Yesterday afternoon around quater to 5 I pulled up in my wife's car in the street that the Rhodes shopping centre is in.
First thing I noticed was a black Ferrari parked on the other side of the road, I wasnt in line with it I was at least 3 car lengths away & on the other side of the road. Next thing I notice, was 2 guys talking to each other standing in front of the Ferrari.
Then 1 of the guys walks across the road to the side I am on & walks to the passanger side of a black 2 door Mercedes with wing doors, he opens the passanger side wing door & leans into the car, 2 cars were in front of me so I couldnt see what he was doing but then he is back out of the Merc with a little gift bag (yellow with flowers on it) they have a rope type handle, anyway he crosses back over the road walking past the other guy still standing in front of the Ferrari, walking around to the passanger side of the Ferrari & leaning in through the open window placing the bag onto the passanger floor,
He then walks back to the front of the Ferrari they shake hands, the Ferrari owner jumps into the Ferrari & drives off whilst the other guy crosses back over the road & jumps into the passanger side of the Merc & it pulls out of the parking spot & cruises off.
I just could not believe what i just witnessed.
First thing I noticed was a black Ferrari parked on the other side of the road, I wasnt in line with it I was at least 3 car lengths away & on the other side of the road. Next thing I notice, was 2 guys talking to each other standing in front of the Ferrari.
Then 1 of the guys walks across the road to the side I am on & walks to the passanger side of a black 2 door Mercedes with wing doors, he opens the passanger side wing door & leans into the car, 2 cars were in front of me so I couldnt see what he was doing but then he is back out of the Merc with a little gift bag (yellow with flowers on it) they have a rope type handle, anyway he crosses back over the road walking past the other guy still standing in front of the Ferrari, walking around to the passanger side of the Ferrari & leaning in through the open window placing the bag onto the passanger floor,
He then walks back to the front of the Ferrari they shake hands, the Ferrari owner jumps into the Ferrari & drives off whilst the other guy crosses back over the road & jumps into the passanger side of the Merc & it pulls out of the parking spot & cruises off.
I just could not believe what i just witnessed.