. Wests Tigers Mt Smart No. 2 Saturday 27th, 1:00pm
Wyong vs. Illawarra Leichhardt Oval Saturday 27th, 1:30pm
Newtown vs. Mounties Henson Park Saturday 27th, 3:00pm
Cronulla vs. Newcastle Toyota Stadium Saturday 27th, 3:00pm
Windsor vs. Manly Windsor Sporting Complex Saturday 27th, 6:00pm
North Sydney vs. Wentworthville North Sydney Oval Sunday 28th, 3:00pm
Canterbury vs. BYE
ROUND 8 Stadium Day / Time
Weekend of 4-5 May
Newcastle vs. Canterbury Leichhardt Oval Saturday 4th, 1:30pm
Manly vs. Wentworthville Brookvale Oval Saturday 4th, 3:00pm
Cronulla vs. Auckland Toyota Stadium Saturday 4th, 3:00pm
Newtown vs. Illawarra Henson Park Saturday 4th, 3:00pm
Mounties vs. Wyong Mounties Complex Saturday 4th, 3:00pm
North Sydney vs. Wests Tigers North Sydney Oval Sunday 5th, 3:00pm
Windsor vs. BYE
ROUND 9 Stadium Day / Time
Weekend of 11-12 May
Auckland vs. Wyong Wellington, NZ Saturday 11th, 1:30pm
Canterbury vs. Mounties Belmore Sports Ground Saturday 11th, 3:00pm
Illawarra vs. Wentworthville WIN Stadium Saturday 11th, 3:00pm
Windsor vs. Cronulla Centrebet Stadium Sunday 12th, 2:30pm
Newcastle vs. Wests Tigers Sports Ground No. 2 Sunday 12th, 3:00pm
North Sydney vs. Manly North Sydney Oval Sunday 12th, 3:00pm
Newtown vs. BYE
ROUND 10 Stadium Day / Time
Weekend of 18-19 May
Illawarra vs. Cronulla WIN Stadium Saturday 18th, 1:30pm
Wests Tigers vs. Newtown Leichhardt Oval Saturday 18th, 3:00pm
Manly vs. Newcastle Brookvale Oval Saturday 18th, 3:00pm
Canterbury vs. Auckland Belmore Sports Ground Saturday 18th, 3:00pm
Windsor vs. Mounties Windsor Sporting Complex Saturday 18th, 6:00pm
Wyong vs. Wentworthville Morrie Breen Oval Sunday 19th, 3:00pm
North Sydney vs. BYE
ROUND 11 Stadium Day / Time
Weekend of 25-26 May
Illawarra vs. Windsor WIN Jubilee Kogarah Saturday 25th, 1:30pm
Manly vs. Mounties Brookvale Oval Saturday 25th, 3:00pm
North Sydney vs. Newtown North Sydney Oval Saturday 25th, 3:00pm
Wests Tigers vs. Wyong Campbelltown Stadium Saturday 25th, 3:00pm
Wentworthville vs. Canterbury Ringrose Park Sunday 26th, 3:00pm
Newcastle vs. Auckland Sports Ground No. 2 Sunday 26th, 3:00pm
Cronulla vs. BYE
ROUND 12 Stadium Day / Time
Weekend of 1-2 June
Auckland vs. Illawarra Mt Smart No. 2 Saturday 1st, 1:00pm
North Sydney vs. Cronulla Leichhardt Oval Saturday 1st, 1:30pm
Canterbury vs. Newtown Belmore Sports Ground Saturday 1st, 3:00pm
Windsor vs. Wests Tigers Windsor Sporting Complex Saturday 1st, 6:00pm
Wyong vs. Manly Morrie Breen Oval Sunday 2nd, 3:00pm
Newcastle vs. Wentworthville Sports Ground No. 2 Sunday 2nd, 3:00pm
Mounties vs. BYE
ROUND 13 Stadium Day / Time
Weekend of 8-9 June
Auckland vs. Manly Mt Smart Stadium Sunday 9th, 12:00pm
Newcastle vs. Illawarra Hunter Stadium Saturday 8th, 1:30pm
North Sydney vs. Canterbury North Sydney Oval Saturday 8th, 3:00pm
Cronulla vs. Mounties Toyota Stadium Saturday 8th, 3:00pm
Wentworthville vs. Wests Tigers Ringrose Park Sunday 9th, 3:00pm
Newtown vs. Windsor Pioneer Oval, Parkes Sunday 9th, 3:00pm
Wyong vs. BYE
ROUND 14 Stadium Day / Time
Weekend of 15-16 June
Wests Tigers vs. Canterbury Leichhardt Oval Saturday 15th, 1:30pm
Cronulla vs. Wentworthville Toyota Stadium Saturday 15th, 3:00pm
Illawarra vs. Mounties WIN Stadium Saturday 15th, 3:00pm
Windsor vs. Auckland Windsor Sporting Complex Saturday 15th, 6:00pm
Wyong vs. Newtown Morrie Breen Oval Sunday 16th, 3:00pm
Newcastle vs. North Sydney Sports Ground No. 2 Sunday 16th, 3:00pm
Manly vs. BYE
ROUND 15 Stadium Day / Time
Weekend of 22-23 June
Wests Tigers vs. Auckland Campbelltown Stadium Saturday 22nd, 3:00pm
Illawarra vs. Wyong WIN Stadium Saturday 22nd, 3:00pm
Newtown vs. Cronulla Henson Park Saturday 22nd, 3:00pm
Mounties vs. Wentworthville Mounties Complex Saturday 22nd, 3:00pm
Canterbury vs. Manly Belmore Sports Ground Saturday 22nd, 3:00pm
North Sydney vs. Windsor North Sydney Oval Sunday 23rd, 3:00pm
Newcastle vs. BYE
ROUND 16 Stadium Day / Time
Weekend of 29-30 June
Wests Tigers vs. Newcastle Leichhardt Oval Saturday 29th, 1:30pm
Manly vs. Windsor Brookvale Oval Saturday 29th, 3:00pm
Mounties vs. Newtown Mounties Complex Saturday 29th, 3:00pm
Wyong vs. Canterbury Morrie Breen Oval Sunday 30th, 3:00pm
Auckland vs. Cronulla Mt Smart Stadium Sunday 30th, 12:00pm
North Sydney vs. Illawarra North Sydney Oval Sunday 30th, 3:00pm
Wentworthville vs. BYE
ROUND 17 Stadium Day / Time
Weekend of 6-7 July
Illawarra vs. Manly WIN Jubilee Kogarah Saturday 6th, 1:30pm
Canterbury vs. Newcastle Belmore Sports Ground Saturday 6th, 3:00pm
Wests Tigers vs. Mounties Campbelltown Stadium Saturday 6th, 3:00pm
Cronulla vs. Windsor Toyota Stadium Saturday 6th, 3:00pm
Newtown vs. Wentworthville Henson Park Saturday 6th, 3:00pm
Wyong vs. North Sydney Morrie Breen Oval Sunday 7th, 3:00pm
Auckland vs. BYE
Weekend of 13-14 July
Wentworthville vs. Manly Parramatta Stadium Saturday 13th, 1:30pm
NSW Cup Rep Team V QLD Cup Rep Team
at ANZ Stadium - ORIGIN III
ROUND 19 Stadium Day / Time
Weekend of 20-21 July
Windsor vs. Canterbury Leichhardt Oval Saturday 20th, 1:30pm
Mounties vs. Newcastle Mounties Complex Saturday 20th, 3:00pm
Newtown vs. Auckland Henson Park Saturday 20th, 3.00pm
Cronulla vs. Illawarra Toyota Stadium Saturday 20th, 3:00pm
Wyong vs. Wests Tigers Morrie Breen Oval Sunday 21st, 3:00pm
Wentworthville vs. Manly Moved to Round 18
North Sydney vs. BYE
ROUND 20 Stadium Day / Time
Weekend of 27-28 July
Illawarra vs. Auckland WIN Stadium Saturday 27th, 3:00pm
Manly vs. Wyong Brookvale Oval Saturday 27th, 3:00pm
Mounties vs. Canterbury Mounties Complex Saturday 27th, 3:00pm
Windsor vs. Newtown Windsor Sporting Complex Saturday 27th, 6:00pm
Newcastle vs. Cronulla Sports Ground No. 2 Sunday 28th, 3:00pm
Wentworthville vs. North Sydney Ringrose Park Sunday 28th, 3:00pm
Wests Tigers vs. BYE
ROUND 21 Stadium Day / Time
Weekend of 3-4 August
Auckland vs. Wentworthville Mt Smart No. 2 Saturday 3rd, 1:00pm
Illawarra vs Canterbury WIN Stadium Saturday 3rd, 3:00pm
North Sydney vs Mounties North Sydney Oval Saturday 3rd, 3:00pm
Cronulla vs. Wyong Toyota Stadium Saturday 3rd, 3:00pm
Newtown vs. Wests Tigers Henson Park Saturday 3rd, 3:00pm
Windsor vs. Newcastle Windsor Sporting Complex Saturday 3rd, 6:00pm
Manly vs. BYE
ROUND 22 Stadium Day / Time
Weekend of 10-11 August
Auckland vs. Canterbury Mt Smart No. 2 Saturday 10th, 1:00pm
Wests Tigers vs. Cronulla Campbelltown Stadium Saturday 10th, 3:00pm
Manly vs. Newtown Brookvale Oval Saturday 10th, 3:00pm
Windsor vs. Wentworthville Windsor Sporting Complex Saturday 10th, 6:00pm
Wyong vs. Mounties Morrie Breen Oval Sunday 11th, 3:00pm
North Sydney vs. Newcastle North Sydney Oval Sunday 11th, 3:00pm
Illawarra vs. BYE
ROUND 23 Stadium Day / Time
Weekend of 17-18 August
Mounties vs. Illawarra Mounties Complex Saturday 17th, 3:00pm
Canterbury vs. Cronulla Belmore Sports Ground Saturday 17th, 3:00pm
Manly vs. Wests Tigers Brookvale Oval Saturday 17th, 3:00pm
Newcastle vs. Newtown Sports Ground No. 2 Saturday 17th, 3:00pm
Windsor vs. North Sydney Windsor Sporting Complex Saturday 17th, 6:00pm
Wyong vs. Auckland Morrie Breen Oval Sunday 18th, 3:00pm
Wentworthville vs. BYE
ROUND 24 Stadium Day / Time
Weekend of 24-25 August
Cronulla vs. Manly Toyota Stadium Saturday 24th, 3:00pm
Illawarra vs. Newcastle WIN Stadium Saturday 24th, 3:00pm
Newtown vs. Wyong Henson Park Saturday 24th, 3:00pm
Mounties vs. Windsor Mounties Complex Saturday 24th, 3:00pm
Wests Tigers vs. North Sydney Campbelltown Stadium Saturday 24th, 3:00pm
Wentworthville vs. Auckland Ringrose Park Sunday 25th, 3:00pm
Canterbury vs. BYE
ROUND 25 Stadium Day / Time
Weekend of 31 August 1 September
Auckland vs. Mounties Mt Smart No. 2 Saturday 31st, 1:00pm
Illawarra vs. Wests Tigers WIN Stadium Saturday 31st, 3:00pm
Manly vs. North Sydney Brookvale Oval Saturday 31st, 3:00pm
Canterbury vs. Windsor Belmore Sports Ground Saturday 31st, 3:00pm
Wentworthville vs. Cronulla Ringrose Park Sunday 1st, 3:00pm
Newcastle vs. Wyong Sports Ground No. 2 Sunday 1st, 3:00pm
Newtown vs. BYE
ROUND 26 Stadium Day / Time
Weekend of 7-8 September
North Sydney vs. Auckland North Sydney Oval Saturday 7th, 3:00pm
Newtown vs. Canterbury Henson Park Saturday 7th, 3:00pm
Newcastle vs. Manly Sports Ground No. 2 Saturday 7th, 3:00pm
Mounties vs. Wests Tigers Mounties Complex Saturday 7th, 3:00pm
Windsor vs. Wyong Windsor Sporting Complex Saturday 7th, 6:00pm
Wentworthville vs. Illawarra Ringrose Park Sunday 8th, 3:00pm
Cronulla vs. BYE
FINAL SERIES - Week 1 Stadium Day / Time
Weekend of 14-15 September
1 Qualifier 1 vs. Qualifier 4 (Quarterfinal 1)
2 Qualifier 5 vs. Qualifier 8 (Quarterfinal 2)
3 Qualifier 6 vs. Qualifier 7 (Quarterfinal 3)
4 Qualifier 2 vs. Qualifier 3 (Quarterfinal 4)
Semi Finals
Sunday 22 September
S1 Loser Quarterfinal 1 vs. Winner Quaterfinal 2 (Semi-Final 1)
S2 Loser Quarterfinal 4 vs. Winner Quaterfinal 3 (Semi-Final 2)
Preliminary Finals
Sunday 29 September
P1 Winner of Quarterfinal 1 vs. Winner of Semi Final 2 (PF 1)
P2 Winner of Quarterfinal 4 vs. Winner of Semi Final 1 (PF 2)
Grand Final
Sunday 6 October
GF Winner PF 1 vs.Winner PF 2