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Grubs cover up

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  • #46
    Heres what i think really stands out.....

    The extent that the South hierarchy went in covering up all this. The drug testing incident in the Souths juniors car park. WTF?? Thats going above and beyond cheating.

    Whats Greenberg doing privately messaging Burgess giving him the all clear when all players were getting stood down when being investigated? If i remember correctly it was the week of a semi final against the Roosters. That girl who made the complaint being given the cold shoulder by the Souths club.... then the NRL integrity unit. Is that how to treat a womans complaint?

    The Australian have covered there arse in releasing the story- they got police statements, copies of exchanged text messages, doctors prescriptions, chemists receipts...this investigation was really thorough.

    To think Souths got Burgess medically retired to get salary cap relief. To think that Burgess was planing on making a comeback next year!!


    • #47
      Originally posted by Random Rooster View Post
      Heres what i think really stands out.....

      The extent that the South hierarchy went in covering up all this. The drug testing incident in the Souths juniors car park. WTF?? Thats going above and beyond cheating.

      Whats Greenberg doing privately messaging Burgess giving him the all clear when all players were getting stood down when being investigated? If i remember correctly it was the week of a semi final against the Roosters. That girl who made the complaint being given the cold shoulder by the Souths club.... then the NRL integrity unit. Is that how to treat a womans complaint?

      The Australian have covered there arse in releasing the story- they got police statements, copies of exchanged text messages, doctors prescriptions, chemists receipts...this investigation was really thorough.

      To think Souths got Burgess medically retired to get salary cap relief. To think that Burgess was planing on making a comeback next year!!
      Probably thought he had gotten away with it.

      Thanks for the memories Sammy. We will NEVER forget you!

      Bye Sammy... bye!


      • #48
        [QUOTE=Salvatori Grubber; While I think there's merit in the idea that a mining industry CEO might be a narcissist or psychopath, your claim is entirely baseless.

        With respect, my remarks are observations/speculation not claims Salvo. Along with Mickie, Skeez and Tesla you are one of the more thoughtful contributers to this site and I thought that your earlier comment had a similar element of healthy skepticism re News Ltd.

        To others, this is a problem for Souths but is not one caused by them. If they have been careful re the media (and the article shows no link with to the Club in anything that transpired) that would be no different to any other club's approach. As another poster commented, Joey was a handful for years and is now a News Corp "Immortal". Double standards when the "reputation" of an "establishment", climate change denier is involved?


        • #49
          Sam isn’t listed in the Foxsports bios.
          Neither is Cooper Cronk though.
’ll be interesting to see


          • #50

            Agreed. I hate the guy but know all too well that when your marriage goes to shyte, all the knives come out.

            Not promoting it but cheating on your Mrs + staying away from her after a bad loss while self-medicating with eccies doesn't mean you've committed any crimes against her. The advice my lawyer gave me when my ex was constantly calling the cops with wild DV claims was 'GET OUT OF THERE WHEN YOU SENSE AN ARGUMENT!!! STAY WITH A FRIEND OR WHATEVER BUT DON'T HO IN AND TRY TO SORT IT OUT WITH HER... YOU WANNA AVOID ANY SITUATION WHERE IT'S YOUR WORD AGAINST HERS!!!'

            Definitely wait for the courts to decide whether Burgess arguing with her father (a powerful businessman who I'm guessing isn't foreign to challenging physical altercations) is considered an assault. The guy's a d!ckhead but one reason why I have faith in our court system is that even d!ckheads deserve a fair trial. I mean hey I'm a d!ckhead... ask any of my ex's. Hint... it's not a crime to be a d!ckhead or to argue with your ex during a break-up.[/QUOTE}

            Yep proves it you are a dickhead . Dv a\of any kind and any nature is a crime and rightly so . Ask Hannah Baxters parents or siblings
            Last edited by Rooster1908; 10-02-2020, 12:54 PM.


            • #51
              Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post
              Just goes to show the effect of a thumping in an elimination final.

              Seriously though, the whole report reminds me of the old saying, "Is this true or did you read it in The Australian". What it seems to be, for the most part, is not so much an "investigative report" but a rehash of Court documents relating to the AVO and, no doubt, to Family Court proceedings. It's full of Hear/Say and subjective accounts and, in the manner of these things, very little will carry any evidentiary weight at a future hearing.

              For the skeptics among us, Mitch Hooke is the cynical, ruthless ex head of the rent seeking Minerals Council of Australia (Gina's outfit) and the dishonest job that he did on the Super profits mining tax shows that his style is boots'n'all, destroy the enemy at all costs. Importantly, someone of his "stature" and ego won't be risking a negative result on the AVO claim - Mitch a liar? Come..come.. Best to head that off by appealing to the Court of Public Opinion via mates at News Corp.

              Apart from that, the dick pic incident would have been an unwelcome reflection on HIS family and that arrogant ego as well and my guess is that he wants ol' Sam gone completely - no chance of shared custody or, maybe, any contact at all.

              Anyone who has been through a family break up, especially when a trouble making third party is heavily involved, knows that things can get highly emotional and often booze and alcohol gets into the mix. The Australian had no business publishing this salacious, one sided account of a family in turmoil, there's no public interest issue. It is a very sad personal matter and, perhaps, the real villainy will never come to light.
              Why does it seem when Dv and breakups come to light , some people find a way to defend the indefensible . Blaming the father in law . drawing a long bow there old mate.


              • #52
                Lol. Sam’s such a prankster. This was only 2 weeks ago
                Sam Burgess couldn’t resist a classic pest move when he saw former Rabbitohs teammate Damien Cook flash up live on NRL 360 on Tuesday night.
      ’ll be interesting to see


                • #53
                  [QUOTE=Paddo Colt 61;n850350]
                  Originally posted by Salvatori Grubber; While I think there's merit in the idea that a mining industry CEO might be a narcissist or psychopath, your claim is entirely baseless.

                  With respect, my remarks are observations/speculation not claims Salvo. Along with Mickie, Skeez and Tesla you are one of the more thoughtful contributers to this site and I thought that your earlier comment had a similar element of healthy skepticism re News Ltd.

                  To others, this is a problem for Souths but is not one caused by them.[/B] If they have been careful re the media (and the article shows no link with to the Club in anything that transpired) that would be no different to any other club's approach. As another poster commented, Joey was a handful for years and is now a News Corp "Immortal". Double standards when the "reputation" of an "establishment", climate change denier is involved?
                  When you condone and allow one issue further problems arise . It is there responsibility to stop problems before they occur . Its called duty of care . What if he seriously hurt his wife and kids and they could have prevented it


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Paddo Colt 61 View Post

                    Seriously though, the whole report reminds me of the old saying, "Is this true or did you read it in The Australian". What it seems to be, for the most part, is not so much an "investigative report" but a rehash of Court documents relating to the AVO and, no doubt, to Family Court proceedings. It's full of Hear/Say and subjective accounts and, in the manner of these things, very little will carry any evidentiary weight at a future hearing.
                    Its way too detailed and backed up with solid evidence to be totally made up


                    • #55
                      Yes folks, Sam is the victim here.

                      None of this would have happened were it not for climate change, News Ltd and the Tele.

                      Thanks PC61 for clarifying that.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by The Brain View Post

                        Andrew Johns did the same thing his whole career and the club covered him up .
                        What put the safety of his loved ones and unborn child at risk?

                        I don’t think so


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by The Lip View Post

                          What put the safety of his loved ones and unborn child at risk?

                          I don’t think so
                          Drugs puts everyone at risk.
                          FVCK CANCER


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by rented tracksuit View Post

                            Drugs puts everyone at risk.
                            I've heard of double dumping but 6 pingers at once is madness.
                            The timing of this article on the eve of the finals is questionable but if true that doctor writing out prescriptions in false names would be in serious trouble.


                            • #59
                              [QUOTE=Random Rooster;
                              Its way too detailed and backed up with solid evidence to be totally made up.

                              Not saying it's made up Random but what you read in the very poorly written report is what you see in any affidavit - detailed sure, all manner of allegations but none of them "proof" of anything. Courts are well aware of the ulterior motive element. For example, the reference to Sam being off with Luke cavorting with young women refers, as I recall, to a time after the separation had been announced. The older brother taking Sam out of a conflict situation and the brave face that went with it is entirely understandable but the article suggests that husband and wife were still together.

                              Luke's role elsewhere is consistent with that older brother role. I can see him being a shattered Sam's back up in very heated situations. We don't hear anything objective about the other side's behaviour, that is in the nature of affidavits.


                              • #60
                                player 1;Yes folks, Sam is the victim here.

                                None of this would have happened were it not for climate change, News Ltd and the Tele.

                                Thanks PC61 for clarifying that.

                                Pretty fair comment for once Player. There's hope for you yet.

